Ain't It Cool News (

To Fox News: You Lie!!

I am – Hercules!!
Over photos of a Saturday "anti-tax" rally in Washington, a new Fox News ad asks: "How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?" The ad -- placed by the News Corp.-owned channel in the Washington Post as well as the News Corp.-owned Wall Street Journal and New York Post -- features the tagline: “We cover all the news.” From the Associated Press:
Fox's taunt drew immediate reaction from the other networks, all of whom quickly offered up descriptions, transcripts of news reports and video proof of their rally coverage. Some denounced Fox for falsehoods.
From the Washington Post:
ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider described the ad as "outrageous and false." NBC spokeswoman Lauren Kapp said that "the facts . . . prove it wrong." CNN spokeswoman Edie Emery called the ad "blatantly false."
Michael Tammero, vice president of marketing for Fox News, defended the ad in an email:
"Generally speaking, it's fair to say that from the tea party movement ... to Acorn ... to the march on 9/12, the networks either ignored the story, marginalized it or misrepresented the significance of it altogether."
CNN’s Rick Sanchez expressed his outrage on the air: I’d encourage anyone with an interest in this story to have a look here at “OutFoxed,” an astonishing 2004 documentary which examines how News Corp.-owned media outlets go about their newsgathering. It should be seen by anyone who’s ever watched a News Corp.-owned channel or read a News Corp.-owned publication: Remember also it was News Corp.’s The Sun that on Aug. 26 printed the lie that Megan Fox “has signed” to play Catwoman in Christopher Nolan’s next “Batman” movie. The actress’ publicist and several Warner Bros. executives confirmed within hours of story’s publication that no discussions between Megan Fox and Nolan or the Batman producers had taken place. By all accounts Nolan has not yet written a script for any sequel to “The Dark Knight,” and the director has not yet indicated whether Catwoman would be a character in the next film.
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  • September 19, 2009 12:15 AM CST

    AICN is getting political? Seriously?

    by MSJanke

    You're going to get political here now? Give me a break. FYI: all major media outlets are less-than-honest or make bad mistakes at times. I don't come here for politics and if you start spouting liberal ideology like this on a regular basis I won't come here at all.

  • September 19, 2009 12:17 AM CST

    Oh please

    by DunderMifflinIntern

    Nobody cares about the political views of geeky TV show reviewers. Sorry.

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 AM CST

    what?! fox news is lying??? no way.......

    by eoneon

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 AM CST


    by Jobacca

    Water is also wet and the sky is blue. And according to Faux News,the reason the water is wet and the sky is blue is because the fascist liberal democrats are trying to kill god and give you cancer. Just ask Glenn between crying and fainting,he'll tell you its true!!!

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 AM CST

    fox lies????

    by brabon300

    omg...i didnt know that

    fact is...all wingnuts lie

    they either lie or are too retarded to understand the truth

    the combined iq of the 70k protestors was 100

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 AM CST

    fox lies????

    by brabon300

    omg...i didnt know that

    fact is...all wingnuts lie

    they either lie or are too retarded to understand the truth

    the combined iq of the 70k protestors was 100

  • September 19, 2009 12:20 AM CST

    MSJanke...the post wasnt political

    by brabon300

    it was pointing out that fox is trying to bring in viewers with deceptive advertising

    which should be illegal

    rupert murdoch should go straight to fucking gitmo

  • September 19, 2009 12:22 AM CST


    by robertplant

    Love how you tie it in with Batman. HAHAHA! What a farse.

  • September 19, 2009 12:25 AM CST

    God forbid there is ONE channel...

    by Banshee7

    that doesn't lean to the left. Fox skews right, so what? You people on the left have: CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC and PBS. Calm down.

  • September 19, 2009 12:26 AM CST

    Who the fuck watches FOX NEWS???

    by Jobacca

    I have friends who are conservative and even some who are republican,and no way in hell would they be caught dead watching Faux News. This "channel" doesnt speak for Democrats,Independants,or Republicans...the only demographic it represents is scared trailer-park retards who think shouting the words "Tea Party" makes them patriots on par with Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

  • September 19, 2009 12:36 AM CST

    AICN has always been political

    by br1947

    It's annoying as hell and completely off topic, but this is not even remotely the first political story on here. No one is unbiased, even if they try. The most neutral opinion you'll ever receive on here comes from people who just do not give a fuck either way, they just want to cover entertainment news.

  • September 19, 2009 12:37 AM CST

    What does Fox News have to do with The Sun?

    by futureman3000

    Besides nothing.

  • September 19, 2009 12:37 AM CST

    In other words...

    by nostairway

    Fox News is bragging about coverage of the protests that they helped promote on their network. The only people that even knew these protests were going on were Fox News viewers and talk radio mouth-breathers.

  • September 19, 2009 12:39 AM CST

    I watch Fox News

    by SNForrester

    Sure you can watch The Daily Show and see a couple minutes of Fox News hilarity, but it's better to go straight to the source. It's the most entertaining fake news around.

  • September 19, 2009 12:41 AM CST

    fox - succeeding in keeping you stupid

    by Castiel

    bewildered by how many right wing nutcases there are in the states.

  • September 19, 2009 12:43 AM CST

    Sanchez, indignant?

    by eveelcapitalist

    Hey, Rick, tell us about that time you killed a man after driving home drunk from that Dolphin's game! What? You won't? Oh, gee, that's too bad. And Fox is right, the networks didn't give that protest any airtime except to highlight the odd sign or nutter to make the whole crowd look bad. Then they underreport the crowd size. Yes, the networks missed the story completely. And the ACORN story, and the State Deptartment's bullying of Honduras after their perfectly legal removal of a shitbag corrupt dictator wannabe, and the Justice Department's politicization under Holder and their canceling a slamdunk case against New Black Panther members for civil rights infringements against voters in Pennsylvania and, holy hell the list does go on.

  • September 19, 2009 12:45 AM CST

    By the way...

    by nostairway

    That Rick Sanchez beatdown was priceless.

  • September 19, 2009 12:50 AM CST


    by brabon300

    please...dont tell me that you believe the bs story that there were over 1 mil in that crowd

    and the odd nutter?? the entire crowd was filled with nutters and retards...quick, tell me the diff between a fascist, a communist and a socialist...

    btw, the first report that the crowd was over a mil came from one of you wingnut fucks, lying about what abc had reported...and despite abc stating that they never reported that the crowd was 1 mil, you wingnut fucks kept repeating the lie

    please link me to any reliable source that can show the crowd was over 70k...all wingnut fucks must stand before my death panel,inside my own private fema concentration camp

  • September 19, 2009 12:52 AM CST

    False advertisement lawsuit?

    by Torchwood7

    They posted a full page ad of lies! Why doesn't someone sue FOX News for false advertisement? They are promoting their product by telling blatant lies about their competitors!

  • September 19, 2009 12:52 AM CST

    So 'The Sun' is only good for titties?

    by kinanswer

    Je-zuz. Any person knows in the UK that the Sun is the cartoon version of the 'news'. It has one page that covers real news, and the rest about who's fucking Jordan these days - or the latest 'gossip' on Strictly-Cooking-Big-Celeb-Jungle-Brother-Dancing-on-Ice.

  • September 19, 2009 12:53 AM CST

    oh, and eveelcapitalist post should be deleted

    by brabon300

    not sure aicn wants to get sued for spreading slander on the net

  • September 19, 2009 12:53 AM CST

    Better than Charlie Gibson...

    by TheMarineBiologist

    What's Acorn?

  • September 19, 2009 12:55 AM CST

    What the fuck does this have to do

    by DanielPlainviewOnVacationInBoston

    with anything. Do your fucking job, Hercules, nobody wants to hear this shit.

  • September 19, 2009 12:55 AM CST

    Fox News is most watched news. And most people voted for Obama.

    by aceattorney

    Wut does that tell you?

  • September 19, 2009 12:55 AM CST

    Todays phrase of the day is "Wingnut Fucks"

    by kinanswer

    Going to try and use that in at least one conversation today ...which may be tricky at my nephews 3rd birthday party.

  • September 19, 2009 12:56 AM CST

    everyone lies in advertising

    by Browncoat_Jedi

    That's the nature of ads. Axe body spray will not get you laid! Who gives a crap? This is nothing new.

  • September 19, 2009 12:56 AM CST


    by Lashlarue


  • September 19, 2009 12:59 AM CST

    Boo hoo, Fox made Rick Sanchez cry.

    by Raymar

    Suck it up you girl and just do your job.

  • September 19, 2009 1:00 AM CST

    Liberal media?

    by solvseus

    Anyone who thinks all the other networks are liberal must be so far to the right that everything is to the left of you. You must be the same mouth breathers who think Obama and the Dems are far left, liberal, communist, socialist, fascist, whatever-ist when they're actually moderate, corporate owned douches just like any politicians, just not as bad as puppet morons like Bush and Palin, or selfish, greedy pigs like Cheney and most of the don't have any ideas but to say no to everything and make up rhetoric bs GOP. While the wussy Dems roll over and compromise their principles in the name of "bi-partisanship", even when they're called names by the right anyway. All while the complicit and lazy media repeats both sides crap ad naseum (though the right has it down to an artform, something the left needs to learn when they're right and can't get the message out because they incorrectly think it'll sell itself) and pretends there are always 2 sides to the story even when the real sides are the factually correct and the crazy-ass bull-spittle made up to please their big donors and other mouth breathers who believe anyone who wears a Bible on their sleeves, even while schtupping their mistresses or gay lovers (often after criticizing someone else for doing the same). Corporate media isn't liberal, it's biased towards controversy and whatever gets ratings to sell ads. Fox sucks the worst though, anyone who isn't a partisan moron should know that.

  • September 19, 2009 1:00 AM CST

    Oh yeah and Wolf Blitzer won on Jeopardy!

    by aceattorney

    If you want a lie, there it is.

  • September 19, 2009 1:02 AM CST

    And still bring it back to Batman

    by Wandering_Prophet

    Nerd. Pipe down about the fucking Batman sequel would you.

  • September 19, 2009 1:02 AM CST are wrong

    by brabon300

    there are truth in advertising laws

    axe never says you will get layed...everyone knows its tongue in cheek

    this ad lies by saying none of the other networks covered the event

    if you dont see the are a wingnut fuck

  • September 19, 2009 1:03 AM CST

    Sucks to be Rachel Maddow or Keith Oldermann

    by Ash0k

    No one is watching them, and Glenn Beck is getting powerhouse ratings. ROFL.

  • September 19, 2009 1:06 AM CST

    Ted Kennedy fucking killed someone? Will he still be canonized?

    by Disgruntled_Chinaman

    So who is nailing that Haitian broad?

  • September 19, 2009 1:07 AM CST

    Oh yeah, Obama just killed National Health Care

    by Ash0k

    Dems in all 3 chambers of Congress and the "public option" still died. Suck on that, Obummer voters. LOL.

  • September 19, 2009 1:08 AM CST

    Such name calling...

    by BlindOgre

    Notice how the leftists resort so quickly to vulgar insults and name calling - a true sign of incredible wisdom. A fascist government forbids dissent. A socialist government tries to provide the same services for everyone. A communist government seeks to require service and participation from the citizens. The current administration is actively pursuing all three. Perhaps we need a new sociopolitical term: Obamanist or Pelosist or Idiocracy. :)

  • September 19, 2009 1:08 AM CST

    Fox new sucks! That's why I go to Ain't it Cool News.

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

    'cause it's cool.

  • September 19, 2009 1:08 AM CST

    Solvseus is a goddamn...

    by Snow Is Fun

    ... genius. Well said, mate.

  • September 19, 2009 1:08 AM CST

    Is it okay to link to a whole movie on Youtube like that?

    by JuanSanchez

    Did the filmmakers upload it? If not, I'd take the clips down.

  • September 19, 2009 1:09 AM CST

    News Flash Douche Bags!

    by p0llk4t

    All media outlets report the news to make money. Do you think any of it is fair or subjective? And BTW...the slogan "Fair and Balanced" is about the stupidest thing ever. If I ever met someone who told me they wanted a career in network news I would kick them in the teeth.

  • September 19, 2009 1:09 AM CST


    by Bloo

    umm pot this is kettle, you're black--it's not like CBS has ever been caught lying...oh wait they totally have been (Rather's faux Bush story)...or SBS (I believe it was on one of their Vietnam specials--or Nancy Grace with the Duke Lacrosse Scandel)...or NBC (the Dateline NBC car wreck scandel)...I can't think of anything from ABC off the top of my head, but the point is, they have ALL been caught in lies at one point or another, both sides are doing this to gain and/or cause their competitors to lose advetisers. The News channels are all run by advertisting dollars

    and this is coming from a Republican

  • September 19, 2009 1:09 AM CST

    I support TAXES and mandatory Death Metal in public schools.

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

    So I must be a minority.

  • September 19, 2009 1:10 AM CST

    re: Torchwood

    by solvseus

    Cool name BTW. Someone did sue them, but Fox got off for some stupidass reason after hiding behind the 1st Amendment and literally admitting to be entertainment and "commentary". That's right, they actually won the right to lie. Google: "fox sues for right to lie". If that doesn't tell people something, I don't know what else would. But then, these people believe in Death Panels (yeah, the current system doesn't do that), that Obama is a Kenyan (despite all evidence to the contrary), that Bush was a great president, that Iraq had WMDs and had a hand in 9/11, have no idea what any of those -ists they yell out mean, and scream things like "get the gov's hand off my Medicare". Not exactly our best and brightest. Of course it's popular, where else can wingnuts be told what to think (besides talk radio).

  • September 19, 2009 1:10 AM CST

    Leave politics to the grown-ups, m'kay nerds?

    by Hail Ants

    I love this site. I also love my country and know what's what. Fat, red-haired, morbidly obese, loser internet shut-ins do not. They know Star Wars action figures and who's fast-tracked to play The Tingler in The Dark Knight IV. Do everyone a favor, don't embarrass yourselves by trying to talk about the real world. Unless its that cool MTV show! BTW, yes Fox News is biased to the right. Makes up for NBC, ABC and CNN all being FLAMINGLY LIBERAL!!

  • September 19, 2009 1:12 AM CST

    Taxes are awesome, brought to by Civilization.

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

  • September 19, 2009 1:12 AM CST

    And one other thing...

    by p0llk4t

    I'm realizing most of the TBers are right about Herc...he's dumber than a can of Spam and his taste is complete shit.

  • September 19, 2009 1:12 AM CST

    aceattorney, Fox News most watched news

    by MattmanBegins

    And most people voted for Obama. What does that tell me? Well, since Fox News is very anti-Obama, it doesn't actually tell me much of anything...

  • September 19, 2009 1:13 AM CST

    No taxes = No information superhighway = No Talkbalks.

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

  • September 19, 2009 1:13 AM CST

    Ash0k...thank you

    by brabon300

    for proving how fucking retarded wingnuts truly are

    so beck gets big ratings for his 3 ring circus...i saw what beck viewers look like at the rally...toothless, know, the kind of people that advertisers cant sell soap to, cuz they refuse to use it, thinking that cleanliness is a commie plot

    as for the health care hasnt even gone to committee yet...but do me this sure either your parents or grandparents are old enough to be on medicare or medicaid...and if they are, run up to them and call them out for being commie, socialist, fascist bastards....ok?

  • September 19, 2009 1:13 AM CST

    CNN Body Language Primer

    by sanzaru

    I'm a big fan of Rick Sanchez's one-elbowed "Anchor Pose". Can't decide if it's an intentional Ted Baxter homage or not. Also, John King always has his hands in first position, sorta "curator mode"'s strange but perhaps he has a condition and can't help it. Watch and you'll see. Finally, Wolf Blitzer kept up a proud exterior today, but inwardly we all know he is still shell-shocked by his recent, humiliatingly bad performance on "Celebrity Jeopardy".

  • September 19, 2009 1:14 AM CST

    Taxes are awesome, brought to you by Civilization.

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

    Paid for by everyone.

  • September 19, 2009 1:14 AM CST

    News Flash, p0llk4t

    by MattmanBegins

    Everybody here knows that it's about money. That doesn't excuse Fox News one-sided political reporting and lying over issues they don't understand (sex in Mass Effect).

  • September 19, 2009 1:15 AM CST

    Hail fat fuck

    by brabon300

    speak for yourself

    and the only somewhat liberal station is msnbc...the rest are very much a part of the corporatist media...which is far from fat, wingnut fuck

  • September 19, 2009 1:16 AM CST

    where did SBS come from?

    by Bloo

    I meant CNN where did I post I must be tired

  • September 19, 2009 1:16 AM CST

    A News channel named after a small wild dog?

    by Stereotypical Evil Archer

    I should start RAT NEWS, we're everywhere.

  • September 19, 2009 1:16 AM CST

    one quick question to the wingnut fucks on this site

    by brabon300

    why are you fools fighting so hard for the corporatist health insurance companies? they dont give one fuck about you

  • September 19, 2009 1:19 AM CST


    by Bloo

    you posted "that Obama is a Kenyan (despite all evidence to the contrary)" in reality the one person who is giving the most attention to that wing nut theory is Lou Dobbs over at CNN, I know FN has given some attention to it but really Dobbs at CNN is the primary agitator on that

  • September 19, 2009 1:21 AM CST

    Point is Matt...

    by p0llk4t

    ...if you get your news from ANY of the networks you are too stupid to have a real opinion about anything.

  • September 19, 2009 1:21 AM CST

    Re: solvseus

    by Torchwood7

    Thanks for the info. It's really sad though that people like my own grandparents (who I love dearly) are so clueless that they actually believe FOX news in everything they say and do. Granted they live in the south and are evangelical christians, but I always try to convince them to watch other stations as well and see what is really going on...not that those are always correct, but at least live outside the box! What's even worse is that many people are like my grandparents and don't have someone trying to persuade them to open their minds.

  • September 19, 2009 1:25 AM CST

    YOU LIE!

    by sharpie

    this is fox news in a nutshell.

  • September 19, 2009 1:27 AM CST

    one quick question to brabon300

    by p0llk4t

    why are you fighting so hard for a new government bureaucracy? they wont give one fuck about you

    I worked for the best child welfare services department in the country and it would absolutely SHOCK you how poorly run and inefficient they were. They couldn't even afford to hire temp workers to fill empty positions.

  • September 19, 2009 1:29 AM CST

    People who watch Fox "News" are inbred.

    by felwithe

    That's the only real explanation. The fact that these mouth breathing bottom feeders are allowed to vote is the real problem.

  • September 19, 2009 1:30 AM CST


    by jimbo6666

    How does this story promote a "liberal ideology?" Shouldn't conservatives be just as angry at Fox News for lying as they would be at CNN or MSNBC? That's not hypocrisy smell, is it?

  • September 19, 2009 1:38 AM CST

    ive noticed..

    by soup74

    lets be honest.. hollywood does lean to the left.

    but it seems like a good portion of movie geeks lean to the right.

    why is that? .. just sitting in your basement, watching movies, hatin' on some gay marriage, and liberal politics...

  • September 19, 2009 1:42 AM CST

    Ain't It Cool News:

    by zacdilone

    Upping the Bar for Political Discourse since 1996.

    But seriously folks, LEAVE THE POLITICS ALONE. Whenever I see contributors and talkbackers on AICN talking politics, all I hear is Biff Tannen saying, "Make like a tree and get out of here." Quit trying to sound clever and just talk movies.

  • September 19, 2009 1:43 AM CST

    Really, if you watch and believe Fox News...

    by D.Vader

    I have reason to think you're an idiot, if you can't see the underhanded and obviously partisan tactics they use while proclaiming to be "fair and balanced". Bullshit, my friends. Wise up.

  • September 19, 2009 1:44 AM CST

    Thanks Snow

    by solvseus

    As for BlindOgre - "A fascist government forbids dissent" - you mean like people being arrested for wearing t-shirts at rallies or being pushed off to "protest areas" a mile away from the actual forum where a speaker is actually talking, which is only filled with that speaker's supporters? Wait, that was under Bush. When all you people who loved your country so much said those of us who spoke out against those in charge were terrorist loving, unAmerican traitors. Same services for everyone? If you mean the healthcare system, he STARTED with a tiered system and continues to compromise down. Banks aren't owned by the gov, we can't even regulate them without you crying socialist. Same with the automobile industry. Bush raised the deficit to over $10 trillion from $4 trillion (was $1 trillion before Reagan), took us into an expensive war that had nothing to do with anything while making the real war in the 'stans worse by pulling resources and half assing it, treating our soldiers like crap while anyone who complained about their treatment were told they didn't support the troops, had the fed hand over another trillion in bailouts that you're blaming Obama for (that had to happen or our entire system would have collapsed), bitch about corporates abusing the money but don't want regulation, but God forbid another trillion over 10 years that could actually save us money, not to mention save lives because our current system is falling apart to the point that it's like 15 9/11's a year. But you're a God-fearing patriot who loves his country and it's people because it's ok to call the president Hitler when he has a (D) after his name, and everyone who get screwed over by the current healthcare system and complains about it is a commie. Not that you understand what any of those words mean by your brilliant definitions. I'm sure you're just going to claim that I'm a far left liberal because anyone who thinks Glen Beck is a fucktard must be, couldn't possibly be that we're just tired of you morons ruining OUR COUNTRY TOO, which you seem to forget it is, but if you want to pretend it's only liberals resorting to name-calling, who's the one lacking the wisdom here?

  • September 19, 2009 1:48 AM CST

    And if you feel an insult to Fox News is an attack on you...

    by D.Vader

    Then you need to BACK THE FUCK UP.

  • September 19, 2009 1:49 AM CST

    Is this the same CNN...


    that went live with Coast Guard radio chatter last week on 9/11 and reported a training drill as terrorist activity? Oh, it IS the same CNN? LOL at Rick Sanchez wasting 7 minutes of air time COVERING a non-story. OMG, Fox News made an assertion that wasn't true! That never happens on any other network!!! Pathetic.

  • September 19, 2009 1:54 AM CST

    FOX newsa has some of the hottest blondes in news!

    by HollywoodHellraiser

    CNN and MSNBC females looks like ugly ass bull dykes!

  • September 19, 2009 1:58 AM CST

    Any talkbackers have anything substantial to add?

    by D.Vader

    Other than insults? No? Oh wait, this IS AICN after all.

  • September 19, 2009 2:02 AM CST

    So Kid Idioteque...

    by D.Vader

    Are you saying its "pathetic" to defend oneself against libelous and dangerous attacks?

    I hope not, as I can respect a screenname such as yours.

  • September 19, 2009 2:03 AM CST

    What the frak

    by ParagonComplex

    Political thread on AICN? Frak that. I don't give a rat's ass either way. Fuck all you idiots hating on Fox News. Fuck all you idiots hating on CNN and the rest. you're all a bunch of pretentious jackasses with an inflated sense of self-worth that you got from your community college political science class that you barely passed because you sucked up to the teacher who was an alumni of said community college. Get over yourselves.

