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Here's a hi-res look at Zombie's unMyers!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Listen, I had my bouts with Rob Zombie over his script and eventual remake of John Carpenter's immortal HALLOWEEN. I got angry with Zombie last time because if anyone should have gotten what made HALLOWEEN work it should have been him. If you've seen him talk about the original he gets it. He knows better. But when you're remaking a classic you're in a tough spot. You do a straightforward remake, then what's the point? But if you stray too far from the material it just feels like you're a grave robber, violating the corpse of someone beloved. I hated his film just as much as I hated the script. Zombie managed to somehow stray too far and follow the original too closely. That takes real talent. But for some reason I think I'm going to have fun with H2. It might not be the fun Zombie intends, though. The last trailer looked good until that crazy white-cake make-up monster showed up. I don't know... now that he's not messing with the Myers backstory I think it'll be easier for me to enjoy this for what it is... I'm expecting a trainwreck, but at least Zombie seems to be swinging for the fences. If it's good, I'll enjoy myself. If it's as bad as I think it's going to be, it'll be it's own special kind of fun. So, win-win for me this time around. All that said, let's get a good look at angry Tyler Mane as bag-lady Michael Myers! (click to make big)

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