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Jay Russell to helm the big fantasy film, THE WATER HORSE for Revolution!

Hey folks, Harry here with the latest fantasy to hit the pipe headed for a silver screen near you and me. Seems that magic 13th film, which will be the last film in REVOLUTION STUDIOS' existing deal with Sony will be THE WATER HORSE based on a juvenile fantasy novel by Dick King-Smith. Jay Russell (last seen helming LADDER 49) will be directing off of Robert Nelson Jacobs's script. Apparently they've wrapped up Weta Digital and Weta Workshop to handle the visual effects for the film, which will shoot down in New Zealand beginning in May of this year.

Here's what AMAZON had to say about the story:

Set in the 1930s, this story tells of a young Scottish girl, Kirstie, and her brother, Angus, who find a mysterious egg capsule washed up on shore after a storm and take it home. To their delight, this "mermaid's purse" hatches into a lovable sea monster they call Crusoe. It keeps growing and growing, until finally it is too big to live anywhere but in nearby Loch Ness.

Sounds like a fun children's tale, wonder if they'll keep it set in the 30's? We'll see.

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