  • September 19, 2009 2:11 AM CST


    by HughJass

    Jesus Christ. I come here for movie news.

  • September 19, 2009 2:13 AM CST

    if you read this talkback, you'd think half the TBers are republ

    by BadMrWonka

    but no way that's true. what it is, is that a bunch of the more, ahem, "out there" talkbackers tend to post only when there is apolitical or ideological issue out there.

    it's the same thing when there is discussion of conspiracy theories.

    half the talkbackers are not extreme right wing crazies, they just come out of the woodwork when there is a post like this.

    to me, Fox News is like professional wrestling. if you like it, accept that it's completel biased and crazy, but it's biased and crazy toward your political leanings, then so be it. but if you can HONESTLY say with a straight face that it's unbiased and accurate, well, you probably believe professional wrestling is real, too. you also might be at the next tea party rally with a placard of Obama with a Hitler Moustache.

    the reason I've come to peace with a lot of the saddening and horrible mean spirited rhetoric from the right is that I'm comforted by the fact that society is evolving away from them. one day we can look back on these people the way we look back on those who supported segregation, opposed women's rights, etc. society is healing itself of the cancer of hatred, one ignorant fool at a time. Fox News is so insanely popular because of the older people who can't evolve. their kids watch Rachel Maddow and laugh at them.

  • September 19, 2009 2:15 AM CST

    if you don't care about politics IGNORE THE FUCKING POST

    by BadMrWonka

    god damn, you whiners are killing me.

    you go to a website, find a posting about Fox News, click it, read it, log in, and write a post about how you didn't want to see it.

    jesus christ, get a fucking life.

  • September 19, 2009 2:16 AM CST


    by Sgt.Steiner

    Spoken like a true anti-intellectual.

  • September 19, 2009 2:16 AM CST

    Rupert Murdoch

    by King_Knut

    might be the nearest thing the modern world has to an antichrist: he comes from down under, most people don't know he exists, but his work affects us all...

  • September 19, 2009 2:16 AM CST

    Rupert Murdoch

    by King_Knut

    might be the nearest thing the modern world has to an antichrist: he comes from down under, most people don't know he exists, but his work affects us all...

  • September 19, 2009 2:17 AM CST

    Libelous? Who cares?


    Dangerous? I think not. Fox misused the word "miss." I think it can be fairly said that CNN and the other networks missed the point of the rally. Rick Sanchez equates explaining with promoting, which is just silly. CNN has just as obvious a slant as Fox News does, but since they agree with their own politics, it doesn't seem like bias to them. This is the nature of opinions. Would I be caught dead out there with those people at that rally? No way. But for everyone to overreact to this just because they hate Fox News in the first place... it's just silly, childish, and a waste of everyone's time.

  • September 19, 2009 2:19 AM CST


    by yesiamaplant

    This isn't liberal ideology, this is responding to a major news outlet committing flat out libel. If you're too blinded by the supposed "politics" then good riddance to you.

  • September 19, 2009 2:19 AM CST

    The daily show and The Colbert Report are gonna rock monday

    by Geomancer21

    They are gonna have a field day with this.

  • September 19, 2009 2:21 AM CST

    AICN and Herc, why do you even bother anymore?

    by jpryce

    Seriously. I'm not a Dem or a Rep, but what the fuck does this story have to do with anything cool or movie/tv/etc or geek related? Are you so lacking in posting actual on-topic and interesting content, that you resort to these meaningless political bullshit posts, just to jack up talkback reply numbers? Fucking honestly? It's bad enough Herc and overall AICN in general, is getting scooped left and right by PEREZ HILTON, of all people, and some of these other gossip blogs and movie/geek sites, and AICN comes in 6 to 24 hours later, posting the content. Seriously, I'd off myself if I'm getting scooped by those clowns day in and day out. You want to post political opinion and all that shit, then set up a site called AINT IT POLITICAL NEWS and post that shit on that site. Otherwise Herc, you and AICN should stop slacking off and get back to posting proper content. Shitballs, being a long time fan of this site, these days it's not even worth coming here when other sites are providing proper and in-depth movie/tv/etc, content.

  • September 19, 2009 2:27 AM CST

    My response

    by MSJanke

    the commentary in the posted story *was* blatantly partisan, whether you want to acknowledge that or not. And I don't see AICN posting news stories about when other networks are caught in lies or mistakes (as some have pointed out above). Regardless, this is an ENTERTAINMENT site, is it not? Unless you want to start becoming news media watchdogs like Howard Kurtz's Reliable Sources on CNN, let's get back on topic with news about Lost or 24 or the Emmys, please. It's as ridiculous as going to a Star Wars site and seeing a front page article posted about the greatness of Ronald Reagan.

  • September 19, 2009 2:33 AM CST


    by BadMrWonka

    I've been coming to this site for 10 years, and I completely disagree with you.

    AICN was the only game in town for a while, and they got more scoops. now there are hundreds of other similar sites/blogs, and only so many stories to go around. it's just math, they ain't all gonna go to AICN.

    and if you absolutely need to hear about megan fox's latest bowel movement 3 seconds after it happens, feel free to spend the day on personally, I know if something's important, it'll be on AICN. I don't care if it's on someone's brother's dentists blog 15 minutes before. who gives a shit? why have people become so impatient?

    this is a big TV story, it's going to be all over the place in the news, why can't AICN comment on it? because YOU think it's not cool or interesting?

    which brings me to my last point. so many people complain about AICN now, and wonder why they still come here. well guess what, I WONDER TOO! if you don't like the site, then pardon my french, fuck off. I love it here, and it's not Harry or Herc or anyone that's making things miserable, it's whiny pompous talkbackers that have to throw their soup at the wall with phony indignation whenever they get a chance.

    Fox News took out a full page ad falsely calling every other news agency worthless. that's news. live with it. just because it has nothing to do with Avatar, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be on the site.

    let me know if Perez comments on it...

  • September 19, 2009 2:41 AM CST


    by G100

    Murdoch was one of the first to broadcast in China. He doesn't really give a fuck about ideology if he can make a fast buck.

    He's also considering pay as you surf website for some of his Newspaprers. Think that'll work ? Teabaggers are hilarious. We should be delighted if they get more publicity. It makes the world a far more amusing place to see them and their batshit insane cheerleaders like Beck dance and gibber like circus monkeys.

  • September 19, 2009 2:43 AM CST

    This Is Great!

    by HermesTrismestigus

    The one thing the news Networks love is talking about and promoting themselves. This sounds like a certain group out there has been screaming, pouting, and whining and no one has been listening....and now its a full temper tantrum...guaranteed to backfire. Karma is in Full swing...I love it.

  • September 19, 2009 2:44 AM CST


    by Sgt.Steiner

    An article about the "greatness of Ronald Reagan" would be ridiculous anywhere. Save the Brent Bozell riffs for someone who cares.

  • September 19, 2009 2:53 AM CST

    Fox is great

    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    Its like 24hours of the Colbert Report, and has lots of angry hot women.

  • September 19, 2009 3:05 AM CST

    FOX is winning the ratings war

    by hifidog

    That's all this is about. The other networks are tired of having their arse handed to them year after year. The bias on display from all sides is easy to recognize for anyone that is honest. Here, I'll help everyone update their scorecard. MSNBC is almost entirely far left (except Morning Joe), FOX is Mostly Far right (Shepherd Smith plays it fairly straight), CNN is generally left of center with some notable exceptions (I'm looking at you Lou Dobbs), the broadcast networks (NBC, CBS & ABC)tilt mostly to the left and feature very few conservative voices, but ABC seems to feature more straight shooters (John Stossel and Jake Tapper for example). I understand that some really get into this stuff as if they're following a favorite sports team, but getting up in arms over an ad for one tv network that pokes the competition is really stupid. Herc your "article" is laughable because it demonstrates obvious bias which over-estimates the importance of the topic, it doesn't fairly capture the context of the ad campaign and you attempt to enhance your point by including a completely unrelated reference to a casting rumor from a British paper. So, if we're getting into snits about the Megan Fox as Catwoman B.S., how many "lies" does AICN post per week? If Nolan doesn't film the next Bat-flick entirely using IMAX cameras is Harry a liar? I'd tend to say no, but your standard would suggest otherwise. I'd have more respect for your point of view if you didn't role around in the same mudhole you're decrying as dirty. So, please, climb down off the soapbox and get back to your Buffy videos.

  • September 19, 2009 3:06 AM CST

    Fox News = BullShit News

    by thatpussywonteatitself

    seriously, could they get any more right wing?

  • September 19, 2009 3:07 AM CST

    All MSM suck

    by solvseus

    Yeah, most corporate media lies, or at least gets things wrong. The problem with Fox is that they turned it into an art form. And worse, they have the balls to call themselves Fair And Balanced, saying things like We Report You Decide. Fox IS far right... not even leaning, FAR RIGHT... but that's not the main problem. Their "commentators" don't just editorialize, lying by leaving things out or not doing their research, or just repeating talking points. KO has done that and it bugs me, whether it's because he didn't know and should have checked or just wants to make a point. They all do that, and that's why they suck and why most of us now get our news elsewhere. No, Fox is worse because they get told what to push by the boss (proven, look it up), talking points that often have little or NO basis in reality, and they repeat them OVER and OVER again to the lowest common denominators until it's drilled in, and worse gets repeated elsewhere as fact (even by the so-called "liberal media"). So Grandma is out there worried her healthcare is going to get taken away as she's marched off to a death panel by Muslim, Kenyan born extremist communist socialist fascist liberals, but Bush saved us from Saddam committing another 9/11 with his WMDs, because Jesus loves corporations and hates teh gheys, and the other unAmerican, USA-hating, terrorist-loving 70% of the country who aren't the real Americans you are.

    Even MSNBC has Scarborough, Buchannan, used to have Carlson, etc. CNN et al leaning liberal, see my earlier post (or Lou Dobbs). Worse, sometimes they go out of their way to NOT appear too liberal by treating fucktards like their opinions are just as valid as evidence based facts, and not pointing out that the fucktards are in fact fucktards. While you keep calling them "liberal" anyway as if it's a 4 letter word, the Dems don't fight back because they're pussies, also acting like you aren't a bunch of fucktards, and think they can get away with bs like this, while nitpicking over every other little problem with everyone else to the point where there are apologies and firings (though where are the people apologizing and getting fired when Fox screws things up or lies?). Then we're all the angry, crazy, racist, name callers, because you're not projecting much and never do anything like that. And obviously anyone who points this out must be a far left partisan who loves the rest of the MSM bitches and (D)ouchebags, and not just a logical, fact believing person who thinks you 20%ers are ruining MY COUNTRY!

  • September 19, 2009 3:09 AM CST


    by solvseus

    If you think John Stossel is the moderate voice of reason, you are a right leaning libertarian at best. John Stossel? Really? Seriously? Isn't he soon moving to Fox?

  • September 19, 2009 3:10 AM CST

    Being a proud citizen of Great Britain I'm unfamiliar with Rick

    by Gabba-UK

    But he was PISSED!!!!!! Fox News simply wouldn't be allowed a broadcast license over here, where it's a requirement for TV news coverage to be balanced. Even Murdoch's own Sky News has to follow the rules and as a result is reasonably well thought off and a better news gathering organisation for it. I prefer to watch the BBC News myself because of its public service remit, also the fact its paid by for all the British public means that its run for all the British public. It's a British institution that we are rightly very proud of (Eastenders not withstanding), the other is the NHS.

  • September 19, 2009 3:11 AM CST


    by jpryce

    So, you've been here for 10 years. In the words of Christian Bale on the T4 set...OHHHH GOOD FOR YOU! I've been coming here for 10 years as well, so you can stop that nonsense all together. I kept coming back because AICN, and this is the only point we will agree on...AICN was the top dog in the game before all the rest came along. Raw, honest, had all the great scoops, set reports, pictures, videos, content, etc, etc....but kept it entertainment based...and now there are these annoyingly random political news posts thrown in. I don't care about that gossip shit or Perez, and was referencing him and others solely on the fact that AICN is becoming late to game on posting proper entertainment content, and it's a sad day when you're getting scooped by gossip sites and others, etc. But I go where the entertainment, movie, etc, content is, and if that's one of the gossip sites, so be it. But even the big stories take forever to get posted here, while twice over they are already up on other sites. Meanwhile, we get topic posts like this. And as for why AICN shouldn't cover it....BECAUSE IT HAS NO PLACE HERE ON THIS SITE! It's unbelieveably fucking random. CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, AND FOX ALL LIE ABOUT SHIT ALL THE FUCKING TIME, does that mean it should be posted here...because if so this site would be filled to the hilt with news networks lying and fabricating stories. Create a politics and news based site and post this shit there. This "story" is a "political news" story that has no relation to anything entertainment or what this site was known for. It's nothing more than a bias post, because most of AICN staff is liberal. I have no problem with their views if they are liberal or conservative, even when it comes to political movies or entertainment related topics, but shit like this should be posted elsewhere.

  • September 19, 2009 3:15 AM CST


    by solvseus

    People still come here so they can complain how much it sucks. Just like they can click on links they claim not to care about just so they can tell us they don't care about it. Funny, when I don't care, I don't comment, and when I really don't care, I don't even click the link. But then, I don't really care, which I want you all to know.

  • September 19, 2009 3:16 AM CST

    Hey, Ash0k, I was just curious...

    by SuperXY

    What exactly are the "3 chambers of Congress"? Seriously. Name three...

  • September 19, 2009 3:20 AM CST

    i can't believe that the fcc can't

    by skaul80

    prosecute 'news' channels for false information. of course FOX would go out of buisness, but i also want the other channels to be one hundred percent sure of a story before they broadcast it. i hate to sound anit american, but the bbc is so much better at news.

  • September 19, 2009 3:21 AM CST

    I love how you first go all political...

    by DerLanghaarige

    ...and then mention the Catwoman story in the end, like it was from similar importance.

  • September 19, 2009 3:22 AM CST

    People who watch Fox News think global warming is fake

    by felwithe

    Seriously, that's how stupid these people are. Also, they're the ones who supported the war for oil and voted the people into office who caused the GLOBAL ECONOMY to collapse.

    Their opinion matters as much as a five year old's. Keep track of who they are so you can tune them out of your lives.

  • September 19, 2009 3:32 AM CST

    news corp...

    by emeraldboy

    owned by rupert murdoch. owns news international which publishes the sun, newsof the world, the sunday times,the london times. murdoch like a lot of talkbackers hates the BBC. and his sonjames launched an assualt on the bbc in ediburgh.

  • September 19, 2009 3:34 AM CST


    by HarryBlackPotter

    Murdoch's Napoleonic ambitions in the media needs to be thwarted, and people need to wake up and realise how dangerous Fox really is. WAKE UP AMERICA!

  • September 19, 2009 4:16 AM CST

    As a Canadian...

    by FSJGuy

    I just don't understand Americans, "Hmmmm i will defend heartless health insurance companies, and hate all forms of government healthcare" so Americans honestly think a company who's strict directive is to make money will protect you more than the government who's sworn to protect does not compute to me...guess i'm just a dumb Canadian, i'll go back to my igloo now.

  • September 19, 2009 4:20 AM CST

    I love Fox News.

    by FrenchBastard03

    And I do realize they are biased, but in my eyes and my views, they are the most fair and balanced as far as my ideals go. There's a reason Fox News absolutely slams all the competition combined, there's a reason why Obamacare has failed to pass so miserably, people are starting to wake up and realize socialized medicine is not the answer. Listen to all those who have it in Canada and Britain, you hear nothing but complaints. More people need to get off their lazy asses, do well in school, and get a go job that offers great medical insurance at an affordable rate. I have no respect or sympathy for fat lazy people (aka most of AICN and its readership) who are looking for a handout. Get off your fat ass and do something. Just look at the state of our nation's public schools (did Herc watch season 4 of The Wire?) and see what government run anything will look like. I didn't trust the government with my schooling (private all the way), and wouldn't trust them with my health any day of the week.

  • September 19, 2009 4:20 AM CST

    jesus they ALL lie

    by Xiphos_2

    and now I feel dirty for posting here.

  • September 19, 2009 4:23 AM CST

    I love CNN commercials

    by Vicconius

    The ones where they say they are number one in viewers. lulz

  • September 19, 2009 4:26 AM CST

    Re: FSJGuy

    by FrenchBastard03

    The reason why capitalism works and why those "heartless health insurance" companies will always be better than government run insurance is due to the fact that those private insurance companies ARE looking for customers, they compete for customers and want to profit. This means they go out of their way for customer satisfaction in order to keep said customers. The government doesn't give a damn about pleasing the people however, politicians are all about public appearance and making sure they win over enough voters to win the next election. Their all about the power, and once they pass a bill to "help" the people, they could care less about whether or not it works. They passed the bill, end of story. If things aren't working out, just raise taxes. On the other hand, businesses have to deal with the ups and downs of profits and the economy, they're going out of their way each and every day to make sure their customers are satisfied, and that's the beauty of capitalism and why this country was built on it and why we're the global power we are today, vs the weak Canada. In terms of Team America, we are the dick, while Canada and most of Europe are pussies.

  • September 19, 2009 4:32 AM CST

    Who cares about Megan Fox when so much more is at stake?!!!

    by DC Films

    Just because Fox have proved themselves to be douche bags doesn't mean their allegations against the other news outlets are false!!!

    The tea=party was suspiciously under-reported and misrepresented by those other news channels. Fox are simply breaking ranks to gain ground.

  • September 19, 2009 4:40 AM CST

    What a load of garbage! Sanchez is an idiot!

    by Snake Foreskin

    He left out some important tidbits. In their "zeal" to "cover" the event, they downplayed the number of attendees by referring to it as "thousands of people" showing up to protest. Thousands? That sounds like a relatively low number considering other news sources estimated over a million attendees. Now imagine if it had been a bunch of libs descending on the national mall to protest the Bush administration. Had people showed up in thos great numbers, it would have been wall to wall coverage. Hell, they were all over the numbers of attendees for the Obama inauguration. But they misrepresent the numbers now? CNN is embarrassing.

  • September 19, 2009 4:46 AM CST

    white trash, inbred retards, obese assholes, and ignorant fools

    by Gungan Slayer

    Murdoch's the smart one though--he's raking in the cash on all these fucking retards.

  • September 19, 2009 4:47 AM CST

    Seriously...why the obsession with Fox News?

    by FlandersBum

    Does the fact that they have better ratings than the other 3 cable news networks combined keep you up at night? Does Fox News's success get under your skin that badly? Does reading Media Matters, and Huffington Post get you all riled up with anti-Fox propaganda? Does watching the official Obama network, MSNBC get you worked up in a lather? Why post this on a news site that is supposed to be about 'Cool News'? Then again, this is the same guy who feels a need to provide us with constant updates about MTV's programming that is geared towards 12 year old girls.....Seriously dude...

  • September 19, 2009 4:52 AM CST

    I also love the kiddies that trash Fox but love MSNBC

    by FlandersBum

    Funny how all the folks that point out the bias at Fox never bother to mention to obvious bias at most every other network, especially MSNBC. Bias is fine and dandy as long as it towards the left. I guess it all just depends on their own personal politics.....

  • September 19, 2009 5:03 AM CST

    Why They Went With The Name "Fox News"...

    by Cr8z13

    Cartoon Network was already taken.

  • September 19, 2009 5:04 AM CST

    OutFOXed was a brillant documentary

    by buffywrestling

    Blantantly underscored the right wing policy. Murdoch you fuck. It pisses me off really because my parents watch Fox news all the time. It's either that or the weather channel. And they fall for it. We are Canadian and they buy Fox news'slant. Glen Beck is my mum's favorite show. That drama queen pings my gaydar so much but try and tell her that; she throws her slippers at me.

    Me & my parents views are so far away from each other, we might as well be on different planets. But things change. I have hope that because I'm so fully far from my parents generational viewpoint, that the generation behind me will proceed to further themselves from an archaic, narrow tunnel vision that portrays itself as patriotism instead of excludism.

  • September 19, 2009 5:17 AM CST

    So many big paragraphs in this TB it makes me laugh

    by TOASTERslayer

    Seriously people? You're going to debate politics on Movie/Television news site? Bottom line...all of the media (especially cable news) has one goal and that is to get viewers. Fox News does it well...even if it means it must spew lies. It's the nature of the beast.

  • September 19, 2009 5:23 AM CST

    I come here to find news about quality television

    by TOASTERslayer

    I go to REPUTABLE NEWS SITES to find my news regarding important issues. Lets play to our strengths... (and just to make it clear I do NOT think Fox News is a reputable news site or channel)

  • September 19, 2009 5:27 AM CST

    Fox: Spin City

    by mulberry

    Why do people complain about Fox bias whilst not complaining about those of other networks? Personal politics is part of of it.

    But the main aspect is that not all biases are created equal. There are considerable degrees of bias.

    Both I and the Iranian President Ahmadinejad are biased in our opinions. Does that make our opinions equally valid?

    No. The difference is that he is way, way more biased than me on most things.

    UK comedian Simon Munnery was talking about his parents who read the Daily Mail (basically Fox in print - scare stories about immigrants, tax, bureacracy, titillating stories about the indiscretions of the wealthy, trumped up miracle lifestyle cures for cancer, heart attacks and other diseases of the paranoid over-40s). He found he could not actually debate issues with them, because it was literally like having an argument with a digest of quotes from past issues of newspaper rather than a person who could actually react constructively to the discussion. Argument by assertion, bombast and attrition

    Robin Ince has a good one about a Daily Express (Daily Mail's slow younger sibling) columnist,Melanie Phillips, who had a Press Complaints Commission complaint thrown own on the grounds that her readership understand that when she says "It is a fact that", she means "It is my opinion", even when talking about externally provable facts, such as "It is a fact there has been no real research into the effects of gay adoption".

  • September 19, 2009 5:32 AM CST

    The Daily Show

    by vadakinX

    And people wonder why Stewart is the most trusted man in American news. That's but hilarious and sad given that it's a comedy show.

    The world thought America had grown up after electing Obama but these town hall assholes and Fox News clowns make it look like your country has regressed and after a brief moment of clarity has gone back to throwing temper tantrums.

    I was actually planning to move to the US next year but frankly I don't think I want to anymore. What's Canada like?

  • September 19, 2009 5:51 AM CST

    Canada is just like any place else

    by buffywrestling

    except that 85% of the time if you reach the door before the person behind you, you will hold it open for them so they can go in first.

  • September 19, 2009 5:56 AM CST

    Roger Ailes has no clothes...and brava, Rick Sanchez

    by PennsyDeux

    for just eviscerating these treasonous insurrectionists for the asshole fucks that they are.

  • September 19, 2009 5:56 AM CST

    Fox is bad for this country. They act like ignorant South Park

    by kbarber29

    If something happens to Obama, Fox and all of their hosts, writers, and even Murdoch himself, should be held on trial for instigating the hatred amongst their viewers for Obama.

