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Phillip K Dick's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE in development'

Hey folks, Harry here... Seems that Brandon Easton is looking to break out from the world of Comics into the world of film, and frankly a film based on Phillip K Dick's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE would just fucking kickass! I'm ALL FOR IT! I love alternative history storytelling and what if books... I'll blame Stan Lee and Marvel for that... I just get a hankering for this sort of material and this was Dick's first real novel to show the world what he could do... What I love is that the story isn't necessarily about the setting, it just takes place in it, so as a result it isn't about a cadre of Americans trying to take back the country... that ain't gonna happen, something else is up entirely and... well, go read the book or wait for a movie. If anyone out there knows the latest on this, drop us a line!

Hello Harry,

Long time reader, first time emailer!

I don't know if this would be of any interest to you. But recently, one of our people got their hands on a script and a concept from a comic book writer guy named Brandon M. Easton. He does a comic book called ARKANIUM from Dream-something press.

By the way, I work in NYC at an "undisclosed" agency that has a home base office in L.A.

Apparently, he adapted a screenplay from a novel called THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE written by Phillip K. Dick (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Screamers) and people think its awesome. I don't know if he had the rights to the novel but, luckily, one our guys here is fairly literature of sci-fi and he has been saying that its a cross between BRAZIL and an alternate future Harry Turtledove novel where the Axis powers win WWII.

Also, I managed to get my hands on his pitches. Check this out...

EMBRACE: Genre (psychological thriller/crime/sci-fi/horror) -- A detective stumbles onto a massive supernatural conspiracy that begins with a psychiatrist who manipulates her patients into criminal activity with an outlawed drug. LOG LINE: Cross between 100 BULLETS/X-FILES.

Pretty cool eh? I don't know where this is going, but I tell you that EMBRACE would make one hell of an HBO series...

Well, until next time, FRANKIE THE GREY signing out...

Take care Harry...

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