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ROTS trailer everywhere!!! AOL, HYPERSPACE and ACCESS HOLLYWOOD have unleashed the insanity!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here, taking my first break since being unleashed upon Los Angeles. I'll fill you in on why I'm here later, but I've gotten nearly 100 emails about the ROTS trailer, so, for the sake of my mailbox if nothing else, here is the article.

As of right now, AOL has put it up on their website for AOL members: YOU NEED TO SIGN IN AND BE AN AOL MEMBER TO SEE IT! I KNOW THAT SUCKS, BUT IT'S AN OPTION FOR A LOT OF YOU OUT THERE!!!

I know putting up a Hyperspace link is a bit ridiculous because if you put the fat money into Lucas' palm for that service then you're up on what's going on and have probably watched it 400 times over, but here it is: RIGHT HERE AT STARWARS.COM!

Access Hollywood has also shown the trailer and posted it up on their website, which is probably the only place to get it for free at this exact moment of the day, although my computer won't play it because of some mime file error. Here it is: CLICK IT HERE, BUT BEWARNED... YOU'LL MORE THAN LIKELY HAVE TO SEE A FEW DUMB, VACANT EYED TALKING HEADS, BUT IT'S WORTH IT!

And, of course, you can see it on the big screen with THE INCREDIBLES starting tomorrow. I'd almost recommend that more, especially if your only option to see it right now is the Access Hollywood bit. Also, keep an eye for the talkback below. I'm sure someone will post a link to the mirror of the high quality QT ones.

My opinion of the trailer, from the standpoint of someone who doesn't want to trust Lucas again because the last two times actually hurt... I can't tell you how much it hurts me to hear C-3PO say "What a drag" and "I'm beside myself!" I had promised that I wasn't going to get my hopes up, especially based on a trailer, but after watching the ROTS trailer a couple dozen times I have to say Lucas has gotten me excited again. Like a beaten cat, I still can't be 100% enthusiastic for the film, but goddamn... The Emperor with the lightsaber... especially in freeze-frame... hooo-wee. Goddamn, you Lucas! I'm excited for Episode 3 again, something I didn't think would happen, so kudos for Lucas and his trailer cutters. Now, he just better not fuck up the movie! What do you folks think?

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