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ENTERPRISE Season Two Spoilers!!

I am – Hercules!!

Some reliable spoilage on “Shockwave Part Two,” the second-season “Enterprise” opener, has crossed our desks.

Last season’s finale ended with Archer - and the agent of the future he knows as “Daniels” - stranded among a devastated city in Archer’s far future.

* In this bleak, altered future 900 years beyond Archer’s time, the Federation that Kirk, Picard, Sisko and Janeway served never existed. (We are left to wonder if Daniels didn’t ruin the timelime by plucking Archer from the Enterprise at such a critical moment.) Archer, of course, doesn’t know what Daniels is talking about - in Archer's time, the Federation hasn't yet been founded.

* Moments after Archer is propelled into the far future, the Suliban cabal leader Silik will board the Enterprise, anxious to find Archer and ensure that the all-important stolen discs haven’t been duplicated. Silik holds a disrupter to Hoshi’s skull in an effort to get answers.

* At first Silik doesn’t believe the crew when they tell him they don’t know where Archer is. But soon Silik finds an hour-old “temporal signature” in the Turbolift from which Archer vanished, and begins to believe. He orders the entire Enterprise shut down, save for the bridge and engineering, and the crew confined to quarters.

* Starfleet and the Vulcans become agitated when the Enterprise is three days overdue for its first return to Earth.

* For the first time ever, Silik will have difficulty using the temporal chamber to make contact with his master, FutureGuy. (We are left to wonder if FutureGuy wasn’t somehow wiped out along with the Federation.)

* Fresh from a harrowing onboard skirmish, Hoshi Sato will arrive at armory officer Malcolm Reed’s quarters filthy, sweat-soaked – and topless. He’ll find her cupping her breasts as if preparing for a magazine cover shoot.

* After Silik, desperate for further instructions, fails to make contact with FutureGuy, he issues this ominous order to a henchman: “Have the surgeons prepare. Then bring me the Vulcan!”

* Soon after, Suliban soldiers patrolling the captured Enterprise will discover T’Pol slumped in a corridor, mumbling incoherantly and seemingly unaware of her surroundings. They begin kicking her in the ribs when she’s doesn’t obey their orders to stand.

“Shockwave Part Two” is set to air 8 p.m. Sept. 18 on UPN.

I am – Hercules!!

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