  • September 19, 2009 6:06 AM CST

    I love the smell of bullshit in the morning

    by mulberry

    kbarber29 - don't worry. I imagine that Fox has a disaster plan already in place with bunkers and helicopter lifts for a "Kennedy event" which might mean that riots break out and people with a grudge exercising their right to bear assault rifles storm the Fox buildings looking for O'Reilly et al.

  • September 19, 2009 6:06 AM CST

    Are you fucking serious?

    by Spazatronik2000

    Listen I hate Fox News as much as the next guy but seriously, are all you people really that dense? I'm fucking shocked at how willing you all are to digest the endless propaganda and lies coming from the "liberal" media now, they are NO BETTER THAN FOX. We're actually getting some honest journalism from Fox now with a Democrat pres, and CNN and the rest have become the Pentagon disinfo mouthpiece of choice. I'm in utter shock at the state of this country yet theres still MILLIONS of you mindless zombies completely unaware of what's happening. You just keep drinking the cool-aid served up by NBC and the gang. It's disgusting.

  • September 19, 2009 6:07 AM CST


    by mulberry

    "I hate Fox News as much as the next guy but...".

    You aren't sitting beside Bill O'Reilly at the minute, are you?

  • September 19, 2009 6:19 AM CST

    The only thing more biased than Fox News

    by InActionMan

    is Canadian media. These bigoted bastards even have a quota system requiring that only Canadian produced art can be seen or heard on Canadian airwaves.

    How would you like to spend the rest of your life listing to the radio when all you hear is "Rush", "Ann Murry", "Celine Dion" and the Canadian version of "Life is a Highway" on a continuous loop. And lets face it those Objectivist whack jobs in "Rush" haven't had a good album since "Moving Pictures".

    And don't get me started on the CBC. It makes NPR look like the Howard Stern Show. More Canadian traffic accidents have been caused by people falling asleep driving while listening to the CBC than from drunk driving, texting or getting a blowjob while driving.

    There you are watching the news and half way through the story everyone suddenly starts speaking French. FRENCH!!!! The most anti- American language in the world.

    The Canadians stole the good side of Niagara Falls from America. The Canadian side has a beautiful park, hotels, casinos and restaurants. The American side looks like the bad part of Detroit with a fucking waterfall. SNEAKY SOCIALIST CANUCK BASTARDS!!!!


  • September 19, 2009 6:24 AM CST


    by BadMrWonka

    "We're actually getting some honest journalism from Fox now"

    ha, now that made me laugh, thank you. I almost spit up my coffee.

  • September 19, 2009 6:29 AM CST

    eveelcapitalist, if you want to talk drunk driving deaths...

    by RenoNevada2000

    Let's talk about Laura Bush knocking off a boyfriend.

  • September 19, 2009 6:29 AM CST

    I actually hope that any US citizen

    by buffywrestling

    doesn't believe sweeping statements that they are portraying universal health care. I was injured and had to have home care for 3 months where a nurse came to change my bandage twice a day. My father has liver cancer and has been on chemo every two weeks for the past 3 & half years (they only gave him 1 to 3 years to live). It may not be a perfect system but it's hard to describe that type of comfort reliablility that equalizes all of us.

    That probably sounded a bit socialist, didn't it? The whole "equalizing" thing? But we still have a peeking order; a classism, a rasism. Health care just isn't a big part of it.

  • September 19, 2009 6:31 AM CST

    Spazatronik2000 Retraction

    by mulberry

    Sorry, dude. That was uncalled for.

    There are a few big problems - Fox-style editorial lines which actively distort new and reporting to make it fit a corporate agenda is one.

    The other big one is lazy journalism. With competition, 24 hour rolling new and lower ad revenues, there are fewer actual reporters (compared to presenters), reliance on a small number of news feeds, uncritial repetition of press releases, reporting speculation and opinion as fact.

    And glitzing up for ratings chasing - saw a BBC one this morning reporting Obama's reply to a question about race bias in his opponents (his reply being a balanced "Probably some people oppose me due to my race, some vote for me purely on that basis, but most people base it on the issues"), basically reported as "Obama says opponents are racist".

  • September 19, 2009 6:41 AM CST


    by InActionMan

    Vestri sarcasm deprehensio est infractus

  • September 19, 2009 6:44 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Next three years will be some of the ugliest this country will have seen in a hell of a long time.

  • September 19, 2009 6:44 AM CST

    FrenchBastard are you serious

    by SpaceHerpie

    Jesus dude. Let me guess you hear all about that terrible government run healthcare system in Canada and Britain from Fox "News" I hate to tell you buddy they go out of their way to find people who hate the government run system. Yes, it has it's bad areas. People with stuffy noises going to the ER, etc. Our corporate run health care system makes it's profit off of DENYING your claims. They don't need to find customers....customers come to them to get even the crappiest of insurance. Oh, by the way, I work my ass off day after day, have a college degree, my wife is working on here Ph'D in Marine Science, and yet I still hate corporate run insurance. I'm sorry, but we are not fat and lazy. I'm actually 5'10 150 pounds and I kayak, hike,and travel constantly, thank you very much. My wife was injured on the job two years ago. We come to find out nothing was going to be covered. Why, they lied, even went as far as filling out paper work contrary to what the doctor said, denied required treatments, and meds. We took them to court, but they had the time and money on their side. They then gave us 10% of what they LEGALLY owed us, but we are still $15,000 in debt because of these corporate assholes.

  • September 19, 2009 6:45 AM CST

    The Media

    by Wrath4771

    The Media has always tilted towards the Left. Those who think the media is "fair and balanced" believe that because their own ideological beliefs also tilt towards the left - and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just the way it is. FOX News for all of it's sins realized that there wasn't a channel or news program that was aimed at those on the right. I think most moderate conservatives realize how far right FOX news is, but frankly there are days I'd rather hear their schpeel than be bombarded with stories on how Michelle Obama keeps her arms fit and about date night. And if the worst thing FOX did this week was report Megan Fox as Catwoman I'll take that over the idiot's who reported that Obama was now the torch bearer for Camelot.

  • September 19, 2009 6:46 AM CST

    Coverage of rallies in general

    by kafka07

    In recent years there have been a lot of these different rallies. While Bush was president there were a lot of anti-war rallies, some with only several hundred people or a few thousand. But other times, particularly in DC, the numbers would be as high as 300,000 or even more. I attended a D.C. anti-war rally that had nearly half a million people. Well known public figures spoke at it, including Sean Penn, Jane Fonda and Tim Robbins. What was the coverage in the media? Almost zilch. A little blurb, and it might as well have been no coverage at all. The coverage that these tea-baggers are getting, despite their small attendance numbers (no offense but 70,000 isn't really that much for a DC march), is far greater coverage than any other type of march or rally has ever received in the last decade or so. Media outlets will only cover the things that their billionaire sponsors (pharma, insurance, etc) instruct them to.

  • September 19, 2009 6:47 AM CST


    by buffywrestling

    eram non narro super vos

  • September 19, 2009 6:49 AM CST

    Here's an example that combines Health Care & FOX News

    by RenoNevada2000

    Everyone remembers the Terry Schiavo flap from a few years ago, right? Some woman in Florida was in a coma for years, doctors said she was braindead and her brain had atrophied down and there was no chance in hell of her ever coming out of it so her family decided to pull the plug.


    A bunch of pro-lifers found out and started staging protests and making a big fuss about it. Soon, all of Congress was called back from a break to vote on a bill that would keep this vegetable alive. One senator, who was a doctor before he took up politics, watched a video tape edited together from hours of footage, and made the miraculous diagnosis that Terry was actually aware of her surroundings and not brain dead after all. From watching a video tape!

    AndFOX News was there, covering the story. Well, covering the pro-lifer's side of the story. In every news segment and on every one of their commentators' shows, they hammered away that Schiavo could come out of this coma, that she was really aware of what was going on around her, etc., etc.

    Well, while all this was going on, Terry Schiavo's body finally expired on its own. An autopsy was performed and a few weeks later, a press conference was called to announce the results. All the news networks aired the press conference live- CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and yes, even FOX. But the moment that the doctors began to explain that the original diagnosis was correct and Schiavo's brain had atrophied and she was NEVER going to come out of that coma, FOX cut away from the press conference to an event where Bush was giving some generic, boilerplate speech to some midwestern factory workers.

    So, when facts were being presented that FOX News was wrong, had made a mistake and backed the wrong horse in the debate, they chose not to man-up and admit their mistake, they chose to hide it from their audience. Other news organizations would issue what is called a retraction for erroneous reportage and their commentators could have gone on the air and expressed regret that she died and that they were possibly wrong. But FOX did none of thyis. They were already on to the next fake outrage designed to pander to the far Right Wing of the country.

    If you can't see how this showcases FOX's dubious tactics as an alleged news gathering organization, then I don't think much of your critical reasoning skills.

  • September 19, 2009 6:51 AM CST

    Jealousy is Such an Ugly Thing...

    by MarkWhittington

    There is no other reason for the legacy media to yelp so.

  • September 19, 2009 6:57 AM CST

    Das Reichwing News Ist SHITE??????

    by Sal_Bando


  • September 19, 2009 7:05 AM CST

    I told myself I wasn't gonna read this talkback...

    by Ronald Raygun

    But curiosity got the better of me. ICK! Why is it that political discussions always make me long for the end of civilization.

  • September 19, 2009 7:18 AM CST

    Study shows that even Foxnews is left leaning

    by Big Dummy

    A 2005 study from the UCLA Poly Sci department found that even Foxnews leans to the left... "Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter." So for all you folks that think ANY news outlet is "right leaning" you should maybe re-evaluate your own biases.

  • September 19, 2009 7:19 AM CST

    But What is REALLY important is....

    by Apple Octopus

    Fox News has the most babes when it comes to newscasters and that trumps any credibility issues. GO FOX!

  • September 19, 2009 7:24 AM CST

    god bless glen beck

    by mynamesdan

    fact is, where the rest of the world pities the poor- USA celebrate the rich. =lUPMjC9mq5Y

    you aren't a bad people or a stupid people, but you are a very badly educated people.

  • September 19, 2009 7:37 AM CST

    Glenn Beck sucked my cock in 1991 for fifty bucks.

    by Uncle Stan

  • September 19, 2009 7:41 AM CST

    You all need to SHUT THE FUCK UP....

    by benlinus

    Ok, let me spell it out for you. Does FOX news lean right, of course they do. Does MSNBC lean WAY left, absolutely. Do BOTH networks, natch, ALL networks slant stories, yup. So, my point is SHUT IT about how evil and wrong FOX news is. I happen to like Sheppard Smith and I do watch O'Reilly on occasion because I like hearing arguments from both sides. When it comes to International news, its CNN all the way. Just give it a rest all ready, I know Beck and Hannity tow the party line, thats fine, I dont watch them, but so does Olbermann and Maddow. I dont hear the outrage about them. And for anyone who thinks O'Reilly is a right wing nut, watch last nights talking points. AND PLEASE for the love of god or Buddha or Allah STOP wit the "all the people that watch FOX are retards" nonsense. I live in NYC, am a registered Independant, voted for Clinton twice, Bush once, Kerry once and didnt vote last election because I thought they both sucked. Please give it a fucking rest and stop being so fucking partisan!

  • September 19, 2009 7:44 AM CST

    Oh and one more thing......

    by benlinus

    Herc you are a TOTAL asshole for putting this shit up....we get that you are a dedicated liberal and hate all things conservative or republican. Go post at the fucking DailyKos, you hack, this is movie site, take your personal political views somewhere else. soon, people will hate on you here as much as they do Harry. come to think of it, maybe gingerbelly put you up to this??? hmmmmmmmmmmm

  • September 19, 2009 7:51 AM CST


    by cbarrick

    I am totally disappointed Herc -- Stay on the entertainment topics please!

  • September 19, 2009 7:59 AM CST

    Kanye is sweet compared to Fox Douches.

    by Zardozap2005

    Seriously, have you seen some of the douches on fox? Steve Douchy comes to mind... Bill O Reilly, Hannity...

  • September 19, 2009 8:01 AM CST

    HE LIED!! SHE LIED!! THEY ALL LIED!!!! ...and we didn't.

    by L.H.Puttgrass

    It's same old game they've been playing for years and years.

    "Keep fucking that chicken!"

  • September 19, 2009 8:06 AM CST

    They ALL suck

    by Lou C.

    I have no great affinity for Rick Sanchez or CNN, or any of the news channels for that matter. But the one thing that disturbs me about Fox is that they so often make mistakes because they don't bother checking things out. They don't care. They're the George Bush of journalism. They have a point of view they want to present, and they're going to do it, no matter what the facts say. That extends to their opinion shows AND their newscasts. Mind you, I don't care all that much because they're watched by a few million people who are mostly of like-mind politically and probably aren't going to listen to another point of view anyway. So, really, in the end, who gives a shit? I can watch The Daily Show in peace and people who once thought GW Bush was a good president can watch Fox News in peace. If Fox got 50 million viewers, I'd be a lot more concerned ...

  • September 19, 2009 8:06 AM CST

    It's more like the 'tea bagging' party

    by mistergreen

    Yes, putting their scrotum on America's face.

  • September 19, 2009 8:07 AM CST


    by Mistahtibbs

    ...the same could be said of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS & NBC so I don't see where the "BIG NEWS" is Herc. MSNBC had a shot of a man at an Obama healthcare meeting, I believe, and used a chest-down shot of him carrying a rifle over his shoulder and then went on to state opposition was rascist, except the man carrying the rifle was black. HAH! The ACORN travesty captured by two independent journalists who "60 Minuted" the staff of ACORN many times was IGNORED by ALL of the major nets & news. More a lie of omission but still not being truthful. Let's be truly honest here.

  • September 19, 2009 8:11 AM CST

    500,000 at the Tea Party in DC folks...

    by Mistahtibbs

    ...NOT 70,000. LOL! Not 2 million either. Accurate counts put it at 500,000+. Possibly as high as 800,000. And did you see the Mall after? Nice and clean. Unlike after the Obama inauguration. That was nasty. All that trash left behind. Of course, if you're a liberal then you expect the government to clean up after you. heh.

  • September 19, 2009 8:18 AM CST

    Fox News is a great network

    by Clavius

    for me to poop on!

  • September 19, 2009 8:19 AM CST

    Wow, chum the waters much?

    by Thunderbolt Ross

    "Cool news"?

    The only thing on any of those networks that fits in on this site is the Glenn Beck show. Truly revolutionary, it's both comedy, tragedy, sci fi, fantasy and psychological drama all rolled into one.

  • September 19, 2009 8:20 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Way to showcase your retardation.

  • September 19, 2009 8:21 AM CST

    Fox News is Honestly Destroying Our Country

    by Crow3711

    too many people watch it and don't see through the bullshit. Middle america is being fucking torn apart by their lying, manipulative bullshit. It's destroying my brain. We're in serious trouble when the news agencies are now calling EACHOTHER liars just to boost ratings. The news has become a ratings game, and we;re all fucked because of it.

  • September 19, 2009 8:25 AM CST


    by mynamesdan

    nobody is discussing politics here. this is about journalism as entertainment.

    if the news broadcasters would indulge in a little journalism then people would discuss politics on the newspaper websites.

    they can't, though, because those websites are full of shit about britney and Paris Hilton.

    i am an avid reader of AICN and this is definitely relevant to my interests/ it refers to entertainment , television and advertising.

  • September 19, 2009 8:25 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Their business being the bullhorn/propaganda conduit for corporate special interests.

    It's not that Fox believed its own ad, but that the ad was a way to intimidate the other networks to cover the wingnuts - thereby giving their lies and message more "credence".

    And to demonstrate its loyalty to the corporate special interests behind them.

    Let's just hope the other networks, after years of blatant Fox manipulation, doesn't fall for the game anymore.

  • September 19, 2009 8:26 AM CST

    Your Perspective Is Skewed

    by rwolfe7

    Further pontifications from a news junkie who loves AICN (but not it's bias when it comes to politics--which it has every right to have) . . . Everyone has a perspective. Reality is perception in a very real way, though that is not to say there isn't a concrete reality one must eventually reconcile perception with. Buses still hit people who step in front of them and never saw or heard them coming. The entirety of "mainstream" news outlets live inside a box of liberalism they have been ensconced within by their liberal educations and perhaps family backgrounds in some cases--but hopefully because they actually believe in it in their hearts and not because they have been steered or brainwashed into this view. In some cases, they believe everyone lives in that same box and don't realize this is not a universal worldview. In fact, it seems like in most cases. Fox News does have a bias that shows through at times. I was perplexed at their coverage and treatment of Ron Paul, for example. But that can be reconciled with a bent toward Republican Party leadership views. Why else keep putting Karl Rove on television--his face is for radio and his viewpoint is predictable! On hard news stories, however, Fox News delivers. I had no prior experience with Fox News prior to 9/11. They beat all other networks that day and for weeks and weeks 99% if the time with updates and breaking news (I had three TV's constantly on, switching between all networks and cable news for months--it was a sicknesss). I was won over. Recently, the presidential election coverage was overwhelmingly biased in favor of Obama in every other outlet, but was fairly balanced on Fox as far as number of stories, which "side" sources and guests were drawn from, etc. This was documented and several other news outlets, admitted it was so; some all but apologized. Fox News, where bias shows through, is more Republican Party-biased, but not so hard as the other news outlets are leaning left. Fox's bias shows through at times. This is not a reference to their penchent for airing only center and right-wing commentary; there, the bias is obvious. There is no Keith Olbermann coming on after Hannity on Fox News. The other news outlets are unashamedly biased for the left, perhaps the Democratic Party itself. It's all Keith's ilk on their commentary shows. You can tell if you live in the same box they do if you think Chris Matthews is unbiased or a news journalist; he's just not, and he's biased hard left, hard pro-Obama. Same could be said on the other side for Hannity. Beck is fairly Libertarian and has been abusing the Rebublican Party as much as the Democrats for years now--but he ain't center and he is opposed to the left-wing worldview to be sure. Not saying you can't watch and enjoy, just be real with yourself. Watch a little of all sides if you can stand to! Anyway, you have to pick your news outlet and deal with it; I say watch them all at least a little bit. EVERYTHING comes down to world view. The only thing you have to do is come to terms with that, recognize it where it is unsuccessfully being stifled, and put it in it's place in your perception of reality. There is no unbiased version of events. There is a concrete truth. You just will have to dig for it and be honest with yourself, because it might not be what you wanted it to be. If you stop digging for it because you found a stimulus that matches your hopes, you might end up squashed by a bus one day . . .

  • September 19, 2009 8:39 AM CST

    certainly some coverage

    by Himbo

    I scanned the stations during football breaks on 9/12. Fox covered the rally continuously. CNN covered intermittently, with the only lengthy report I saw after the rally broke for the day, but covered President's health-care town hall completely. MSNBC covered Presidents townhall and then some, but not at all the 9/12 rally.

    Compare this with CNNs constant house-long newsfeed of the smaller crowd that was protesting the G8 summit in London a few months back. So yes, indignant CNN guy can say they covered the 9/12, but their coverage was in NO WAY commensurate with the attendance. They've given more coverage to La Raza rallys.

    MSNBC doesn't consider 500K people news if their opinions do not dovetail.

  • September 19, 2009 8:42 AM CST

    House of M

    by shutupfanboy

    Murdouch is the Scarlett Witch of our time presenting a reality that crumbles easily and is designed for a certain people while excluding everyone else. The Sun and Fox News are built around the shock value while pretending to care about Family Values. The reality in which it wants people to live is designed to sell more papers and gather ratings instead of reporting. It will just keep spewing lies after lies until everyone believes the big lie or someone shuts them down.

  • September 19, 2009 8:44 AM CST

    Hercules, You Are A Moron


    who is employed by a website that hasn;t been "cool" in a long time. Fox is clearly a right leaning network but, I am no republican and even I can tell you that the mainstream media bends far to the left.

  • September 19, 2009 8:45 AM CST

    Why don't you guys stick to what you know best

    by vorlonkosh

    movies, and leave politics to the adults who actually contribute to society, pay their taxes, and work their asses off every day so that fat, basement dwelling douchebags like yourselves can sit around watching movies all day and writing reviews.

  • September 19, 2009 8:46 AM CST

    The stupidity of Fox News

    by Jor-El23

    Spending money on this ad is just plain dumb. All it does is make the people who hate you hate you more and the people who like you and already watch your network continue to watch. It does nothing, other than boosting consumer confidence in your product. Fox News is one of those things that you either love or hate.

  • September 19, 2009 8:52 AM CST


    by doubleARon

    This is funny. AICN, puh-lease stay out of politics. It's embarrassing. I love the last paragraph. Hilarious.

  • September 19, 2009 8:53 AM CST

    What happens when you show Outfoxed to Fox Nuts

    by snowpuff


    I showed this documentary to quite a few Fox diehards. They just shrug. People who watch Fox don't want the truth. They want information that matches their thinking. The end. They KNOW it's a bunch of bullshit.

    That's what they want.

  • September 19, 2009 8:53 AM CST

    Well boohoo

    by Spyhunter

    Get over it, Herc.

  • September 19, 2009 8:56 AM CST

    If you want the real news watch BBC America News!

    by Yoda's Ball Sack


  • September 19, 2009 8:58 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack


  • September 19, 2009 9:00 AM CST

    Ain't It Agenda News?

    by Spastic Jedi

    WTF? If your gonna cover this bullshit, cover the fact that no news station covered Van Jones or the Acorn scandal.
    Hypcrite much AICN?

  • September 19, 2009 9:00 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack


  • September 19, 2009 9:00 AM CST


    by mjstern

    I'm no fan of Fox News but I've seen Outfoxed and I wouldn't get too excited about it's content. They make a lot of accusations, they show evidence in a few cases. But you know what they don't do that totally undermines the documentary? They don't establish that the other news networks don't do the same.....

  • September 19, 2009 9:02 AM CST

    All the news is biased!

    by Reaver Chow

    I don't watch Fox, in fact I prefer reading news to watching it, when I watch news on TV it is usually CNN. However I am grateful that we have a free market media system that allows a outlet like Fox to bring stories, like this ACORN mess, to the forefront when other outlets ignored it. Media "scooping" each other is part of a healthy, competitive free system. A couple of bits of advice for the supposedly open minded liberals who constantly attack Fox and it's viewers: 1) All Media is biased, most towards the left. If you can't be honest about that fact, then you are an idiot. On the plus side being an idiot means you have a good shot of being a Massachusetts congressperson. 2) Calling Fox viewers inbred, Oh there is a mature and cogent point... So now we call people names, that'll show 'em, it worked in 1st grade. I love the assumption that if someone thinks differently than you, that they are automatically defective. So much for vaunted liberal open mindedness. 3) If you hate it, don't watch it, don't talk about, go on with your lives. Liberals are fond of mocking conservatives for saying "liberal media" now do the same exact thing and think it is smart. One question for all you allegedly smart, correct-thinking, liberals; given the option, would you shut down Fox and other opposition media?

