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With Mediocrity Behind, Goyer Races Ahead In THE FLASH!

Hey folks, Harry here... God I miss Danny Elfman's FLASH tv theme... I remember each time it came on I was giddy in anticipation... and really loved the show. I think mainly it was because it wasn't BATMAN, SUPERMAN or WONDER WOMAN - cuz that's pretty much all that WB had on it's cinematic and television mind set before then.

Now, I know I shit all over Goyer's BLADE TRINITY, but I will say this... While it was a steaming pile, I also feel the character didn't have any life in him anymore. Wesley famously was unwilling to go anywhere new or daring with the character - so he had the inenviable task of somehow adding something interesting around a stagnant unmoving character. Meanwhile, all the action common with that franchise had been done to the umpteenth by the Wachowskis, Zhang Yimou and others. Frankly, I would have brought in Morbius, the Living Vampire in that snazzy red and blue black outfit with heroin hair, oversized eyes and alabaster skin. Alas.

So, let's quickly forget BLADE TRINITY and concentrate on what is bright in Goyer's future... the BATMAN BEGINS movie, which he did in fact write a pretty wonderful script for. Then there was his GHOST RIDER, which frankly was his best script period. Only to be completely discarded in favor of whatever Mark Steven Johnson is doing with it.

So now... Goyer has THE FLASH as his next pet project. Will he be fighting the blue parka CAPTAIN COLD and that Thermal Suit wearing HEATWAVE? How about MIRROR MASTER? Or GRODD, I vote for GORILLA GRODD!!! Of course STAR SAPPHIRE was plenty hot! OR hell, just throw him up against the ROGUES.

I just hope CENTRAL CITY stays in Missouri where it belongs... or that they give him his treadmill so he can run back into time. Heh. I don't envy Goyer this project. Of all the DC heroes - FLASH has perhaps the silliest rogue's gallery. The coolest is GORILLA GROD. Hands down! Have Grodd capture the secret mind powers of the mild mannered super genius gorilla in C.C.'s Zoo - taking it back to GORILLA CITY deep in the secret heart of Africa, where a super race of Gorilla's have a utopian society being taken over by this rogue GRODD! Hehehehe... See, I told ya the FLASH was silly. But damn if I didn't love it!

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