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There's A MACHETE Script Review Online!!

Merrick here...
Latino Review has a write-up of the script to MACHETE, which they say...
...plays out exactly like you’d expect the 90 minute extended cut of the two minute trailer to play out.
In case you've never seen the trailer they're referring to, it was gag filmed to run before Robert Rodriguez's PLANET TERROR segment of GRINDHOUSE. It's now being expanded into a feature film starring Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan , Michelle Rodriguez, Jeff Fahey, Cheech Marin, Steven Seagal, and Don Johnson Here's the trailer they're expanding (NSFW)...
LR's script review goes on to state:
...there isn’t a single hook in this story you can hang your hat on. It’s too silly. Too simplistic. Too dumb. Even at a reader-friendly 88 pages this script feels 50 pages too long. I guess the ultimate question is, how long can you keep people interested in a man racing around cutting people up with a machete? 10 minutes for some? 80 for another? The answer will be different for every moviegoer. But while the gluttonous Fast Food film aficionados whoop it up with their tub of popcorn in the front row on opening day, the majority of the audience is going to be checking their watches going, “What the fuck am I watching here?”
Not having read the script, I can't comment with any degree of insight or authority - but the above clipping suggests that, perhaps, the reviewer is missing the point here. Or not understanding that a MACHETE movie isn't supposed to have any particular point? I may end up being very wrong here, but this strikes me as one of the ultimate "it is what it is" projects. So far, I haven't sensed that it's being presented otherwise. You can find the full review HERE!

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