  • September 19, 2009 9:07 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    You might not like that Herc posted this, but it IS TV related. And it's not like you encounter even a modicum of censorship of your opposing views here. And it's not like you even have too click on the link. If Harry and Herc or whomever at AICN feels inclined to post something related to politics, it's their right - it's THEIR site.

    God forbid we discuss something more meaningful or relevant to our lives.

    Keep fucking that chicken. You're only making yourself look foolish.

  • September 19, 2009 9:12 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    So your complaining about people complaining.
    Does that qualify as a paradox?

  • September 19, 2009 9:14 AM CST

    God, I hate that liberal media.

    by rbatty024

    They really pissed me off when they undermined Bush's claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They did a great job of uncovering those lies. Or how about discrediting the lengthy and costly investigation into the Bill Clinton Whitewater scandal. I bet Bush would have won in 2004 if the liberal media didn't once and for all show that the swift boat campaign was a political attempt to smear a war hero. Damn liberal media.

  • September 19, 2009 9:16 AM CST

    War Hero?

    by Spastic Jedi

    Are you talking about John Kerry, who was allowed to bring a movie camera with him to Vietnam, or are you talking about John McCain who spent years in a prison camp?

  • September 19, 2009 9:19 AM CST

    Fox News lied to me?!?!?

    by we_pray_for_mad_skillz

    Holy shit, my whole reality has been shattered! Seriously though, this article is obviously just wingnut-bait, and, of course, they're taking it. Bigtime. Like always. Here comes a talkback with heavy traffic!

  • September 19, 2009 9:20 AM CST

    Fox News

    by Shawn F.

    I hate the right wing Neo-Nazi fuckheads as much as the next person with more than two brain cells, but I will say that CNN is hardly the beacon of journalism perfection. I mean, how much time did they devote to covering that kiddie rapist Michael Jackson when he expired this summer?

  • September 19, 2009 9:22 AM CST

    "Keep fucking that chicken!"

    by L.H.Puttgrass

    What was that guy thinking?

    He was thinking, "I've got a new AICN catch phrase!"

    "Take that you sexy-tomboy-beanpole-what-cha-ma-call-its!!"

  • September 19, 2009 9:22 AM CST

    LOL...That Tea Party March

    by The_Floating_Skull_of_Robert_Loggia

    Looked like some sort of Trailer Park Pride Day parade. One can only hope Glenn Beck pulls a Jim Jones and gets them all to follow him to an island somewhere and drink his Jesus juice.

  • September 19, 2009 9:26 AM CST

    Right wing? Left wing? IT'S ALL CHICKEN WINGS!!!

    by L.H.Puttgrass


  • September 19, 2009 9:27 AM CST

    Yeah, I think saving his swift boat crew...

    by rbatty024

    counts as being a war hero, as well as enduring several wounds in the line of duty.

    Of course, I'll give you that John McCain is also a war hero and served his country proudly. He also knows nothing about economics and would have been a disastrous president. Of course that's the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals may see right and wrong but they also don't see everything in black or white.

  • September 19, 2009 9:29 AM CST

    3 chambers of Congress

    by Ash0k

    House. Senate. Media.

  • September 19, 2009 9:30 AM CST

    Btw I swear to God I hope this nation has a Civil War

    by Ash0k


  • September 19, 2009 9:31 AM CST

    Watch the movie Network (1976)

    by Wrath

    Completely prophetic. Almost everything in the movie has happened. And this is before cable news even started. There is no more news. There are only corporations.

  • September 19, 2009 9:32 AM CST

    Ernie Anastos IS the MAN!!!

    by L.H.Puttgrass

    Ron Burgundy hasn't got nothing on the "Chicken-man"!

  • September 19, 2009 9:33 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Heroes don't give themselves awards, and they don't throw other people medals in protest.
    John Kerry is a fabricated hero.
    I didn't vote for McCain, but by stating he knows nothing about economics is rather hilarious considering what the Community Organizer in Chief is doing.
    Whats the unemployment rate in your city?

  • September 19, 2009 9:33 AM CST

    Goodbye AICN for going political

    by the_rising

    As if liberal haters haven't infected everything else, now I have to read liberal hate here too? Good riddance AICN. It's not like you've been relevant anyway.

  • September 19, 2009 9:35 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    And I was watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC *AND* CBS news.

  • September 19, 2009 9:36 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Bye, don't let the browser hit your ass on the way out.

  • September 19, 2009 9:36 AM CST


    by luke_lymon

    Why any attention to this? Liberals and conservatives often aren't what they claim to be anyway. Way too many are in the idiot classification. Let's stop with the politicizing here. OOPS, Sanchez is probably going to read this and make it his headline story

  • September 19, 2009 9:36 AM CST

    lol, Michele Obummer wears a bondage belt.

    by Ash0k ROFL.

  • September 19, 2009 9:38 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Dude, I thought that was Carl Weathers! lol.

  • September 19, 2009 9:39 AM CST

    Like anybody gets it 100% right

    by richievanderlow

    But Fox has a point that the 'mainstream' guys have not covered stuff adequately. CBS gets 30 minutes to cover the news on a nightly basis. They spent 26 minutes of Couric's 30 minute evening news program covering Michael Jackson the day after he died, as cap and trade was getting voted on. When all you have is 30 minutes how is MJ worthy of that much time? Is there really nothing else to report on in the world? News networks these days are a joke. Fox isn't wrong, not that they're getting it right though. The news is not our watchdog anymore... and they wonder why they're losing their audience.

  • September 19, 2009 9:40 AM CST

    Getting destroyed in the ratings hurts....

    by ZoeFan

    Sorry CNN.

  • September 19, 2009 9:43 AM CST


    by em_tee_em

    ...all of the major news outlets covered the ACORN story and the Van Jones story. I can only assume that your belief that they didn't is because that's what FOX News told you.

  • September 19, 2009 9:44 AM CST

    Seriously, NO ONE has made any counterpoints to Glenn Beck.

    by Ash0k

    One thing I have noticed is that he anti-FOX media has consistently trashed, slammed, and criticized Glenn Beck as a person. Ironically, they never attack Beck's actual arguments. Which pretty must proved that either a) The anti-FOX media is incompetent or b) Love him or hate him, Glenn Beck is right. I personally give Beck some serious credit for reporting real news, even if it offends the Obama fangirls.

  • September 19, 2009 9:45 AM CST

    FOX's point

    by Spastic Jedi

    The point of the Ad, is that FOX covered the "story" that there were thousands of people fed up with taxes and spending that protested Washington.
    The other networks instead tried to "frame" the story as a hate rally focusing on the fringe rather than the real message. That's something they never did with the left and the anti-war protesters.
    Regardless if you hate these people because you are such party loyalists, this wasn't a group of 500,000 racists as MSNBC claims.
    FOX covered the story, the MSM created the meme. There is a huge difference.

  • September 19, 2009 9:45 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi...

    by rbatty024

    McCain called for a spending freeze during a recession, something that both conservative and liberal economists said would be a disaster. At this moment a vast majority of economists say we are out of the recession. This would not be the case if McCain was elected president.

  • September 19, 2009 9:45 AM CST


    by Ash0k

    "I didn’t even know about it [ACORN]. Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss. I don’t know." -Charles Douchebag Gibson

  • September 19, 2009 9:47 AM CST


    by Ash0k

    We are out of the recession? Uh..... right. Oh yeah I forgot, Obama and Bernanke said it was over so I guess everything is okay. Heehee.

  • September 19, 2009 9:47 AM CST

    Jon Stewart

    by richievanderlow

    Even he asked where the media was on Acorn. He blasted them all. I think he's offended Fox broke it and that they're getting such a leg up on the rest of the media. Gotta give him props for that.

  • September 19, 2009 9:53 AM CST

    Politics and religion

    by WhoDis

    have no place here in these hallowed halls of movie geekdom.

  • September 19, 2009 9:54 AM CST

    You lie!.... not a lie?

    by DieGlazerDie "President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage." Oh, I see what you did there.

  • September 19, 2009 9:54 AM CST

    "vast majority of economists"

    by Spastic Jedi

    "a vast majority of economists" also agree that the recession would have ended without 800 billion in "stimulus" to Obama campaign contributers.
    "a vast majority of economists" also state that Obamacare will severly hurt our economy and put us trillions in debt for at least the next 20 years.
    "a vast majority of economists" also state that Cap & Trade will increase annual taxes on every American household $1700.

    The Tooth Fairy is real, Santa is coming and Obama will fix everything right?

  • September 19, 2009 9:56 AM CST

    There is are certain indicators that economists use...

    by rbatty024

    in order to tell whether or not we have exited a recession. Most economists say that we are no longer in a recession and are now in a recovery period. How long this recovery will last is up for debate. Did no one here go to high school?

  • September 19, 2009 9:57 AM CST

    Mistahtibbs, I hate to tell you this...

    by RenoNevada2000

    But MSNBC just ran a four or five minute piece on the recent ACORN story. So much for ignoring it...

  • September 19, 2009 9:59 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Two weeks after it broke.

  • September 19, 2009 10:02 AM CST


    by Ash0k

    A little late to the party though.

  • September 19, 2009 10:02 AM CST

    Seriously tho, Democrat or Republicans...

    by Ash0k

    I think we can all agree on one thing. Inglourious Basterds rocked.

  • September 19, 2009 10:03 AM CST


    by em_tee_em

    ...the ACORN story came from a website named It wasn't from any of the mainstream media and that includes FOX News.

    I'm not even arguing that FOX News wasn't the first major media outlet to pick up the story from the web I'm just saying that the story actually got covered everywhere. You know how I know? I don't get my news from FOX and yet I am somehow aware of the facts of the story.

    Jon Stewart didn't ask why the MSM didn't cover the story he asked why they didn't get the story, and that's an entirely different question.

  • September 19, 2009 10:06 AM CST

    Just because I think Obama is far more knowledgeable...

    by rbatty024

    about the economy and took the necessary steps to remedy the situation does not mean I agree with him one hundred percent. While the stimulus plan was a necessity (as most high schoolers can explain to you), his continuation of the Bush bank bailout was a terrible idea. He should have, at the very least, received specific concessions from the banks regarding lending and business practices. Again, things are not black or white. There is nuance to most things.

    By the way, I hope most people here complaining about Obama's spending was also complaining about the extraordinary deficits of Bush and Reagan. The thing that gets me is, where were these conservative protesters when Bush's wars were costing us trillions.

  • September 19, 2009 10:07 AM CST

    by Spastic Jedi

    Breibart, Giles and O'Keefe deserve a Pulitzer.

  • September 19, 2009 10:07 AM CST

    Yeah, they ALL covered it!!! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!

    by Coughlins Laws

    If you had been watching ABC, CBS, or NBC, you would have known next to nothing about this event prior to it happening. You also would have seen anchors from CNN and MSNBC calling the participants ballsuckers, I'm sorry, I think they said "teabaggers", which is the same thing as "ballsuckers". You also saw ZERO coverage of the ACORN employees giving tax advice to pimps and hookers. It's really funny the "outrage" you see from the racist killer, Rick Sanchez. Before the million-man march or just about any liberal anti-war march you'd see weeks of coverage beforehand. There were reporters camped out with Cindee Sheehan for weeks. They also didn't denigrate the protestors like these protestors were. There was the CNN reporter back in April who got into an argument with a Tea Party protestor, shouting Obama talking points at him. To try and say they gave these people the respect and airtime they gave all of the anti-Bush protests is laughable. The fact of the matter is, about a million people marched on Washington, it's been planned for weeks, and if you watched CNN, CBS, or ABC you wouldn't have known about it till after it happened. Who the fuck watches news on a Saturday? Most people who weren't there didn't know about the march until Saturday WHILE it was going on or Sunday morning. You'd think they'd say something before it happened, but none of the networks reported on it. They had to report on it when it was actually going on...

    As far as that Megan Fox so called "lie", that's about the dumbest point ever made on this site. This site posts casting rumors and script rumors that turn out to be false all the time. Was it a lie every time that this site put up something that turned out to be false? Oh, it wasn't a lie when they posted something that they thought was true but turned out not to be? Then how was it a lie when another media outlet posted casting news that turned out to be false?

  • September 19, 2009 10:07 AM CST

    I love Republicans...

    by TheJokesOnUs

    Seriously, you cannot find a group more proud and more ignorant. They're fighting health care that would benefit them. They defend huge corporations as if those same massive conglomerates would piss on their face if their hair were on fire. They talk about Obama spending tons of money, as if Bush didn't waste a ton of cash, increasing spending and fighting two wars while lowering taxes... something that never happened before, and for a reason. It's fucking retarded. There's a self-destructive side of me that wants total conservative control of government again just to see the look on those smug assholes faces when things come crashing down and they realize that God and the military-industrial complex isn't going to bail them out.

  • September 19, 2009 10:08 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I have no idea what happened to his mind when he went to Fox, or what things he saw there that would compel him to cheerlead the fucking of chickens.

  • September 19, 2009 10:10 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

  • September 19, 2009 10:12 AM CST

    The right had total control of the country for six years...

    by TheJokesOnUs

    someone want to tell me how awesome those six years were? How safe we all were, how excellent our foreign relations were, how much money the middle class was making?

  • September 19, 2009 10:12 AM CST

    AshOk, they do that all the time. They're really good

    by Coughlins Laws

    at attacking someone personally but they refuse/can not refute what you say. Watch, after I post here, I will be called stupid, racist, evil, etc, but they won't be able to refute anything I say. Most of them don't even try anymore. I have listed at least a dozen times Obama has lied/broken his promises, and not one person on here can explain why it's OK for him to be a liar. They either call me a liar, with now proof, or they say that people don't care that he lies because every politician lies...

  • September 19, 2009 10:13 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    It's so bizarre, is there any info on why he said it?
    Hilarious yet so weird.

  • September 19, 2009 10:14 AM CST

    AINT-IT-DOUCHE NEWS: Pro-liberal BS

    by SnowDogs

    What a joke your site has become. Way to fight the "power," even though it's your jackass party running this country. Please stick to your specialty of being a day late behind Slashfilm in reporting entertainment industry news, thanks.

  • September 19, 2009 10:15 AM CST

    Savage Nation

    by Azlam Orlandu

    Michael Savage is really the only person worth listening to. It sucks that he doesn't have a TV show, but he's radio show is amazing.

  • September 19, 2009 10:16 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Just like I do when I watch Sean Hannity.

  • September 19, 2009 10:17 AM CST

    Love how you libs are so threatened by Fox

    by SnowDogs

    You can't stand that there's a single media outlet out there not toe-ing the liberal party line. Long live Fox News, douchebags!

  • September 19, 2009 10:18 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    He epitomizes real journalism like no one else at CNN.

  • September 19, 2009 10:19 AM CST

    Yeah, Obamacare would benifit me. HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!

    by Coughlins Laws

    Guess, what, the vast majority of the American people are satisfied with their Health Care and a sizeable majority of independents and Republicans do NOT WANT Obamacare. It would HURT Health Care, not help it...

  • September 19, 2009 10:20 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Looks like Fox is the one feeling threatened.

  • September 19, 2009 10:21 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Didn't realize he's a murderer. thought that was people posting crazy things, but yea, he murdered a man in a DUI. Holy crap.
    That guy is not just a douche, he's a murdering super douche. wow.

  • September 19, 2009 10:21 AM CST

    Coughlins, you're stupid

    by Liberal_Warrior

    Feel better now, you Tongue Cleaner?

  • September 19, 2009 10:22 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Obama's healthcare reform will not benefit you. Because if it contains provisions to encourage wellness and healthy eating, your restaurant will surely fold.

    I understand your pain, but I don't share it.

  • September 19, 2009 10:23 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack


  • September 19, 2009 10:24 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Word. Up.

  • September 19, 2009 10:25 AM CST


    by em_tee_em

    I'm not going to argue for Obama's health care plan, and I'm certainly not going to suggest that you should support it. However, saying that the vast majority of the American people are satisfied with their health care is either a straight lie or some form of satire that went over my head.

    The vast majority of the American people favor some form of health care reform, as do the vast majority of congress. It's figuring out the nuts and bolts of how that reform should look that people are arguing over.

  • September 19, 2009 10:26 AM CST


    by Liberal_Warrior

    It's ver fukken simple, if ya don' like don' click on it, yo.

    Aint no one forced you to come to this site, aint no one appointed you czar of what can and can not be said. You have been granted the priv of be able to post your drivel, this site. But what the site itself does aint none of you motarded biz. Ya don' like, then git!

  • September 19, 2009 10:31 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    - the former head of communications for CIGNA, turned whistleblower - on Bill Maher. My eyes have been opened.

    I posted his interview with Bill Moyer on the Moore talkback. Obama's healthcare plan is far from perfect, or even good. But to say the system as is is fine?

    Fuck if that isn't the dumbest statement ever.

  • September 19, 2009 10:31 AM CST

    Single biggest problem with Obamacare

    by Spastic Jedi

    The fact that working responsible people don't want to pay for the healthcare of irresponsible people. Why should I pick up the bill for people who live their lives so poorly?
    Some moron who smokes, drinks gallons of soda, eats shit food and has a bus load of kids becomes my fiscal responsibility? Hells no.
    Also there is the fact that those in Government will have one healthcare package and us "peasants" will have another is just straight elitist and the basis for of class warfare.
    If government could come up with a package that allows me the same healthcare as my Senator, Congressman and President... well then we may have a deal.

  • September 19, 2009 10:32 AM CST

    Let me get this straight...

    by dmaynor

    All these other networks release their coverage of the tea party event and the coverage was so tiny that often Lindsay Lohan getting drunk got more coverage on their network and they feel this exonerates them? It seems to prove the point of Fox News. It seems like the other news networks are just tired of losing to Fox in the ratings and constantly getting scooped on stories Americans care about like the Tea party, Van Jones, or Acorn. Also AICN takes this chance to rail against an evil corporation by plugging an anti-corporate documentary funded by....big corporations (IE who received funding from billionaire George Soros). It all seems kind hypocritical.

  • September 19, 2009 10:32 AM CST

    Snow puppy

    by Liberal_Warrior

    Seems you aint been properly house broken yet. There is one thing to have a bias, it is entirely a different level of magnitude to openly support one party over another with your every resource, journalistic, punditry, news channel, website and newspapers. Fox aint leaning right, it fukken has a permanent 90 degree bent in that direction.

  • September 19, 2009 10:33 AM CST

    Harry, you're a brownshirt tool - Obama IS a liar!

    by GeorgieBoy

    It was Obama himself who said, "Judge me by the people I surround myself with." Okay, I will.

    ACORN is a corrupt organization who promotes prostitution and child slavery. Van Jones is a self-avowed communist. The Czars are unconstitutional (under any administration). Bill Ayres is a terrorist. Exekial Emmanual is an advocate for 2-year old baby murder...

    Yes, these are the people Obama surrounds himself with. So, I'm making a judgment and it isn't pretty.

    It's sad that you people who support him are so blind. WAKE UP AMERICA! YOUR FREEDOMS ARE BEING STRIPPED FROM YOU!

  • September 19, 2009 10:34 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    yet I bet you watch MSNBC.

  • September 19, 2009 10:35 AM CST

    Gone are the days of REAL journalism

    by Powerring

    Uncle Walter was great at covering the news comprehensively and without bending it to the left or to the right. Now, we have COMEDIANS that are thrashing worthless assholes like Mr. Mad money for the disingenuous POS he is. Where were the major news outlets? 60 minutes? WTF? The same goes for the acorn bullshit was broken to the public by college students on the web! I guess the mainstream was too buys worrying about Kanye West or what brand of smokes Lindsey Lohan prefers. Pathetic. The media needs to quit manufacturing news and get their lazy asses out there a scoop.

  • September 19, 2009 10:36 AM CST

    Long live Fox News!

    by TheJokesOnUs

    Tell me what I want to hear, not what is accurate or factual. Being a conservative seems like being an abused housewife. You spend so much effort protecting things (husbands or the rich) that not only are apathetic towards you, but actually hurt you. And for all those talking about Obama's lies, all of his alleged lies combined wouldn't change the fact that when the last guy was in charge lied, we often invaded another fucking country. I don't think Obama's lies have the consequence of thousands of dead Americans.

  • September 19, 2009 10:37 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by Liberal_Warrior

    I'll bet you cut your dick hand off when you thought you were wanking your winkie and you spased and grabbed the light saber instead.

  • September 19, 2009 10:38 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by Judge Briggs

    How does it feel to part of the anti-intellectual movement of the 21st century? Is the world going by too fast for you? Scary, huh? Truth hurts, huh? Keep watching FOX ... it's the home of people who simply don't like the truth.

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 AM CST

    "Judge me by the people I surround myself with."

    by Spastic Jedi

    I was at a wedding this past weekend in Boston and that was actually a huge topic. A lot of people who were obvioulsy Democrats were not happy and at one point a couple guys even were making the claim that "yea, yea, ok, I made a mistake" when talking about voting for Obama. Sure it was "talk" but that speaks volumes.
    I'm a registered Libertarian, needless to say that I was surprised, especially in Boston!

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 AM CST

    In a shocking development...

    by Peter Franks

    FOX News is full of shit.

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 AM CST


    by TheJokesOnUs

    Like your freedom to be arrested and thrown in as a suspected terrorist with no evidence! Your freedom to have your information tapped! Your freedom to be tortured and to have your rights ignored! Your freedom to- uh-oh. Whoops.

  • September 19, 2009 10:40 AM CST

    Personal attacks.

    by Spastic Jedi

    Wow, didn't take long for those.

  • September 19, 2009 10:40 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I know you hate me but that was still funny.

  • September 19, 2009 10:42 AM CST

    my eyes just rolled right the fuck out of my head.

    by VoteRoslin08

    apparently FOXNews ads are becoming as belligerent as Glenn Beck.

  • September 19, 2009 10:42 AM CST

    Took longer than I usually take, I'm still sleepy

    by Liberal_Warrior

    I'mma grab a cup a coffee.

  • September 19, 2009 10:43 AM CST


    by Ky-El

    God, I'm not even republican but I'm sick of the loud mouth obnoxious Democrats in the media that scream and moan anytime they get an open soap box.

  • September 19, 2009 10:43 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    We can all at least agree that Bill Moyers is old school trustworthy journalism, right?

  • September 19, 2009 10:45 AM CST

    Why can't people be independent?

    by TheJokesOnUs

    For instance, I think Herc is by far the absolute worst reviewer on here. There is no other AICNer who has an actual contempt for his audience, not to mention his mostly shitty taste. (If Tina Fey shat in a paper bag and said it was funny, Herc would line up to take a whif i.e. Fallon) I also think BringingSexyBack is an annoying relic of the DGDB era, one that is thankfully at long last coming to a close now that they formed their own unread website. However, I also think that anyone that fights so hard to protect conservatism when all it did was fuck people in the ass for six horrible years has to be a drooling retard. There. I'm my own man.

