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Fantasia attendee has a FREAK OUT and he likes it!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a little review in from the amazing sounding Fantasia film festival. I've heard Moriarty sing the praises of this fest for a couple years now and it sounds like this year was even better than usual! Below we have a review of a little flick that played there called FREAK OUT, which sounds like it could be really fun. Give it a read!

Doing the FanTasia thing still and I’ve just checked out a little British movie called “FREAK OUT”. 2 words; f*king hilarious. This film comes over like a movie scrapbook lovingly slapped together by an 80's gore geek, who sacrifised the Prom to catch a Jason takes Manhattan and Dreamwarriors double-bill.

The screening was presented by three of the filmmaker ‘chaps’ who explained the pocket-change budget of the film and that although shot on 16mm film, we would be watching off DV tape.

Basically the story is a would-be psycho comes back to avenge himself but ends up at the wrong house and falls into the hands of Merv – a nerdy genre nut who decides to train him up (his bedroom is wiked and covered in horror movie junk). Seeing that this film was made on an El Mariachi budget I was very surprised at how acomplished it was, the editng and filming was great (watch out for the Evil Dead granny) and the comedy acting was better than anything in a bland Hollywood comedy, I’d say it was even better and more original than Club Dread which I really enjoyed. I’ve never seen such a small budget stretched so far.

However budget restraints does rear it’s ugly head once or twice with a coupla of funky shots here and there and some Plan 9 worthy props, but most of the time it works in its favor, like dead alive and meet the feebles. Some of the jokes are so random and inspired it reminded me of Monty python stuff or even John Waters. If you’re a 100% gore addict u might be disappointed at the lack of blood fx, but the insane finale (featuring a salami, tons of slime and a giant JR??!) more than make sup for it with a gross giant spatula disembowling!!!

The crowd seemed to love it I’ve NEVER! Seen a movie go down so well on such a late time slot. I was pretty tired myself, then the movie starts 45 minutes late!! I’m thinking ‘Should I bother?’ luckily I stuck it out. Once I was in a watching FREAK OUT time flew by. An out and out blast with one or two little flaws.

Overall I would say that this is amongst the best films I’ve seen at this year’s Fantasia and it is without doubt one of the funniest and I hope it comes out on release or dvd. And I got a free bum-feeler button!

As a horror movie I’ d give it 3 ½ out of 5. As a comedy I’d give “FREAK OUT”; 4 ½ out of 5.

Seeing “SUSPECT ZERO” this Sunday so I’ll send you my thoughts,

Dingbat Charlie.

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