love Rainn
The Shrute is a funny fucker:)
i dont even care
every store you went to in my town had free tickets to the rocker. and they couldn't give them away. not sure why its not being promoted more by the studio, but film has about a zero buzz factor going for it currently.
Bay needs to stop doing everyone else's job and get on with his own job of trying to make a film that isn't utter shit. Sadly that's beyond Bay's talents, so instead he'll just keep hassling the focus puller.
I'm sure TINO2 will be more of the same badly designed robots doing the same unfunny jokes to a background of explosions, car crashes and product placement.
Hurry, Rainn. Time's almost up.
Yes, I'm sure having one of the lead roles in one of the highest-rated television shows out there is clearly the sign of a career that is about to fall apart. Let me repeat - fuck off.
I live in Dallas and had no clue this was happening... Oh well should hit DVD in about three weeks.
at the Sasquatch Music Festival up in Washington. It was cool to just see the guy being himself in front of thousands of people, just goofing off and killing time.
Dwight is definitely the best character in the Office. The episode where he takes Ryan to his beet farm is probably one of the funniest things I have ever watched on television.
I live in the Dallas area as well, and only found out about the screenings because I work with a girl who's a huge fan of Teddy Geiger. She gave us some passes and told us to add the film's page to our MySpace friends. The Myspace thing moved us up to the front of the line at the theater and we got free T-shirts and drumsticks. (The line was actually really long at the theater we went to). The movie was enjoyable, and Rainn wilson was great, but it's probably just going to be lost in the Superhero summer of 2008.
Damn You Michael Bay
Are you the official AICN interview guy or do you just go out and get them on your own? You seem to have pretty good access.
Hes amazing in The Office. That Ninja film sounds fucking sweet.
But of course you wont post. Damn dirty spammer!!! FILTHY SPAMMING WHOREQUE!!!
can you at least post who made it in if you're not sending emails...
where'd you hear that?
I'm guessing that's probably because you made it up. Am I close?
'A friend that does lighting on The Office'. Oh please. Your mother does lighting on The Office.
Where Dwight talks about what his ideal girlfriend would be and what his perfect date would be.
Rainn seems like a genuinely nice guy. He may have diva moments on set, but he's a fucking actor. That's what they do. I'm not sure that qualifies him for "biggest prick on the planet".
That said, "The Rocker" looks like the poor man's "School of Rock", but I'll probably rent it, anyway. Why the fuck is this movie not already in production!?!?!
Easy there, champ. The only point I was making is that he plays the same character in everything he does. Yes, I know lots of actors do that. Michael Cera, for example. The difference is, the one and only character Rainn Wilson plays is not someone I can relate to. Can you honestly say you know someone like Dwight? No, he's clearly the product of a writer's fertile mind and that's it. He doesn't resonate on a deeper level, like Michael Cera did on Arrested Development. Who doesn't know an awkward teenager with raging hormones and no idea what to do with them?
I don't exclusively do interviews, but for a while that was my niche here. Harry doesn't like doing them and only does them on special occasions. Capone probably has me matched in terms of regular interviews on the site nowadays, if not completely in the lead.
But once you start doing interviews and get to meet people and get to know the guys setting them up, you tend to get a lot of offers. Trying to sort through Comic-Con right now and it's a little on the crazy side...
The truth.
And she's wearing short-shorts. Hell, I'm vaugely consdering sitting through "The House Bunny" just to see more of her.