  • September 19, 2009 10:46 AM CST

    Moyers? trustworthy? Not so much.

    by Spastic Jedi

  • September 19, 2009 10:47 AM CST

    Don't even bother...

    by Peter Franks

    to engage these right wing lunatics in a discussion. You'll only be wasting your time. These programmed little Racist Rush Robots are so hopped up on hate that they don't even know if they're coming or going without FOX News gives them their marching orders. Fear and ignorance are no excuse for this behavior, and it will come back to bite you and your regional party of southern white men right in the ass.

  • September 19, 2009 10:47 AM CST

    "They are coming for your children"

    by Flummage

    - Glen Beck, regarding optionally viewable Presidential address to school classrooms.

  • September 19, 2009 10:47 AM CST

    Not me that's who

    by MajorUndeclared

    I'm pretty sure AICN has given false casting rumors at least 4 times a week so the Megan Fox/Catwoman thing is ridiculous. I love how I come to a movie site and get slanted political news. I will be seeing Capitalism: A love story but will be paying for another movie and sneaking into that one because who the hell would want to support Moore.

  • September 19, 2009 10:48 AM CST


    by em_tee_em

    ...GeorgieBoy actually just say that Ezekiel Emmanuel is an advocate for the murder of 2 year olds?

    How do you even argue with something like that?

  • September 19, 2009 10:48 AM CST

    Fox news: the heavy spin zone

    by Powerring

    Brother Bill has demonstrated that all it takes for an intellectual counterpoint is to get mad and shout down the guest that is speaking. I noticed Arabs doing this when responding to 9-11 issue or other questions of corruption. Just get mad, raise your voice, and keep talking nonsensically until all the oxygen in the room is gone and everyone else passes out. That is what substitutes for real fair and balanced dielectic discussion of the issue. The art of conversation has been replaced by shout downs and personal attacks.

  • September 19, 2009 10:48 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    And that's not hyperbole.

  • September 19, 2009 10:49 AM CST

    Why do we even keep the Republicunts around?

    by Fa_Tass_DinoMolester

    After McCarthy, Nixon, and Bush 1 and 2, can't we just go build a giant oven out in the desert, round up the dirty Republicunt bastards, and shove them in?

  • September 19, 2009 10:49 AM CST

    Reap what you sow Republican assholes...

    by Peter Franks

    and watch as your numbers shrink year after year. It couldn't happen to a more deserving group of rabid hate-mongers.

  • September 19, 2009 10:50 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I haven't seen anything on the news about them. Did they do something naughty?

  • September 19, 2009 10:50 AM CST

    Capitalism: A love story

    by Spastic Jedi

    Shouldn't Moore be giving this movie away for free?
    Isn't paying money for a product the basis of Capitalism? Oh Michael Moore, you got us again!

  • September 19, 2009 10:51 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    So what's the problem?

  • September 19, 2009 10:52 AM CST

    People Need To Chill

    by th3480

    This whole "Obama is a Nazi" bullshit needs to stop. Whether you agree or disagree with him, show some respect. For fuck's sake people, Bush was president for 8 years, ran this country into the ground, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people - yet the man who wants universal health care is Hitler? That's messed up.

  • September 19, 2009 10:52 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    But if you want to know why we have a healthcare crisis, that's prime suspect numero uno.

  • September 19, 2009 10:52 AM CST


    by blackmantis

  • September 19, 2009 10:55 AM CST

    Fond Affection

    by MajorUndeclared

    Massawyrm is a conservative? I knew he was my favorite reviewer for a reason.

  • September 19, 2009 10:55 AM CST

    This is just FauxNews' usual M.O.

    by AsimovDiedOfAIDS

    Ginning up another fake contoversy to boost ratings amongst their usual Southern USA pig-fucker demographic. "See, thar wuz 350 BILLION folks at that thar protest agin' them libruls an' thuh illuh-jit-umit, n****r Presidunt, FOX done sed so! All thems uther lyin' librul nooz shows lied and sed it ain't nevuh happun. Damn them thar libruls!"

  • September 19, 2009 10:56 AM CST

    look who was attending the tea party

    by mynamesdan

    the one Fox was sponsoring v=lUPMjC9mq5Y&feature=fvw

  • September 19, 2009 10:58 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Despite his rightwing bent.

  • September 19, 2009 11:00 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by richievanderlow

    In response to "a vast majority of economists" also state that Obamacare will severly hurt our economy and put us trillions in debt for at least the next 20 years" So does the Congressional Budget Office who have dound the plan cannot pay for itself. Not a sustainable solution.

  • September 19, 2009 11:00 AM CST

    Republicans need to fuck off

    by StarQrtrs

    seriously... please. You are the most self absorbed people in this country. All you care about is yourself and could give a rats ass about helping anyone less fortunate then you. For once in your life follow your fucked up Christian views and try reaching out to people besides yourself to those that need it. Oh, and spouting off your completely fucked up faith to them doesn't count. Liberals may not be perfect, but we don't force you to live a certain way. If republicans had their way we'd all be christian zombies.

  • September 19, 2009 11:01 AM CST

    The Left here is so angry

    by Spastic Jedi

    Wow, why are the people here who obvioulsy associate themselves with the political left so angry?
    Read through the the posts and it's those on the left that spew the most venomous hatred, it's kind of disturbing.
    Those on the right are talking some shit too, but the the overwhelming vitriol goes to the left. Wow. You guys have the entire government and 90% of the media in control, and yet the hate flows so freely.
    kind of scary.

  • September 19, 2009 11:03 AM CST

    Bringing Sexy Back Hair

    by MajorUndeclared

    No, look deep in your heart, he is the best reviewer because he can see things so clearly. Harry is a hack who likes garbage because he is so slanted. You know it's true.

  • September 19, 2009 11:04 AM CST

    "Liberals may not be perfect, but we don't force you to live a c

    by Spastic Jedi

    That right there is comedy gold!

    I ain't (R) or (D) for that exact reason, both major parties EXPECT you to live a certain way, and neither way is something I want to subscribe to.

  • September 19, 2009 11:05 AM CST

    Why do Republicans hate America?

    by AsimovDiedOfAIDS

    Just asking the same question they asked when all the major corporate news networks ignored the Iraq war protests.

  • September 19, 2009 11:07 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    They murdered a doctor within months of Obama taking office. Guns showing up at town halls and Presidential events. Inciting racial hatred on the Web and talk radio. And Obama's not even 3/4s into his first year.

    There's an army of potential Timothy McVeighs out there, and this time they have the full weight of Fox News behind them.

  • September 19, 2009 11:09 AM CST

    Oh Come On!

    by MajorUndeclared

    hey back, generalize much? Racial hatred? wait a minute...are you really bill maher? I knew it!

  • September 19, 2009 11:10 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Yea, the but the CBO is a crazy right wing neonazi christian pig fucker racist birther group so they don't count.

    /sarcasm obvioulsy.
    I'm betting most here don't even know what the CBO actually is.

  • September 19, 2009 11:10 AM CST

    of course Fox News is popular

    by Chain

    it's the only place for them to get the "news" they want to hear regardless of the facts. They're popular in the same way the corner drug dealer is popular.

  • September 19, 2009 11:11 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Seriously? You think Rush inferring that a school bus fight is indicative of "Obama's America" wasn't inciting racial hatred?

  • September 19, 2009 11:12 AM CST


    by StarQrtrs

    That's because the Iraq War Protests were run people who aren't Americans, because unless you support the slaughter of thousands, the death of thousands of American soldiers then you aren't American. People say the left are violent but have you seen the average sign at these "protests" They are filled with far more hate then I could ever spew. and Spastic, I don't believe for a second your not R or D. Republicans have always been known for keeping government small, which in itself can be a very good thing but also for taking rights away from people in the process. Trying to get universal health care for everyone isn't taking away rights for anyone, it's giving people an opportunity. There's a difference. I don't support making it mandatory to have health care but I think giving people options is never a bad thing.

  • September 19, 2009 11:12 AM CST

    i want my baby back ribs

    by MajorUndeclared

    You ever hear of sarcasm? oh wait, you must have seen that story reported by katie couric...

  • September 19, 2009 11:15 AM CST

    The biggest critics of this post ...

    by I Max U Mini

    ... are probably Faux News apologists and defenders.

  • September 19, 2009 11:16 AM CST

    Racial hatred?

    by Spastic Jedi

    hmmm, yea just ask Kenneth Gladney.

  • September 19, 2009 11:17 AM CST


    by fastcars

    My 50-year-old mother is working two jobs, with no medical insurance. I'll make sure to tell her to get off her lazy ass, go to school and get a great job.

  • September 19, 2009 11:19 AM CST

    gonna buy me a fastcar

    by MajorUndeclared

    You know what you're right, how about I buy your mom insurance with my taxes...

  • September 19, 2009 11:20 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    You obviously haven't read what I have posted so I'll post it again...

    The Single Biggest Problem With Obamacare (posted above)
    The fact that working responsible people don't want to pay for the healthcare of irresponsible people. Why should I pick up the bill for people who live their lives so poorly? Some moron who smokes, drinks gallons of soda, eats shit food and has a bus load of kids becomes my fiscal responsibility? Hells no. Also there is the fact that those in Government will have one healthcare package and us "peasants" will have another is just straight elitist and the basis for of class warfare. If government could come up with a package that allows me the same healthcare as my Senator, Congressman and President... well then we may have a deal.

    I'm not against healthcare, I'm against paying for irresponsible people who have no respect for themselves.

  • September 19, 2009 11:22 AM CST

    "Fox News Lies. This Just In: Humans Breathe Air."

    by TheSecondQuest

  • September 19, 2009 11:22 AM CST

    "The Left here is so angry."

    by Peter Franks

    That's classic, Jedi. Oh, yeah the LEFT is the angry end of the spectrum. All those progressives out there hoisting racist placards and toting firearms to rallies. can you believe the nerve of those liberal commentators calling for segregated buses? Crazy, huh? Oh, wait...that's your ilk feeding the hate machine, stoking the fires of division and racism. All the while your overlords at FOX News profit off the entire endeavor. You and your kind make me fucking sick to my stomach and have me considering more and more taking up the ex-pat lifestyle abroad again.

  • September 19, 2009 11:23 AM CST

    CNN has made many Bullshit mistakes before

    by My_IQ_is_135

    But when Fox News makes a mistake, which they rarely do, Everyone & I mean Everyone, gangs up on them. What the Hell?

  • September 19, 2009 11:23 AM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Spastic Jedi

    Need help packing?

  • September 19, 2009 11:24 AM CST


    by StarQrtrs

    Those people are the minority and while I agree with you about that I think the greater good is worth it Spastic. There are millions of people in this country who live reasonably health lives but can't afford health care due to massive rising costs and/or pre-existing conditions that are beyond their faults (genetic conditions) that can't get health care.

  • September 19, 2009 11:24 AM CST


    by SkidMarkedUndies

    Great job covering this-- which is basically Fox's sheer assholeyness when it comes to their competition. Well done and nicely put together.

  • September 19, 2009 11:25 AM CST

    Bwhahahahaha most conservatives WANT health reform.

    by Ash0k

    Uh, the GOP has been pushing for tort reform and competition across state lines to help make health care affordable for all. What they are against is forcing people to buy insurance or fining them $3,800 and they are opposed to giving amnesty to illegal aliens and handing current illegals free health care while increasing the deficit. I'm sorry but that is not right. Oh wait, unlike Juan McCain and Obama I care more about Americans than Mexicans living in America illegally, I guess I am an evil black racist, lol.

  • September 19, 2009 11:25 AM CST


    by Chain

    makes a mistake and completely fabricates a lies out of thin air are two different things.

  • September 19, 2009 11:26 AM CST

    Thanks, Jedi...

    by Peter Franks

    but I still vote absentee. So guess what? You lose either way.

  • September 19, 2009 11:27 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    His naive understanding of the health 'insurance' industry is shocking. He actually THINKS they want to insure you and make you better. Not take your exhorbitant premiums until you have a catastrophic condition, then drop you like a rock. LOL

  • September 19, 2009 11:27 AM CST

    One more thing...

    by Ash0k

    Democrat or Republican, you can all me assured of one thing. Max Baucus is gonna faucus.

  • September 19, 2009 11:27 AM CST

    Ashk0k: competition across state lines?

    by Chain

    how well did that work out for the consumers when they let the credit card companies do it?

  • September 19, 2009 11:28 AM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Spastic Jedi

    Racist placards like the ones at every leftist protest the last eight years

    Segregated buses or putting Republicans into an oven in the desert as was stated above? is genocide worse that sarcasm? hmmm.

    Stoking racism like Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Jimmy Carter, etc., etc., and even Obama himself?

    No one is keeping you from leaving.

  • September 19, 2009 11:30 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    But I'd be wrong.

  • September 19, 2009 11:30 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by em_tee_em

    How about a perfectly responsible person with respect for themselves who has had a couple bad breaks? Would you help them out? Or would you miraculously find a reason that everyone is in some way unworthy of help? Could it be that the truth is that you don't believe in helping anyone ever regardless of circumstance, but trot out your tired cliches to justify your apathy toward your fellow man?

  • September 19, 2009 11:34 AM CST

    competition across state lines

    by Spastic Jedi

    Well it's working out fantastic with my car insurance, and that's an actual comparision know.. it's insurance.

    In Massachusetts, we just got competetive car insurance and my rates dropped by half, seriously, HALF! My annual cost went down by almost $500.
    Geico FTW.

    Allowing insurance over state lines with government regulation is teh best idea, it's essentially what Government healthcare would be, Obamacare if passed would be the only nationally available healthcare. Why not allow for the private sector to do the same thing?
    That and Tort reform of course.

  • September 19, 2009 11:36 AM CST

    The Repugnant Party wants...

    by Peter Franks

    anything BUT health care reform. Why would the party of rich, white elitist CEO assholes ever want to change a system that profits off of Americans getting sick? Twelve BILLION dollars in profits last year alone. The funniest (and sickest) thing is the uneducated middle-class and poor voters that is exploited into supporting conservative candidates because of social hot button issues. Reagan was a master of exploiting these people and their ignorance and it's only gotten worse with the help of that drug addled hypocrite Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and the rest of the lying filth at FOX "News". The Republican Party fucking hates you middle-class and poor supporters. These fuckers wouldn't have anything to do with you, but they'll happily frighten you into voting for them as long as they can continue to fill their pockets, exploit your illnesses, and drop your children into their unending war machine. I almost feel sorry for these idiots that fall for them and give them their votes...that is, until I see them screaming their venomous hate on television and brandishing weapons in public to intimidate peaceful citizens around them. Disgusting is far too mild a term.

  • September 19, 2009 11:38 AM CST


    by Powerring

    Along with the disabled, vets, low income and dozens of other job-creating bits of legislation are owed to the Liberal lion, Ted Kennedy not the "Corporate first" GOP. Let's undo the GOP/Iraq/Halliburton crusades and re-invest that half trillion into the USA.

  • September 19, 2009 11:39 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Smoking isn't a "bad break"
    Obesity isn't a "bad break"
    Unprotected irresponsible sex and frivolous abortion isn't a "bad break".
    You cliche of peace and love, puppies and rainbows is far more tired than my "cliche" of Personal Responsibility.

  • September 19, 2009 11:40 AM CST

    Yeah, well, you're always wrong

    by My_IQ_is_135

  • September 19, 2009 11:42 AM CST

    Every Man For Himself!

    by Lesbianna_Winterlude

    That's how a country should be! No more handouts for the lazy and unemployed. Until I need it.

  • September 19, 2009 11:43 AM CST

    the more fox you watch the stupider you git

    by skiff

    fox lies is a opinion channel not a news network. A canadian tv channel did a show on fox lies and found that the more you watched it the more you facts were all wrong.

  • September 19, 2009 11:43 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    And while we're at it, let's do the same to the DNC/GE/Jeffery Immelt/Obama and reinvest all that cash too.

    Hmmm, same day Obama does a solid for Russia, Russia does a solid for GE.

  • September 19, 2009 11:47 AM CST

    Jedi's "personal responsibility"

    by Peter Franks

    Your "personal responsibility" is just Repugnant Party speak for "fuck everybody's all about me!" My favorite is how you assholes pretend to be "Christians". What a goddamn farce. You fuckers ignore the most fundamental of Christ's teachings at every turn. Sick, twisted self-centered pricks...and you prove it even more with every posting.

  • September 19, 2009 11:49 AM CST

    You regressive liberals can't stand dissent from your hive mind

    by SnowDogs

    And the fact that there's a single channel that doesn't worship your bleeding hearts makes you angry beyond belief. THANK YOU FOX NEWS FOR SAVING AMERICA!

  • September 19, 2009 11:51 AM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Ash0k

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA. "Woe unto me I am so downtrodden, give me free health care!!!"

    That is the problem with libtards today. They think they are entitled to everything. Here's a novel idea, instead of whining about evil CEOs screaming "gimme gimme gimme" like a lunatic, why don't you get off AICN, go get an education, and make something of your life. LOL.

  • September 19, 2009 11:51 AM CST

    Fuck Fox News

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    and fuck all right wing nazis! eat a dick.

  • September 19, 2009 11:52 AM CST

    Let history be your giude...

    by Peter Franks

    Going back to Franklin D. Roosevelt, look at how it's fallen to the Democratic Party time and again to stand up for the middle-class, while the Republicans fight it every step of the way, every goddamn time. Social Security? Created by a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress. Republicans fought it tooth and nail, even in the 1930's calling it socialist. Medicare and Medicaid? Same exact thing. The Civil Rights Movement? Driven through by Kennedy and LBJ, and fought all the way by racist fucking Republicans. Deny it, assholes. Try to refute it.

  • September 19, 2009 11:52 AM CST

    SnowDogs, you must be joking

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    or you are a moron

  • September 19, 2009 11:53 AM CST

    Ash0k, you are a fucking idiot

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    you are on AICN you douchebag piece of shit

  • September 19, 2009 11:54 AM CST

    Fox News stomps on bleeding hearts

    by SnowDogs

    Normally you guys worship people who buck prevailing thought. But only when it's some "brave" liberal doing it, and then it's praised to no end by the mainstream media. Where's the rebellion when you're being cheerleaded the whole way by the mainstream? Want to really be a rebel? Go conservative! Praise Murdoch for thumbing his nose at the rest of the news establishment!

  • September 19, 2009 11:54 AM CST


    by Ash0k

    Huh? Are you implying that SnowDogs is wrong on his assessment of FOX NEWS? Are you suggesting that FOX NEWS has indeed been sucking on Obama's dingleberries?

  • September 19, 2009 11:55 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by Powerring

    Wow, the next thing you'll know, we will be letting the 9-11 plotters out of prison for oil..err humanitarian reasons...

  • September 19, 2009 11:55 AM CST

    Republicans = Nazis

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    they want to destroy america. gun toting idiots...

  • September 19, 2009 11:55 AM CST

    Nerd_Rage, I am not joking

    by SnowDogs

    And you must be a moron.

  • September 19, 2009 11:56 AM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Spastic Jedi

    "you assholes pretend to be "Christians"."

    Bwhahahahaha. Oh man, that's the best!
    I think calling me a Christian is the worst personal attack I have had all morning here.
    You obviously have no idea what your talking about, which is f-ing hilarious.
    For one, I wouldn't pretend to be a Christian... well, because... I'm not one. hahaha. Would a Jew pretend to be a Muslim, would a Baptist pretend to be an Atheist? lol. Am I gonna pretend to go to church tomorrow too? lol. Maybe I'll say a prayer during halftime of the Patriots game if they are losing. (which probably won't happen, so therfore neither will my blasphemous prayer.)
    I truly enjoy "how you assholes" make such blind assumptions as well as "how you assholes" can't help yourselves from using vulgar persoanl attacks.
    Quite entertaining to say the least.

  • September 19, 2009 11:57 AM CST

    The difference betoween you and I, Ash0k...

    by Peter Franks

    is that while I am educated, and earning a very nice living...I'm also more than happy to share in my success with those who are less fortunate than I am. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you're not?

  • September 19, 2009 11:57 AM CST

    only old people and very young dumb people

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    are republicans.

  • September 19, 2009 11:58 AM CST

    If liberal media is impartial, where is the Obama criticism?

    by SnowDogs

    Obama could sell America to China and you libs would spin it in a positive way. The mainstream media is so biased that Fox News is a necessity. If the media were truly impartial, Fox News wouldn't be needed. Grow a mind, people. Think for yourselves.

  • September 19, 2009 11:58 AM CST


    by em_tee_em

    I'm fairly certain I made no mention of peace or love or puppies or rainbows. I was just asking you if in your worldview it could ever be possible that someone could deserve assistance, or is it always every man for himself?

  • September 19, 2009 11:59 AM CST

    One good thing about Foxy News....

    by HapaPapa72

    Julie Banderas. God bless YouTube.

  • September 19, 2009 11:59 AM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Yea, right!?
    Give it time I geuss and we'll see ;^)

  • September 19, 2009 12:00 PM CST

    That's the point

    by MajorUndeclared

    Franks, I am fine with helping those less fortunate. But there's a difference between my choice in helping people and forced volunteerism. Bottom line, it's not the governments role to force me to help others.

  • September 19, 2009 12:00 PM CST

    there is a lot of obama criticism on the news

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    or have you not been paying attention. try getting your news from sources other than fox news.

  • September 19, 2009 12:02 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Ash0k

    Well, if you are doing well with your life and you give to charities and donate to the poor frequently, then props to you. However, I'll take a good bet that 99% of the people on AICN screaming about helping the common man aren't exactly handing out money like an ATM machine to every poor downtrodden individual they stumble across when walking thru a city.

  • September 19, 2009 12:03 PM CST

    Time for me to go, but one final shot:

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    Republicans are assholes who don't give a fuck about the world or america. they are greedy, self absorbed idiots. please shoot yourselves in the head with those guns you love so much.

  • September 19, 2009 12:04 PM CST


    by Ash0k

    Let me guess, you just got fired from ACORN.

  • September 19, 2009 12:05 PM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    If pay into a system, you get something from the system.
    People paying into something shouldn't have to pay for those that don't.
    Do illegal aliens or "undocumented workers" deserve Social Security if they have never paid into it?
    If you allow those who don't contribute (to something) to benefit (from that same something) eventually and inevitably that system will fail.

  • September 19, 2009 12:06 PM CST

    nerd rage's last laugh

    by MajorUndeclared

    good on ya for being cliche. name calling is classic liberal! maybe i should shoot myself in the head with the gun I have every right to own before it's taken away and the govt does it for me...

  • September 19, 2009 12:07 PM CST

    FOX News: mouthpiece of the anti-Christ

    by aboriginal

    Preaches to the converted nits that gobble it down.

  • September 19, 2009 12:07 PM CST

    So why is this even on Ain't it Cool?

    by paburrows

    This has nothing to do with what AICN usually reports on. It just seems like Herc is pushing his politics on us.

  • September 19, 2009 12:08 PM CST

    FOX News: mouthpiece of the anti-Christ

    by Spastic Jedi

    Dude, Keith Olbermann is on MSNBC.

  • September 19, 2009 12:09 PM CST


    by MajorUndeclared

  • September 19, 2009 12:10 PM CST


    by em_tee_em

    Thanks for answering my question. While you may have taken my original post to you as a personal attack, and I'll admit that the last sentence was probably snarkier than it needed to be, I was honestly just wondering.

  • September 19, 2009 12:13 PM CST

    MSNBC is just as bad as Fox

    by enderandrew

    They're both HORRIBLY biased. But biased journalism has proven to be more financially rewarding. There are very few media outlets period that care about honest, responsible journalism.

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 PM CST

    How Fox gathers news vs. how MSM gathers news

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    I guess, the Fox news gathering techniques are worthy of a documentary? Interesting, though I'll never see it.

    We'll definitely never see a documentary on mainstream news media news gathering techniques because how boring would an entire documentary about someone waiting to receive a fax from the DNC be?

    You know, I know that they're all "up in arms" about an ADVERTISEMENT but nobody seems to be disputing Beck's contentions about MSM's coverage of Van Jones or ACORN. How odd. You'd think they'd be all over that... if it were false. ;)

  • September 19, 2009 12:18 PM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Yes, snarky gets snarky in return hence my rebuttal to your orignal post.

    Look at government health care like the sub-prime mortage crisis. Banks were giving out loans (forced by government) to people who we basically knew that couldn't ever pay them back. What happened? The banks failed because more money was exiting the system than what was being brought in by responsible paying people.

    You can't feed all your freinds at a pot luck dinner if you're the only person bringing a dish.

    Same basic concept plagues Obamacare, Social Security, Medacaid, Medicare and any Government program that deal with giving handout sto those taht don't contribute. The tax payer can only sustain the system for so long before it collapses under the weight of it all.

  • September 19, 2009 12:20 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    You'll recall (if you were paying attention) that they cancelled Phil Donahue at the beginning of the Iraq War because he was too Liberal for criticizing the war.

    Fast forward thousands of soldiers dead, and MSNBC finally realized that Fox was driving the news wagon over a cliff and someone needed to steer it back straight.

  • September 19, 2009 12:21 PM CST

    Time for me to go, but one final shot::

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Liberals are assholes who don't give a fuck about the world or America. They are greedy, self-absorbed idiots. [Also, apparently, liberals don't know how to capitalize at the beginning of a sentence or how to properly insert hyphens.] Please shoot yourselves in the head with those guns you hate so much.

  • September 19, 2009 12:22 PM CST


    by Cletus Van Damme

    Hey, awesome! It's....uh, political news....again.

    Seriously, this site is getting about as political as SNL. Look, there's no shortage of news/political website out there, so there's no shame in just being a movie/entertainment site.

  • September 19, 2009 12:23 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    is an option that should be seriously considered. Not to make them citizens, but to give them a path towards legal status and certainly to enroll them into the tax base. They would welcome it, we could use the taxes, and they're not going anywhere anyway.

  • September 19, 2009 12:24 PM CST

    unfair and biased: that's Fux news for you!

    by Zardoz

    Damn you Rupert Murdoch!

  • September 19, 2009 12:25 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Try toning it down. Let's be civil.

  • September 19, 2009 12:26 PM CST

    sexy back

    by MajorUndeclared

    Bicycle was making fun of nerd angst, if you look a couple of posts above you will get the joke.

  • September 19, 2009 12:27 PM CST

    Now if Anna Torv just had the skill that FOX NEWS had.

    by Ash0k

  • September 19, 2009 12:28 PM CST

    Anna Torv

    by Spastic Jedi

    Anna Torv can do no wrong.

  • September 19, 2009 12:29 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    systems in Eastern Europe that may never be used, to defend other countries, but are dead set against healthcare coverage for their fellow Americans.

    At what point in this nation did we become SO polarized, that we despise our fellow countrymen so much we'd rather spend money abroad than on ourselves?

    Was it around November 2000? Yeah, about that time.

  • September 19, 2009 12:29 PM CST

    Fox News lies? Well, only every day since 2002.

    by SpyGuy

    After all, these are the same hate mongers that want you to freak out about where President Obama was born or how he's "indoctrinating" your kids rather than talk about how the Dow has climbed back up from 6,500 to 9,800 since February.

  • September 19, 2009 12:30 PM CST


    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Her FAMILY decided to "pull the plug"?!?! What kind of daddy dick-sucking, inbred, retard are you? Are go really that ignorant? Her HUSBAND decided to "pull the plug!" He was fought by her PARENTS in court and, last I checked, PARENTS ARE FAMILY!!! You fucking moron! So, I guess her FAMILY didn't decide to "pull the plug," her HUSBAND did; you conveniently left out the rest of her FAMILY, shit-for-brains! And the "bunch of pro-lifers found out and started staging protests and making a big fuss about it" THREE YEARS LATER!!!! YOU'RE the worst example of brain dead I've ever heard of.

  • September 19, 2009 12:30 PM CST

    the penultimate post

    by MajorUndeclared

    What does penultimate mean and why does herc say it in every tv review?

  • September 19, 2009 12:31 PM CST

    Bringing Sexy Back

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    My "liberals are assholes" uncivil rant is actually just a copy of another rant from above about Republicans. I just changed a couple of words, punctuated it correctly and added a line. ;-)

  • September 19, 2009 12:32 PM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    Yet, the left supports abortion, yet is against the death penalty.

    Politics is baffling.

  • September 19, 2009 12:32 PM CST

    Penultimate means...

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Before the ultimate/last. Like, the letter 'Y' is the penultimate letter of the alphabet.

  • September 19, 2009 12:34 PM CST

    and now i know

    by MajorUndeclared

    and knowing is half the battle

  • September 19, 2009 12:36 PM CST

    Don't be baffled Spastic Jedi

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    The Left is for the destruction of innocence and the preservation of the guilty. What's not to understand? Please note how many instances of Left vs. Right can be encapsulated thusly (ACLU defense of pedophiles and Nazis, free speech rights but no free speech responsibilities, etc.).

  • September 19, 2009 12:37 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    And I don't like abortion, but support a woman's right to choose. If at all possible I would hope she chooses not to abort. But if she is raped by Philip Garrido or such, I would support her to abort if she were so inclined.

  • September 19, 2009 12:38 PM CST

    Right says they are Pro Life...

    by NoHubris

    ...but are against quality healthcare for all Americans.

    Go figure.

  • September 19, 2009 12:39 PM CST

    Fuck Fox

    by bueno_bob

    Most overtly slanted, biased, outrageously false "pseudo-news" reporting out there. Flagrantly fictional. Christ, it's only one step up the ladder from The 700 Club, for fucks sake. Anybody who watches Fox News and actually takes it SERIOUSLY has an IQ that could be mistaken for their age.

  • September 19, 2009 12:40 PM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    I support the right to choose too, I just wish it included my retirement social security savings. The government allows for the right to an abortion, but not my ability to invest my own savings. seems unfair huh?

  • September 19, 2009 12:44 PM CST

    You're not making any sense, BringingSexyBack

    by My_IQ_is_135

    You don't like abortion, and yet you feel that women have the right to abort their little defenseless babies, I don't get you. And who the Fuck is Phil Garrido?

  • September 19, 2009 12:47 PM CST

    How does that not make sense?

    by em_tee_em

    He, himself, has made the choice that abortion isn't for him. He has not made that choice for everyone.

  • September 19, 2009 12:49 PM CST

    Hey, Bringing Sexy Back

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    When did we become so polarized? 2000? Yeah, that's right. Around the time of "selected not elected," "retarded cowboy," "Bush doesn't care about black people," "Bush=Hitler," "Bush wanted dead or.. dead!" Yeah, right about that time.

    When did we become so polarized? 'Course, it couldn't have been around the time of massive protests in Europe against Reagan as a, you guessed it, "retarded cowboy who was gonna get us into a nuclear war with Russia" (hey, why is it that the Russians were never protested and criticized like that?).

    When did we become so polarized? Couldn't have been around the time that Bush I promised "read my lips, no new taxes," was convinced by a Democrat congress to raise taxes to balance the budget, and then was campaigned against BY DEMOCRATS for RAISING TAXES!!! (Talk about your fucking pot calling the kettle!)

    When did we become so polarized? Well, it obviously couldn't have been in the mid-90s when Clinton and the Repukelican congress got into a heated budget battle and Repukes wanted to limit the rate of budget increase in Soc Sec/Medicare/Medicaid to the rate of inflation plus the beneficiaries and this was painted as a "cut" (since it would go from 10% growth to 6% growth, this was a cut?!?!?) by Dems and the media and Repukes were railed against as wanting to kick grandmas out of nursing homes, deny her medicine, and make her eat dog food out of a can to survive. (Yes, this was claimed!)

    (Which is what makes me HOWL in delight at the outrage, OUTRAGE, when Dems say "how can anyone believe we'd have Death Panels?" HAHAHAHAHA! 'Cause you fucking idiots laid the groundwork for it with youR scare tactics to seniors in the 90s, fucking turds-for-brains! HAHAHAHAHA!)

    Yep. Must not have been any of those things that caused us to be polarized. Like everything else in an idiot's lexicon, it must only be the election of George W. Bush. The ignorance of history and political history amazes me.

  • September 19, 2009 12:49 PM CST

    You got me Bicycle Sharer

    by em_tee_em

    I am a liberal, and thus I am for the destruction of innocence. Fucking innocence makes me so mad!

  • September 19, 2009 12:53 PM CST

    NoHubris, Right against quality healthcare?

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    No. Wrong. Incorrect AND idiotic sophistry. They're just against the prescription that the LIBS/DEMS want for quality health care for all Americans, i.e. federal public option and non-constitutional mandates and programs, blaming private industry for a problem CAUSED by government interference with the ONLY solution being INCREASED government interference. THAT'S what Repukes are against. You can't really be that dumb. Or can you?

  • September 19, 2009 12:54 PM CST


    by The Bicycle Sharer

    I thought so. Certainly mad enough to abort babies while defending the rights of child-rapists and murderers to live on at public expense no matter what their crime.

  • September 19, 2009 12:55 PM CST

    History repeats itself...

    by Peter Franks

    Can not (or will not) a single conservative Republican defend their party's past record? Can you not defend the fact that your representatives, in both the legislative and the executive branch, have done all this before and are simply now doing it again? All the way back to debating FDR's newfangled "Social Security" in the 1930s, which your Republican forefathers called "Socialist" even then? What about in the 60s and 70s with Medicare and Medicaid? Again, conservatives cried out "Socialists! Communists!" only to have common sense and WHAT'S RIGHT TO DO BY OUR FELLOW MEN AND WOMEN prevail. How about the Civil Rights Movement and your distinguished Republican party taking a stand AGAINST equal rights for blacks in this country, just like your party stands against equal rights for homosexuals now? This has all happened before, and it will happen again and again when small minds are given big microphones. Latest case in point: FOX "News". Defend your party's record. Refute it. Please.

  • September 19, 2009 12:55 PM CST

    I don't care how evil Newscorp is because they gave us Simpsons

    by Tall_Boy66

    Also Arrested Development and 24. And two seasons of Terminator. And the good first season of Prison Break (and 3 iffy to bad seasons). And Married With Children. And Firefly. and the good Family Guy episodes. and Futurama. and those early "everybody sucks and is tone deaf" episodes of American Idol in the first 2 weeks. Sure, they kill some of those way too early and there's a lot of crap on there, but most of the shows I love have been Fox programs. So, yeah, keep being evil but keep taking chances (albeit small ones) on teevee and you can be as evil right wing as you want.

  • September 19, 2009 12:56 PM CST

    The NEA asked that artists help Obama with his agenda...

    by Vicconius

    AICN is just doing their part for the glorious leader.

  • September 19, 2009 12:58 PM CST

    Who is this preening CNN fuck?

    by Octavian

    Stay out of politics AICN. Stick to what you do best, self-regarding arse-clenchingly tedious beyond compare reviews desperately in need of an editor.

  • September 19, 2009 12:58 PM CST

    Well boys...

    by em_tee_em's been fun. I'll check in with you all later and see how this "conversation" has progressed, but I live in Minneapolis and this will probably be our last nice weekend until May so I think I might need to pull myself away from the computer for awhile.

    The internet is why god invented Winter.

  • September 19, 2009 12:58 PM CST

    lol @ glen beck

    by alice 13

    he has it all figured out peeple!!!!!!!!

    hitler=che=obama = antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    fox tapes his tv show direct from his padded cell.

  • September 19, 2009 1:00 PM CST

    Some people say...

    by Zardoz

    ...that Rupert Murdoch sucks Ronald Reagan's zombie cock while fisting George W. Bush on a pile of money while Nancy Reagan fellates Frank Sinatra as she takes it up the ass from Dick Cheney!

  • September 19, 2009 1:01 PM CST

    Glen Beck's mind

    by Powerring

    was destroyed by years of hard drugs and drinking. By the time he had a moment of clarity and became a Mormon, he lost all grip on reality. He is a 9/11 conspiracist and a racist loon. If you take heed in the fantastical satire he calls news commentary, I have a bridge to sell you.

  • September 19, 2009 1:04 PM CST


    by cheyne_stoking_DMS

    who gives a fuck. I want Batman.

  • September 19, 2009 1:05 PM CST

    Fox doesn't really pretend to be unbiased.


    They make it pretty clear their anchors are right-leaning. Sure, they claim the whole "fair and balanced" thing. But this is a reference to the fact that they generally have people from both sides of the political spectrum on EVERY SINGLE SHOW. When was the last time you saw Olbermann interviewing anyone but a far-left mouthpiece? He doesn't. He just shouts at them from afar. At least O'Reilly goes toe to toe with the people he disagrees with. That's the difference here. MSNBC and (to a lesser extent) CNN make little or no attempt at presenting all sides of a given story. That's why they "missed" this particular story. Rachel Maddow has never, as far as I know, interviewed anyone but die-hard liberals. How is that journalism? At least Fox is willing to get their hands dirty and do some heavy-lifting. Hell, they employed Alan Colmes for over a decade. Some may claim he's "weak," but he's just as much of a blowhard as Howard Dean or Dennis Kucinich or Michelle Obama.

  • September 19, 2009 1:06 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Spastic Jedi

    uh dude, it was a Republican Congress that passed the Civil Rights Act and every major Democrat at the time voted against the 14th ammendment.

  • September 19, 2009 1:10 PM CST

    Not defending

    by Spastic Jedi

    For the record, I'm not defending a party I don't belong to, I'm simply stating something I learned in 9th grade history class.

  • September 19, 2009 1:10 PM CST

    Fuck FOX "News"

    by I am_NOTREAL

    Seriously. Fuck 'em up their stupid asses. CNN may have a left-wing slant to their coverage; I wouldn't know, because I don't watch. But if anyone objectively watches almost any segment of FOX and then seriously tries to contend that there is NOT a pronounced right-wing slant to it, all I can say is, you either don't know left from right, or you're just plain fucking crazy.

  • September 19, 2009 1:13 PM CST

    haha jesus

    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    you idiots amaze me...none of you watch fox news regularly enough to form an assholes just parrot what your college professors have told you like it's the gospel...I get my news from ALL sources...and I would advise not listening to pseudo documentaries like Outfoxed which is paid for by equally dishonest and biased people...gather all the information and decide on your own...don't just repeat what you've heard other people say...TV news is all about entertainment...and Fox just entertains better than the rest of them...oh and I'm an Obama voter

  • September 19, 2009 1:13 PM CST

    Check your facts Jedi...

    by Peter Franks

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by both a Democratically controlled house and Senate. Way to do your homework though, jackass.

  • September 19, 2009 1:14 PM CST

    This whole talkback...

    by eXcommunicated one giant sexplosion!

  • September 19, 2009 1:14 PM CST

    Defend my party's record

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Well, they're only moderately my party (I tend a little more libertarian, a little more Ayn Rand-ian), but here goes a small retort to your socialist stuff.

    Stating that Repukes opposed Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid as socialist and then saying that those programs prevailed because of "common sense" and "WHAT'S RIGHT TO DO BY OUR FELLOW MEN AND WOMEN" in NO WAY contradicts that they're socialist. They are, in fact, SOCIALIST. You understand what a logical argument is, right? You haven't made one. You've made a very good argument that you think socialism is "common sense" and "WHAT'S RIGHT TO DO BY OUR FELLOW MEN AND WOMEN," but you've made absolutely no argument that those programs aren't socialist.

    Let me help you out:

    From wiki ('cause I'm lazy like that): "Socialism refers to various theories of economic organi[z]ation advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterised by equal access to resources for all individuals with an egalitarian method of compensation." Even you should be able to understand that. Now, in the US, Social Security (OASDI) is a SOCIAL insurance program funded by taxes and administered by the federal government. Hmmmm? Sure sounds like "public ownership and allocation of resources" to me. That makes it SOCIALIST.

    Now, I could go on through Medicare and Medicaid (since they, too, are "public ownership and allocation of resources"), but you should get the picture. Just because a [factual] argument was made against these programs as being socialist and they now exist, doesn't mean that they weren't, in fact, socialist. [They are and were.] It just means that political expediency and socialism triumphed over an aversion to socialistic programs.

    By your "logic," no socialistic thing would ever exist that is claimed to be socialist since, by virtue of the fact that it exists, the argument that it was socialist must not have been true.

  • September 19, 2009 1:15 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    noone is claiming Fox news isn't heavily biased to the right...hell even Fox news admits it's a right wing news claims to be fair and balanced for the sole reason to piss people like you off...and look at that it works

  • September 19, 2009 1:15 PM CST

    Hey, Jedi...

    by Peter Franks

    with your skill, i'm sure you could get a job as a "fact" checker at FOX "News". Any more of your interpretive "history" you'd like to share with us there, Einstein?

  • September 19, 2009 1:15 PM CST

    BSB made perfect sense

    by MattmanBegins

    I don't care for abortion either... but it's not up to me. It's up to the woman who is carrying the baby. If a woman gets raped, or she simply can't afford bringing a baby into the world, then she shouldn't have it. The whole unprotected frivolous sex thing isn't a valid argument, because shit happens. The world is already ridiculously overpopulated. We humans think every life is important, but we'll just as easily commit genocide on an entire colony of ants without a single pang of regret. As a species, we're hypocrites.

  • September 19, 2009 1:19 PM CST

    Kid Idioteque, you're just ignoring the facts

    by D.Vader

    Fox News says the other networks missed the story, implied they didn't cover it, in order to boost their own image as the real patriots' network. Funny that you can't admit they were wrong but still try to twist it into some sort of "CNN did it wrong, Fox New did it right" story.

  • September 19, 2009 1:20 PM CST

    What's wrong with socialism, The Bicycle Sharer?

    by Peter Franks

    Particularly with Democratic Socialism we see in Nordic countries like Sweden? Ever travel outside of the United States, Bike? Or have you wrapped the flag so tightly around yourself that the blood has been cutoff to your brain and you don't believe that we can learn anything from other countries? And where does caring for your fellow man fit into your little capitalism trumps everything and everyone world? We've all seen very recently what happens to our fellow Americans, Iraqi and Afghan civilians, and the global economy under your "grab the money and fuck everyone else" system with eight years of George W. Bush. No thanks. But, hey...thanks for your little Mccarthy-esque lecture. That was really enlightening.

  • September 19, 2009 1:22 PM CST

    Socialism has saved America

    by shutupfanboy

    The country was registered 35% Communist during the depression. FDR put in Socialist ideas and helped prevent the country from going Communist. Why, because Socialist ideas work. Captialism works, because you have to counter balance it with something out. We also had Socialist ideas with paying for a standing army since day one and giving out pensions for those who served as well as programs set-up to help new business in America and the poor. Saying Socialist is anti-American is just stupid, its been here since day one. Socialism is another code word like liberal where the truth of the word is destroyed to fit the agenda of others.

  • September 19, 2009 1:22 PM CST

    listen to nas's sly fox

    by supercowbell5THECOWBELLHASSPOKEN

    and youll know why fox news sucks dick.

  • September 19, 2009 1:22 PM CST

    Murder makes perfect sense, too, MattmanBegins

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    I don't care for murder either... but it's not up to me. It's up to the murderer who is dealing with the victim. If a woman gets raped, or she simply can't afford something, then she should murder the rapist or kill to get it. The whole murder is wrong thing isn't valid, because shit happens and, as a result, some people get murdered. The world is already ridiculously overpopulated. We humans think every life is important, but we'll just as easily have an abortion or commit genocide (hey, Matt, I think you oughta look that word up) on an entire colony of ants without a single pang of regret. As a species, we're hypocrites. We should extend abortion theory into the realm of everyday human interaction thereby depopulating the planet (and saving ant colonies?!?!?!).

    (Do I get to vote on who we start this theory out on, Matt? 'Cause I got a great idea, but I don't think you're gonna like it!)

  • September 19, 2009 1:24 PM CST

    Alan Colmes is a phony

    by crazybubba

    and Bill O'Reilly does pretend to be unbiased. He doesn't even admit to being a republican.

  • September 19, 2009 1:26 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Spastic Jedi

    Oh, my mistake, you were talking about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    See, many many years ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was the FIRST Civil Rights Act which was enacted by Republicans. This all took place before your selective memory of history.

    Now, not to be bothered by facts, in 1957, almost eight decades after Democrats voted against the 14th, Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 after how many terms of democrat rule? Shheesh, FDR had more than one, I know that much.
    That's all before 1964. Which by teh way, the Civil Righst Act of 1964 was voted into law with a higher percentage of Republicans than democrats...

    "The Republican Party was not so badly split as the Democrats by the civil rights issue. Only one Republican senator participated in the filibuster against the bill. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes."
    From Congress Link...

  • September 19, 2009 1:26 PM CST

    French Bastard, you cracked me up with this bullshit

    by D.Vader

    On Insurance companies... "This means they go out of their way for customer satisfaction in order to keep said customers."

    What the fuck are you talking about.

  • September 19, 2009 1:27 PM CST


    by cheyne_stoking_DMS

    my college professor downtalks Fox all the time. No discussion on the REAL subject matter whatsoever. "College, college, college."

  • September 19, 2009 1:27 PM CST

    More lying... more wasted time

    by ebonic_plague

    Why do you guys bother talking to these dittohead morons about anything?

  • September 19, 2009 1:28 PM CST


    by Spastic Jedi

    what a bitch.

  • September 19, 2009 1:31 PM CST


    by D.Vader

  • September 19, 2009 1:33 PM CST

    Another example of Fox's greedy, partisan tactics

    by D.Vader

    When Obama addressed Congress 2 weeks ago, every major network covered it- ABC, CBS, NBC, even the news networks CNN, MSNBC, and yes Fox News.

    You know who DIDN'T cover it though? The regular FOX channel. The one that shows American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.

    Here is the President addressing Congress and America on a major divisive issue at the moment, and Fox refuses to cover it, instead saying "Go to Fox News to watch the Presidents address". So much for their patriotism.

  • September 19, 2009 1:35 PM CST

    Hey, Bicycle. I think we scared him off

    by My_IQ_is_135

  • September 19, 2009 1:36 PM CST

    Bicycle, have you ever masturbated?

    by MattmanBegins

    If so, you've murdered untold "lives". The law, however, doesn't agree that abortion is murder (not before the fetus's quickening stage, anyway).

  • September 19, 2009 1:37 PM CST

    Why are you all idiots?

    by thewizardofoz

    It's pretty simple: watch Fox news and you get the conservative bias. Watch any of the others and you get the liberal bias. That's how it is. How it's always been. No use in pretending it's any other way than it is.

  • September 19, 2009 1:38 PM CST

    A fetus has a quickening?

    by Tall_Boy66

    Is that like highlander style quickening? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!

  • September 19, 2009 1:38 PM CST

    Libtards make me laugh struggling to defend thier positions.

    by Libtards

    The gist if the ad was correct. Just because the Tea-Party march was mentioned doesn't mean it was covered, or covered accurtely. Often it was downplyed by the anchors, misleading about the number of attendees, and derided as "those wacky tea-baggers". Thier coverage wasn't about the march but about finding the worst element to exploit. Instead of asking someone "Why are you here?" they ask things like "Aren't you afraid of the potential violence this march can incite?" (For you libtards reading this that means the question inferred that the march was or will become a violent one) Try watching all of the news. ABC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, C-Span, CBS, and whatever else you can find and....then decide where you might stand. Know the difference between news and comment shows, most libtards think comment shows are news. Anyone who gets thier news from Comedy Central, no matter thier justification, should be expelled from this argument, silly libtards.

  • September 19, 2009 1:39 PM CST

    Rome Is Burning

    by Crow3711

    While the masses are busy yelling at Kanye and watching American Idol. I wish God would kill me already.

  • September 19, 2009 1:39 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    you know why Fox didn't cover it?? because more people want to watch American Idol then hear the President talk about healthcare...sorry that TV is a business dominated by ratings...every network had the president...Fox didn't...this is America...people get a choice...I hate American Idol but I bet Fox did pretty well that night and made its advertisers happy

  • September 19, 2009 1:41 PM CST

    Your version of "history," Jedi...

    by Peter Franks

    how conveniently you leave out the fact that, just as it is today, the Democratic Party has always been open to many different wings, including southern democrats, so called "Dixie Democrats" who fled in droves to the racist Republican ranks after civil rights legislation was enacted. Convenient revision on your part, or just more outright distortion? Hmmmmm...I wonder.

  • September 19, 2009 1:41 PM CST

    What's wrong with socialism?

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Well, plenty, but aside from a personal preference it's non-US Constitutional and, in fact, was warned against by de Toqueville when he said of America: "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." In addition to whatever else may be said of socialism, in this country it is, most assuredly Congress bribing the public with the public's money.

    But just to be sure that we're not leaving too much out, let me add that socialism:

    1) Removes the right of ownership from private to public, property rights, in other words. As Ayn Rand noted, "the right to property is the right of use and disposal. [S]ocialism negates private property rights altogether, and advocates the 'vesting of ownership and control' in the community as a whole, i.e., in the state."

    2) Socialism is government interference in the marketplace, which vastly increases inefficiencies.

    3) Socialism is supported by onerous taxes. (Show me the social democracy WITHOUT high taxes.).

    4) Socialism limits choice (from many providers to one provider).

    5) Socialism changes the role of government from a protector of rights to a provider of services.

    6) Socialism values the state over the individual (giving rise to a whole lotta tragedies over the years and any number of justification for atrocities).

    That's just a few things that I perceive as "wrong" with socialism. I could go on, but I'm hungry. You guys have fun. Back later.

  • September 19, 2009 1:42 PM CST

    I guess that would make followers

    by Powerring

    of Fox news "Retardicans". Nice job annihilating the economy with that artificial 2003 war and 1/2 trillion blown. Great job, you guys are dropping like flies. The GOP is getting crushed under the weight of 8 years of total failure.

  • September 19, 2009 1:43 PM CST

    And in nations where abortion IS illegal...

    by MattmanBegins

    There is a significant rise in maternal death. (El Salvador, Ireland, Malta, Nicaragua).

  • September 19, 2009 1:44 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    I'd rather spend money on National Defense then viagra for prison inmates...but that's just me...oh and Bush is out of office...stop looking back and lets deal with what's going on today...1/2 trillion blown huh?? how much did Obama spend on the bailouts??

  • September 19, 2009 1:46 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    what does abortion have to do with anything?? I believe this is a discussion about Fox lying about the coverage of the Washington protests? ha but I like that you go back to the old Liberal standby of dying mothers in third world countries like that is a glimpse into our future if we restrict abortion laws

  • September 19, 2009 1:47 PM CST

    Your Repugnant Party, Jedi...

    by Peter Franks

    has been, is, and will likely continue to be about one thing, and one thing only...division. Division amongst the races and amongst the socio-economic classes. Good luck winning a national election with only white southern men. Hell, we already took North Carolina and Virginia from you hate-mongers. Your party is going the way of the dinosaur and all this consternation, all these cries from you, the Joe Wilson's of the world, FOX "News" and all of your fellow tea-baggers are the death rattle of the your party. "I want my country back" is one of my particular favorites. It's not coming back, assholes. And we should all thank God, or Shiva, or Allah or the Flying Spaghetti Monster for that. "Your country" of white controlled fear, hate and division has reached an end. Fucking deal with it.

  • September 19, 2009 1:48 PM CST

    So now, let me get this straight, MattMan

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Masturbation is murder?!?!? That, "the law doesn't agree that abortion is murder" is no argument against anything. "The law" once held that African-Americans were sub-human. "The law" used to state that women couldn't vote. "The law" once held that alcohol was illegal. "The law" used to be that only property owners could vote... AND "THE LAW," UNTIL 1973, ONCE HELD THAT ABORTION WAS MURDER?!!?!?!

    So, what "the law" does and doesn't hold is no argument since civil laws are changeable.

    I'm simply applying your arguments for abortion non-hypocritically to insect killing, overpopulating humans in the hopes that we can achieve some semblance of consistency, stop the genocide, and control the population, all of which were YOUR arguments for abortion. ;)

  • September 19, 2009 1:51 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    Flying Spaghetti monster huh? well since you seem to base your opinions off a south park episode I believe you should be disqualified...that and the fact that you seem to not realize the head of the RNC is an African American from Maryland...but yeah they'll stick to only white guys from the south...JON STEWART IS NOT A NEWS SOURCE!!

  • September 19, 2009 1:52 PM CST


    by mynamesdan

    the bailouts were negotiated by Bush.

    it's revisionism like this that we should defend ourselves from.

  • September 19, 2009 1:52 PM CST

    And it's a beautiful day in my Blue State...

    by Peter Franks

    of Colorado. I'm getting the fuck outside to enjoy it. Besides, I've had better political debates with my three year old son. You lost, assholes. We won. Deal with it, and get used to it. Oh, and on behalf of my fellow Colorado Democrats...please run Sarah Palin in 2012. That way, Obama can be re-elected with 60 to 65 percent of the vote. Thanks! PALIN IN 2012!

  • September 19, 2009 1:53 PM CST

    I cannot believe

    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    you idiots are getting me to defend the's just liberals like you give the rest of us such a bad fucking name

  • September 19, 2009 1:55 PM CST

    Maternal death rates in IRELAND?!?!?

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Number 124 out of 135 (sixth from the lowest)?!?!? THE US (with legalized abortions) maternal death rate is HIGHER! And, gee, you notice something about the third world nature of the rest of your "examples?" What a fucking maroon!

  • September 19, 2009 1:56 PM CST

    One more thing, Raskolnikov...

    by Peter Franks

    Michael Steele is whiter than Bill Clinton, so please...don't bring out your little token representative that your pathetic party tried to roll out to show how "diverse" they are. All you have to do to see the diversity of the Repugnant Party is look at one of their rallies. How many people of color did you see among those 50,000 or so hate-mongers last weekend? Do you know why? Because Republicans hate brown people...hate 'em of all kinds. Muslims? guys bomb the fuck out of them. Latinos? opposed Justice Sotomayor for no other reason than she was a strong Latina. Blacks? Oh, my God...Katrina anyone. Racists assholes abound amongst your ranks. If you identitfy yourselves with these people...then expect to deal with the repercussions.

  • September 19, 2009 1:56 PM CST

    And abortion is LEGAL in IRELAND

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    "Unless the pregnancy is in threat of endangering the life of the woman (as differential to her health) through continuance of the pregnancy." Exactly what opponents of free-for-all abortion would like here. Idiot.

  • September 19, 2009 2:01 PM CST

    See, Peter Franks what you see...

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    As a lack of diversity in the Repuke party, I see as a lack of education in the African-American community. Forty years of voting monolithically for one party has brought them higher out-of-wedlock birth rates, higher drop out rates, less upward economic mobility, generational government dependence, and the general "taken for granted" attitude of the Democrap party. So, the "diversity" of the Craps is the result of modern day plantation mentality of the Dems and the continued enslavement of an entire race.

  • September 19, 2009 2:02 PM CST


    by NeoMyers

    I am sick of hearing about how republicans and conservatives are fear-mongers. Global Warming anybody? Talk about fear mongering of the century! Don't use gas or oil or fart or look the wrong way because the world is going to melt. At least with "fear-mongering" about terrorism, there ACTUALLY is a mob of pissy, cave-dwelling terrorist douchebags that want to kill Americans and other westerners. But let's not stop at the biggest example of liberal fear-mongering. "Rich people are coming to take your money away!" Or "Don't work or try to succeed, the democrats will take care of you. The republicans are just evil white men." The fact is, liberals are some of the biggest racists around. Black people aren't good enough to get into college by themselves, let's make special slots for them which effectively calls every post-collegiate achievement into question. Did he or she really do well or was it a quota system? Who knows? And even as we speak, people are rallying against excessive government spending and are being criticized about it for being racist. What? Talk about division and fear-mongering. Maybe people just don't want their grand-children's children paying off our debts. How does Obama's race come into this at all? Oh, yeah, because liberals, instead of debating the merits of their position on the role of government in spending and health care, threw it out there that the only reason there is opposition to these policies is because Obama is black. Yep. You guys are right. Clearly, the conservatives are the divisive, fear-mongerers. Geez, turn off Chris Mathews and Keith Olbermann and fucking think for once in your goddamnned lives.

  • September 19, 2009 2:03 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    On the 18 February 2009, General Motors and Chrysler, again approached the US government in regards to obtaining a second bridging loan, of $21.6 billion (£15.2 billion). $16.6 billion of this would go to General Motors, while Chrysler would take $5 billion. General Motors requested the loan inline with agreements they would shed 47,000 jobs, close five plants and axe 12 car models. Chrysler agreed to cut 3,000 jobs, cut one shift from production and axe three car models.[86] General Motors is also looking to sell its Swedish subsidiary, Saab, however has made no mention of plans for its German subsidiary, Opel or it's British subsidiary, Vauxhall. [edit] Obama Address to Joint Session of Congress In his joint address to Congress in 2009, Obama stated that "We will invest fifteen billion dollars in technologies like...more efficient cars and trucks built right here in America. As for auto industry, everyone recognizes that years of bad decision-making and global recession have pushed our automakers to the brink. We should not, and will not, protect them from their own bad practices. But we are committed to the goal of a re-tooled, re-imagined auto industry that can compete and win. Millions of jobs depend on it. Scores of communities depend on it. And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk from it" [87] bro I know Bush approved the first one...but stop claiming Obama is some innocent dove in all this...he's made mistakes too

  • September 19, 2009 2:03 PM CST


    by MattmanBegins

    I'm not a liberal, but I am pro-choice. Someone above has been going on about abortion and I was joining in on that.

  • September 19, 2009 2:08 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    Condoleeza, Colin Powell, Michael Powell, Claude Allen, Blanche Bruce, John Hyman, Henry Cheathem, Alphonso Jackson, Sherman Parker...but they don;t count as black since no REAL black person could ever be a republican...they are all whiter than Bill Clinton...but since he was the first african american president I don't really understand your argument

  • September 19, 2009 2:09 PM CST


    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    I am pro choice too...or rather I am pro-"abortion is none of my business"

  • September 19, 2009 2:09 PM CST

    Um, who gives a shit

    by lockesbrokenleg

    24 hour news? We don't need it. I saw Wolf interviewing fucking Paul Simon. PAUL SIMON!!!

  • September 19, 2009 2:10 PM CST

    Generally this is true...

    by vettebro

    See for yourself. Watch several news sources (abc, nbc, cnn, fox) and you will see that Fox reports many important news stories regarding government corruption, and other important political issues that no other network reports. Typically, Fox is weeks ahead with the stories. Acorn, Van Jones, SEIU, Tea Party protests, town hall meeting disputes, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, you name it. The list goes on and on. See for yourself. There is a reason Fox news is #1 in the ratings people. Stop spouting the sheeple shit like, "Faux News" and they lie. All news organizations "spin" stories to meet their agendas. Or omit the stories all together. (abc,cbs, nbc, cnn) Watch the news, then check the facts for yourself. Why is Fox news important? Because you will see important stories you WILL NOT see on other networks. I find that very disturbing. Don't you?

  • September 19, 2009 2:10 PM CST

    anyway I'm done

    by Raskolnikov_was_framed

    Liberals stop acting like your views are perfect and republicans are all evil and republicans stop acting like all liberals hate america...time for a run

  • September 19, 2009 2:12 PM CST

    Oh that 912 rally video was hilarious...

    by D.Vader

    Those ignorant fucks who keep decrying Obama's "czars" without any idea of what czars do and just how long they've been in government (and under their own republican heroes).

  • September 19, 2009 2:13 PM CST

    why is this so hard to understand?

    by deathraycharles

    repudiating the abomination that is Fox news by saying all media outlets are like that is a weak argument, grow up all ready. The fact remains that Fox brought this upon themselves and made a boldfaced lie which the presumably spent a lot of money to put forward in the Post. Shameful and deserving of punitive action. period.

  • September 19, 2009 2:14 PM CST

    Raskolnikov, thanks for proving my point

    by D.Vader

    The network concerned with being fair and balanced and that prides themselves on their Patriotism decides to be the ONLY NETWORK TO NOT SHOW THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT speaking, so that they can "get more money". You really think theyd have done it if Bush was in office? You can bet your ass they never did.

  • September 19, 2009 2:15 PM CST

    Raskolnikov_was_framed, both sides are too extreme for me

    by MattmanBegins

    Each side claims the other is evil. It's ridiculous. And I like that 'pro-"abortion is none of my business"' stance, I think I'll adopt that one.

  • September 19, 2009 2:16 PM CST


    by Ash0k

    Uh, I don't even know where to start. Czars? Every President has had Czars. The problem isn't czars, it's WHOM Obama is choosing as czars. Obama brought this on himself for appointing a czar who actually said he wanted population control.

  • September 19, 2009 2:16 PM CST


    by D.Vader

    From my girlfriend.

  • I'm a staunch pro-choice conservative. Liberals want population control, right? And conservative want less libtards, correct? Seriously folks, let's permanently legalize liberal birth control. EVERYONE WINS.

  • September 19, 2009 2:18 PM CST

    Yo Obama, I'ma let you finish....

    by D.Vader

    But George Bush had the worst lies of all time.

  • September 19, 2009 2:19 PM CST

    Hercules, that's really grasping at straws

    by FeralAngel

    I mean come on. Fox is extremely successful, and yeah, some people just can't deal with it, so you - apparently being one of those people - focus on this brain-dead story. Were you aware that when Charles Gibson was asked about the Acorn scandal, he professed to know nothing about it? He calls himself a newsman? He's a freaking ABC News anchor! Come on, it's a fact that Fox has been watching ACORN much more closely than the other networks, and thanks to its attention, others were inspired to try to expose ACORN for the scuzz outfit it's become. And they succeeded. The irony is that two KIDS did it! I got a better tag line than "You lie", borrowed from Jon Stewart who directed it at the mainstream media: WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU????

  • September 19, 2009 2:22 PM CST

    As0k, did you even watch the video I'm referencing?

    by D.Vader

    These people have NO IDEA what a czar is or how they function. They watch Fox News and based on what they hear, they think that a czar is some communist holdover from Russia (despite the fact that czars were PRE-communism). Those people couldn't answer any questions about what a czar does. They just think its wrong bc it has Russian connotations.

    Then when they're told that Reagan created teh first czar, and that Bush appointed even more czars, they are DUMBFOUNDED. But instead of backing off, they still push forward, headstrong and ignorant. "Well who are they advising, that's what we don't like. These guys are advising the President?!?" Like a President has never had advisors before. You could ask these people what ANY number of politicians in DC do and they wouldn't have an answer for you.

    But they focus on the czars as being some indication of Obama being a bad president or communist or socialist or fascist (bc they're ALL interchangeable apparently), bc they don't know anything. They hear a Russian word and assume its just par for the course for Obama. Bc he hates America, duh.

  • September 19, 2009 2:23 PM CST

    Thanks for the post and the link, liked the movie

    by titanmatrix

  • September 19, 2009 2:24 PM CST

    Hey, Herc, NPR said Michael Jackson was in a coma

    by FeralAngel

    When he was actually dead. Guess that makes NPR an unreliable news source by YOUR standards.

  • September 19, 2009 2:25 PM CST


    by kabookieslap

    Ha. I watched CNN's coverage on it and they tried to say not that many people showed up to it when there were so many people they almost had to close it down. They have been trying to say it is race based. It isn't. They have been trying to say it is based on cook nuts. It is not. It is based on people getting sick of this government spending us into so much debt we will never recover. We are dealing with the Federal Reserve taking money from a bill that was supposed to pay for failed mortgages, but instead was used to buy up banks without our approval. From CNBC- It is also based on a government that makes a big deal about waterboarding when we are dealing with these psychos who burn people alive. This is graphic. This is people who are tired of the bullshit.

  • September 19, 2009 2:28 PM CST

    There are no objective news outlets....

    by thot

    ....but it's nice to be able to at least have a variety of biased sources! That way, we can watch, weigh the evidence and make up our own minds.

  • September 19, 2009 2:29 PM CST

    Liberals = Nazi Facism

    by GeorgieBoy

    NAZI = "National Socialist Workers Party." Which party leans more towards socialism? Liberals of course.

    NAZIs also believed in eugenics much like the liberal group Planned Parenthood which was founded by a eugenics advocate. So, it's okay to kill people if they are economically worthless to society? Get ready for government run health care which tells you if that cancer treatment is cost effective or not!

    Let's not forget the liberals version of the holocaust. 50 million aborted babies since 1973. The NAZIs only killed 12 million Jews.

    How about gun control? NAZIs believe that only the government should have guns. Gee, sounds like the liberals who want to take guns away from people so they're unable to fight back when the gov't tries to take over.

    And it's all done with lies. Lies that your streets will be "safer." That you'll have "more jobs." That you have "freedom to choose." When all it really is is MORE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and a DISTANCING OF THE CONSTITUTION which brought America to be the greatest and most benevolent nation of earth.

    So, it's pretty clear which party is like the NAZIs. I've given some thoughts to chew on. Stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by liberal lies and be responsible for once in your life. Look this stuff up and see for yourself!

  • September 19, 2009 2:29 PM CST

    Media bias....

    by TheShrike

    Fox supports Republicans, while ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN support the Democrats. It's unfortunate the "unbiased" news media of all stripes have sunk to this level, but all we the consumers can do is keep the bias in mind when we're subjected to their viewpoints.

  • September 19, 2009 2:32 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Bush was an idiot. However, he is GONE NOW. How about focusing on the current administrations issues? It's time to let Bush go, Vader. He's out of office. Let it go man. You can do it.

  • September 19, 2009 2:34 PM CST


    by FeralAngel

    Jon Stewart asked that question the other day, wondering why the mainstream news media didn't break the story on ACORN. Instead it was TWO KIDS inspired by Fox News' scrutiny of that questionable organization. Fox ought to fling that line back at the bogus "you lie" snark from CNN. It'd certainly have more truth in it - par for the course from Fox.

  • September 19, 2009 2:36 PM CST

    Oops, double post, sorta

    by FeralAngel

    First one didn't show up. AT&T wireless sucks. Sorry for the redundancy.

  • September 19, 2009 2:39 PM CST

    I remember a time when news stations reported news

    by thelordofhell

    Instead of being news.

  • September 19, 2009 2:41 PM CST


    by D.Vader

    I guess you have no idea what the Flying Spaghetti Monster is, do you? If you think its from South Park. Check the Googles.

  • September 19, 2009 2:43 PM CST

    And The Bicycle Sharer went that extra step with the racist rema

    by D.Vader

    For shame.

  • September 19, 2009 2:43 PM CST

    Fox doesn't "support" Republicans

    by FeralAngel

    You might surmise that because fewer Democrats will talk to Fox. For instance, this weekend, Obama is talking to all the Sunday talk shows, even Univision - but not Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, a very respected newsman who formerly worked for ABC. I mean, what is that? And Dems think Fox is biased? Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me (sorry if the "b" word offended anyone. Don't know why it would, but Dems are extremely "sensitive" these days...)

  • September 19, 2009 2:44 PM CST

    I remember a time when news wasn't funny videos

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Oh, a reporter swears on TV, and the shit is suddenly all over the place. That's not news fuckhead. That's called a blooper

  • September 19, 2009 2:44 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch know, commenting on a political issue on AICN is...whatever...but PLEASE read some history. You probably don't know the name of the idiot who spearheaded the push for the lamebrain revisionist history which you're badly parroting here, but it is Jonah Goldman. He is a conservative hack author with the intellectual capacity of a three day old mayfly. Fascism aims to create a mythologized state (US is number one in EVERYTHING), promotes crony capitalism in which business and government form partnerships where it is almost impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins (Blackwater, Halliburton, ad nauseum) and gives overwhelming power to the government to police individual liberties through the creation of external and internal enemies. I could go on and on with this, but I've debunked dummies like you so many times on so many actual political sites that you just make me tired. This isn't even about our current left/right issues. It's just about learning, and not being willfully ignorant. If you want to insult the left call them Communists. Isn't that enough? At least you'd be going in the right direction. But don't drool in public. It doesn't just make you look stupid. It's also unpleasant to see.

  • September 19, 2009 2:46 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...until you name the THREE chambers of Congress you should spend some time reading instead of commenting. Really.

  • September 19, 2009 2:46 PM CST

    go anywhere else in the world

    by jiblets

    and you will find media outlets that are unapologetically biased to the left or to the right. In the US though, every form of mainstream media for the last 60 years has been staffed by left-leaning journalism school and Liberal Arts majors. Go into any major paper or news gathering organization, and they will be at least 90% democrats. These same democrats will try to tell you that they are NOT biased in their reporting of the news, that they just tell it how it is, unvarnished. Ridiculous. There is no way a human being can be neutral on a subject they actually care about. They will color their descriptions and use of language at the very least, and even weight the reporting with facts they favor while leaving out information they deem irrelevant. It's just human nature. Let's drop the idea that news media needs to be unbiased, and just have everyone declare their loyalties outright. Before there was FOX, anyone who had conservative beliefs or leanings had to watch and read media that was slanted against *them* 100% of the time and just swallow it. Suddenly there is ONE televised news outlet that they can watch without getting ulcers, and the leftists are attacking it in unrelenting waves of contempt and naked hatred, despite the fact that it is hugely successful and far more popular than anything that is presented as being overtly Liberal. It should tell you something about the overall makeup of the United States. This is a fundamentally Center-Right nation, and always has been, springing from the Puritan colonists. If you happen not to hold that philosophy, you might do yourself a favor and try to convince the ones you are in disagreement with in a less confrontational way, rather than declaring them hypnotized sheep and morons. You aren't winning any converts by staging street-theater puppet shows, rock throwing riots, posting contemptuous political cartoons, or stacking the editorial pages of the papers with hate-filled screeds. It's not helping that when a conservative speaker is scheduled to speak at a university, they are shouted down and drowned out, and even threatened with violence. This isn't the behavior of people who actually want free speech, it's the behavior of people who don't tolerate dissent.

  • September 19, 2009 2:47 PM CST

    By the way, Golberg

    by Red Ned Lynch

  • September 19, 2009 2:49 PM CST


    by D.Vader

    I'm just jokin' around, trying to keep the mood light.

  • September 19, 2009 2:50 PM CST

    The difference with Fox...

    by Red Ned Lynch that they have crossed the line into actively and openly promoting a specific agenda. This means they are no longer showing a "bias". They are now a propaganda organ. If you can't get your head around that distinction the fault is with you, not the stars.

  • September 19, 2009 2:52 PM CST

    Red Ned Lynch?

    by vettebro

    That handle sound like a communist name to me. Read the book "Liberal Fascism" for another view on the subject.

  • September 19, 2009 2:53 PM CST

    Red Ned...

    by vettebro

    So, are you saying the other news organizations don't do that too? If so, you are ignorant and need to wake up.

  • September 19, 2009 2:54 PM CST

    And shame on CNN...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...and the other news organizations that rose up on their back legs only when Fox had the temerity to lie about them. After years of Fox disseminating lies and innuendo as though it were news the village only takes arms when the lies are directed at them. That's the real elephant in the room and it is a disgrace.

  • September 19, 2009 2:58 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...find and link me to a single instance of CNN, MSNBC or any other major news outlet actively promoting protests against...oh let's say the Bush administration. I won't even demand that you show me daily updates on every major show for weeks in advance on the protest, as Fox did with the initial tea party protests. Show me the instance when CNN, MSNBC or any of the networks put up a poll during the Bush administration asking what form of revolution their viewers thought was most likely under the current administration as Beck did. Show me a clip of one of their correspondents working up a crowd of protesters and coaching them as to what they should shout, like the clip circulating currently of the Fox correspondent at the Washington protest. Do that and we can discuss this further. There is most certainly a distinction.

  • September 19, 2009 2:59 PM CST

    Locke you don't remember shit

    by MattmanBegins

    You're like 12. None of that "Back in mah day we had real news!" BS please.

  • September 19, 2009 3:01 PM CST

    And vettebro...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...the source of my screen name is only one of the many things you don't know. I want to thank you, though, for demonstrating the current tea partier strategy so well. By the way, when I mentioned Jonah Goldberg? That's his book. That's the book I was talking about. Geez.

  • September 19, 2009 3:05 PM CST

    Fux News: scaring you stupid since 1996!

    by Zardoz

    Logic doesn't matter when you're scared shitless of a gay-liberal-Democrat-suicide-bomber. Republicans = fat guts and wallets, low IQ's, and no hearts. Liberals = skinny, high IQ's, empty wallets and huge hearts. And, I'm sure this has already been said, Conservatives are anti-abortion but pro-death penalty, while Liberals are pro-choice and anti-death penalty. I myself am pro-choice, within the first 3 months of pregnancy, with no 3rd trimester abortions whatsoever, (hey, if you didn't know you didn't want to keep it by then, well, tough, it's too late!) and pro-death penalty with the exception of juveniles, crazy-people and retards. (and while most conservatives are juveniles, crazy or retards, they should still be executed!)

  • September 19, 2009 3:07 PM CST


    by kabookieslap

    Paulson caused this crisis he is now presiding over. From CNBC news-

  • September 19, 2009 3:08 PM CST

    All News Is Shaped and Controlled

    by wuher da brewer

    Fox is just the most blatant. Watch the movie, Manufacturing Consent.

  • September 19, 2009 3:09 PM CST

    There's a couple hundred marches every day in DC

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Who cares?

  • September 19, 2009 3:10 PM CST

    And Vettebro...

    by Red Ned Lynch should read the opinions of serious historians about Jonah's little Chariots of the Librul Nazis. Not just some. All. Even reliably (conventionally) conservative historians like Kagan. But I know. Can't trust them historians 'cause they're all librul. Can't trust them scienteests either. Damn libruls. All those smart people. Now even the doctors, backing that Osama Bin Kenyan's healthcare. Libruls. All them smart people. Reading them books. They're stoopid. If you knew anything about the history of the 20th century, Vettebro, I'd suggest you take a look at the movements that distrusted, vilified and in many cases ended up killing "them smart people". They were the bad guys. The worst guys. Now what side are you on?

  • September 19, 2009 3:11 PM CST

    Lynch.. sydVHY

    by vettebro

    I know it's out there. I've seen it. I just did a quick Google search and found this. Remember this? Imagine if this type of thing happened to Obama. We would hear the cry of "racism" and other bullshit we are hearing now from CNN, CNBC, ABC and others.

  • September 19, 2009 3:15 PM CST

    404 Not Found

    by Red Ned Lynch

    Well, that was a compelling link. Perhaps you left something out?

  • September 19, 2009 3:16 PM CST

    I'm on the side of the US Constitution...

    by vettebro

    The vision our founding fathers had for this nation that has been changed and distorted over the last 200 years. I'm on the side of Freedom and Liberty. I'm on the side that opposes Tyranny. That's what side I'm on.

  • September 19, 2009 3:17 PM CST

    just go to You Tube...

    by vettebro

    Search "Fuck Bush" as reported by CNN.

  • September 19, 2009 3:17 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Take the space out of the URL

  • September 19, 2009 3:18 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...but I assume from the body of your text that you could find nothing even close to what I was talking about. You've found, I assume, someone being rude to Bush in some nasty way and want to create a false equivalency between these networks not going out of their way to condemn it and Fox actively promoting and creating events. I would like to see the video you refer to, so if you can guide me there I will definitely look, but those things are not the same.

  • September 19, 2009 3:20 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...describe that vision, please.

  • September 19, 2009 3:21 PM CST

    And, as far as those ACORN videos go...

    by The Dum Guy

    I'd say the chic in those things is pretty cute.

  • September 19, 2009 3:22 PM CST

    Okay, I've seen it now...

    by Red Ned Lynch that would be your admission that you can't find anything remotely close to what Fox has been doing. Thank you.

  • September 19, 2009 3:23 PM CST

    You "assume" too much...

    by vettebro

    how about watching the footage yourself? How about searching for the footage you claim doesn't exist yourself? It's out there. Open your mind. Gotta go. Time to paint my family room.

  • September 19, 2009 3:25 PM CST

    Alternative News

    by wuher da brewer

    I like Democracy Now. Check out their website

  • September 19, 2009 3:27 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...thanks for playing.

  • September 19, 2009 3:31 PM CST

    Red Ned Lynch

    by Ash0k

    I probably phrased it poorly... I should have said Obama has Dems in all 4 branches in government, the Media, Legislative (2 chambers), Judicial, and Executive branch.

  • September 19, 2009 3:32 PM CST

    This is cool news?

    by bonecrushersmith

    I really don't need to hear about which bullshit news source is better than another bullshit news source on a fanboy movie news site. News Flash: THEY ALL HAVE AN AGENDA, AND THEY'RE ALL FULL OF SHIT.

  • September 19, 2009 3:32 PM CST

    Breaking NEWS!!

    by sizzler

    Fox new's ratings wipe the floor with CNN/MSNBC combined! Suck on that one you candyass eunuch libs.

  • September 19, 2009 3:34 PM CST

    Liberals invade this website more than Conservatives

    by My_IQ_is_135

    Everytime that I've mentioned something about Politics, I get a shitload of screaming liberals who are logged on, to ridicule me, making fun of my name, "setting me straight" with their crackpot theories and barely funny rebuttals. Just because you're liberals, and that you have more control over the media, that gives you fuckin' democrats the right to push us around. CNN has given more bullshit news than any other news station. That includes ABC, CBS, NBC, even its sweeter, less-sophisticated HLN. It sickens me on what this world is turning to. Oh, And Herc, definitely NOT a smart move, to post a political article on an entertainment website. Shit like this is what gets people fired up. Here's some advice, Always keep your Opinions to yourself.

  • September 19, 2009 3:39 PM CST

    Enjoy the death of your liberal media--yup, just died.

    by cylon_conspiracy

    Looks like Hercules contributed one of the dying gasps himself.

    "anti-tax", lol. Way to marginalize a huge group of people against a Big Brother government. Those are American citizens exercising their right to protest, dipshit.

    and then to marginalize the fox news organization as "this is the same company that printed a false rumor about the batman movie", give me a break

    Let's just pretend there's not a revolution going on in the country. Anything Fox reports, is obviously not true.

  • September 19, 2009 3:40 PM CST

    Republicans are conservative, but they love bathroom

    by lockesbrokenleg


  • September 19, 2009 3:48 PM CST

    My IQ and others critical of Herc, gain some PERSPECTIVE

    by D.Vader

    1. This is not a traditional news site, so for you guys to treat it as such and expect commentators and editors to NOT inject some of their own political commentary, is not necessarily ridiculous, but is dumb.

    2. Ever since this website has existed, Harry has expressed his own political opinions. Get over it. This is not new.

    3. Despite your objections, this story DOES relate to television, which is Herc's column. So to criticize him for this on the basis that this doesn't fit is fallacy.

  • September 19, 2009 3:48 PM CST

    It's stunning that in the 21st Century we cant

    by lockesbrokenleg

    get past this "liberal" "Democrat" bull shit.

  • September 19, 2009 3:48 PM CST


    by Darth_Inedible

    Alinsky's rule # 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Fox is an enemy of the revolution because they do things like actually run stories about the horrific corruption at ACORN. Fox was running the undercover videos DAYS before Charlie Gibson, the fucktard anchor of ABC news admitted that he hadn't even heard about the story.

  • September 19, 2009 3:49 PM CST

    gay bathroom sex, you mean!

    by Zardoz

  • September 19, 2009 3:49 PM CST

    Well, Fox did report...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...the discovery of Saddam's cache of weapons of mass destruction three times. Then their most famous shill swore he would never trust another word the administration ever said unless the weapons were found. And when they weren't he changed his mind. And they did talk about the Lincoln-FREDERICK Douglas debates. favorite really was the time the Fox web-site had the headline blaring that weapons of mass destruction had been found along with a huge photo of this terrifying cloud of green gas, and underneath the photo, in eight point type, the caption "photo shows marines exploding nontoxic shell". Nah, you should always trust Fox. Want another few hundred specific examples?

  • September 19, 2009 3:51 PM CST


    by CZ

    That's a prime case for libel right there. And it's printed, which means big damages. And the malice factor is so damn obvious, it'll probably count toward unfair competition charges too.

  • September 19, 2009 3:52 PM CST

    Democrats are liberals but they hate freedom...

    by Darth_Inedible

    .. of speech and letting people have the 'liberty' of picking their own healthcare plan and not paying half their paycheck to the government.

  • September 19, 2009 3:57 PM CST

    Darth Inedible, are you not paying attention?

    by D.Vader

    The whole point of the Healthcare Reform IS to provide more options and allow people to pick what works for them.

    To say liberals "hate freedom of speech" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

  • September 19, 2009 4:00 PM CST

    Oh, Darth...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...thank you for engaging in the standard reactionary tactic of claiming the other side will do horrible things to you and ignoring the horrible things that your own side defends and has done. Because what you say someone else will do should trump what your side has already done. Tell me about recission, Darth. Because that isn't some wild claim being made. That is happening to men and women and children in our country, every day, because of the current healthcare situation in our nation. It's happening to your fellow Americans, and it is being done at the worst moments in their lives, when they have just been confronted with a life changing or life threatening health issue. And picking your own healthcare plan? How sweet of you to bring that up, because current laws allow for virtual monopolies by insurance companies in over twenty states and bar Americans from getting policies in a host of different ways. These are some of the things healthcare reform would change, if done right. And you're on the side against that.

  • September 19, 2009 4:01 PM CST

    BTW--Thanks to Jon Stewart for covering ACORN

    by cylon_conspiracy

    Now the rest of them have to start covering it too. The liberal media: dead. Celebrate.

  • September 19, 2009 4:01 PM CST

    Remember when Obama himself WHINED about Fox?

    by Darth_Inedible


  • September 19, 2009 4:02 PM CST

    No, Darth, more like

    by D.Vader

    Fox News isn't reporting the whole truth and are confusing a lot of people with their misinformation. A valid criticism.

  • September 19, 2009 4:03 PM CST

    So, who won that dinner with Sarah Palin?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    I'd take her over that table and pound her silly.

  • September 19, 2009 4:09 PM CST

    My second favorite wingnut fucks...

    by DocPazuzu

    ...are the ones who say "I don't come here for politics, I come here for movie news!" as if they would have said the same thing if the opinion voiced was closer to their own views. My absolute faves, however, are the ones who not only shout out their indignation, but also threaten (THREATEN!) to never come back if this horrible behavior continues. As if everyone is suddenly going to say "No! No, please stay, wingnut tool! We promise we won't talk bad politics again!"

    Gimme a break.

    Seriously, if you disagree with the politics, either engage in a debate or shut the fuck up. This puffed up, Hannity-esque indignant posturing is making you look like complete assholes and worthy of nothing but gales of derisive laughter and insults involving various bodily emissions and livestock.

  • September 19, 2009 4:11 PM CST

    LOL @ an Alinskyite like Obama claiming post-partisanship...

    by Darth_Inedible

    ALINKSY RULE # 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Obama comes directly from the Alinsky school of Community Organizing in Chicago. Hillary did her senior thesis on shitbag Alinksy. Whatever these people say in public you have to assume that they believe the opposite. If they claim "post partisanship" you can bet that they're going to be the most venomous, cynical partisans you've ever seen in office.

  • September 19, 2009 4:15 PM CST

    You didn't hear me well, D.Vader

    by My_IQ_is_135

    I didn't say Television, I never said Anything about Television. I'm talkin' about Entertainment, apart from TV, there's movies video games, comic books, and news about movie deals, celebrities, and obituaries. Know what I mean?

  • September 19, 2009 4:15 PM CST

    75,000, not millions.

    by PennsyDeux

    Keep trying to feed those with multiple brain cells that latter number, Fox News; it doesn't fly.

  • September 19, 2009 4:16 PM CST

    Quick AICN post some Star Trek or Dark Knight news!!

    by thelordofhell

    We need something to boot this radical right/left political crapfest from the top spot on the talkbacks.

  • September 19, 2009 4:18 PM CST

    D. Vader

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    What racist remark? I'd LOVE to hear what I said that was racist.

  • September 19, 2009 4:18 PM CST

    I wonder if Coruscant News coverd the Jedi Purge?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Palpatine probably shut them down?

  • September 19, 2009 4:19 PM CST

    Darth_Inedible, Democrats hate free speech?

    by MattmanBegins

    I'm neither democrat nor republican, so I can tell you with no bias that that is the most ridiculous, baseless thing anyone's said so far.

  • September 19, 2009 4:20 PM CST

    Doc Pazuzu

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    I rarely agree with you, but, on this, we are in total accord. If you don't wanna talk politics on AICN, don't post to a blatantly political talkback.

  • September 19, 2009 4:21 PM CST


    by Toonol

    It's a sure sign of a partisan idiot: Decrying Fox News, and yet believing that CNN, ABC, or the other networds are more factual or less biased.

  • September 19, 2009 4:25 PM CST

    My IQ, I don't think you paid attention to what I said...

    by D.Vader

    Herc is the TELEVISION editor. Yes, this is an entertainment website, kudos for picking up on that, but Herc is the TV editor and the majority of hist stories relate to television. Fox News is on television. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC- yep you're right, all on television. Now one network has accused the others of not doing their jobs, a lie as the other networks have all proved that they covered the story. So this is big news, politically related yes, but big news nontheless in the realm of television journalism.

  • September 19, 2009 4:26 PM CST

    The Bicycle Sharer

    by D.Vader

    Pretty much suggesting that the African-American community has sub-par intelligence. Not out and out racist, but dude, that's still pretty offensive. I hope you can see that.

  • September 19, 2009 4:27 PM CST

    The Stormtroopers 9-11 was the Death Star

    by D.Vader

    Palpatine let it happen.

  • September 19, 2009 4:29 PM CST

    What about Alderaan?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    I always wondered how the Emperor covered that up? That was a huge planet with a lot of prominent people on it.

  • September 19, 2009 4:31 PM CST

    Alderaan had the Kryptonian planetary disease

    by D.Vader

    Easily explained.

  • September 19, 2009 4:31 PM CST

    Sorry AshOk...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...didn't see your post earlier. You got it wrong again. There are three branches of the federal government, not four. Maybe you just phrased it poorly twice in a row.

  • September 19, 2009 4:32 PM CST

    the funniest thing about the Dem vs Repub mindset

    by smackfu

    from the standpoint of a Canadian who spent a lifetime exposed to your batshit news media, is that the Republicans assume that it's just partisan politics. They don't seem to realize that the 'liberal bias' doesn't exist. It's not just democrats vs republicans, the rest of the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD thinks the US Republican party is absolutely demented. There is no liberal vs Republican. It's normal vs crazy, misguided and backwater stupid. It's the overwhelming majority of the planet with reasonable viewpoints on subjects, and then there is the Republicans, who inexplicably seem to argue the contrary of whatever everyone else (who isn't in their party) says out of simple spite.

  • September 19, 2009 4:33 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    Alderaan's insurance carrier decided it was a preexisting condition and refused coverage.

  • September 19, 2009 4:35 PM CST

    Well I'm Surprised that you Agree with me on some terms

    by My_IQ_is_135

    And you did a pretty nice job finding out that Herc IS the Television editor on this website, but you already knew that seein' as you and your Army of uncaring liberal wackos have been slashing everything in sight since this website was created.

  • September 19, 2009 4:35 PM CST

    I mean...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...Alderaan knew Palpatine was a tyrant, but they hadn't moved their planet to a safe location, so clearly they invited the condition and couldn't be covered.

  • September 19, 2009 4:37 PM CST

    My IQ what the fuck are you talking about?

    by D.Vader

    Why do you assume I'm some "uncaring liberal wacko"? I singled you out by name mainly bc you had posted right above me (but others posted after you with more vitriol) regarding Herc and his posting of this story, as if it doesn't belong. I simply corrected you saying that he is the TV editor, this is a TV story, therefore it belongs.

    But again, where are you coming from with this anti-liberal smacktalk and why are you directing it at me? "Slashing everything in sight"? Are you nuts?

  • September 19, 2009 4:38 PM CST

    I mean really, LOOK at Glen Beck!!

    by smackfu

    how can you not see what a retarded, raving loon that guy is? He doesn't even bother with facts, he fucking CRIES during his 'editorials', and he says crazy outlandish things. Have you ever noticed in EVERY dystopian movie, the tv shows running in the background is always some raving, charismatic person who's entire show is a closeup of his face with him talking directly into the camera? THAT'S THE GLEN BECK SHOW. That's his exact talk show format. The dystopian, ranting giant face show.

  • September 19, 2009 4:39 PM CST


    by MattmanBegins

  • September 19, 2009 4:40 PM CST

    Red Ned Lynch

    by D.Vader

    that's funny.

  • September 19, 2009 4:40 PM CST

    IQ's onto you, D. Vader

    by MattmanBegins

    He's revealed your ultimate grand scheme to take over AICN with an army of liberals!

  • September 19, 2009 4:41 PM CST

    Rick Sanchez Misses The Point

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    In the new world of Truly Dumb America, you have to understand, Rick, that facts are meaningless! Nobody cares what's TRUE or not. Really - they don't. Go out and talk to people. They don't CARE what's true. You can present 800 facts to show how something isn't true, and it won't matter. What you will hear back in response to those 800 facts is, "Well, all I know is ..." and then the things that the peron WANTS to believe. That's all that matters. People in America WANT to believe in the kind of hateful, nasty dogma that Fox News puts out. What you fail to see is that THAT WORLD - the world of FOX NEWS - is the reality for the Teabaggers (yes, that's on purpose). FACTS are irrelevant. I actually, honestly expect that you will be seeing in the next 5-10 years, a dramatic shift in the understanding of American history, even, to the point where the South won the war, etc. Because it's what PEOPLE WANT TO BE TRUE. You're already SEEING "South Won" material creeping in even now because White America is hateful and vicious. You're seeing subtly, now, with talk of how Abe Lincoln was a viciosu racist and how General Lee was kind to black people. You're seeing it in talk of how the south got massive economic prosperity after the war ended and the area was rebuilt. Make up ANY fact, ANY - and then act as though it's all true no matter WHAT people say. That's why I love it when you hear Republican politicians talk about how they will "never" back down from an issue. This means that they are categorically saying that EVEN IF THEY DISCOVER THEY'RE WRONG OR THE FACTS PROVE THEY'RE WRONG - THEY WON'T BACK DOWN ANYWAY! Think about that. Facts? Truth? Those are DEAD ideals. What matters now is the most ENTERTAINING news. That's the world people've bought. I honestly think that if we were all dying right now of some massive meteorite about to hit Earth, as long as everyone had Whoppers ("I want my WHOPPER!") and ipods, then nobody would care. Consider that the chief argument against concern over Al-Quaeda when you hear people talking abotu how it's no big deal is "It doesn't really affect you in your daily life, and as long as it doesn't affect me I see no reason to get upset." Tell that to the Jews who died in the concentration camps. I honestly think we're lucky Hitler isn't alive today, because if he were, he could've done the Holocaust and nobody would blink an eye. You know why? Because there are people who sit outside the United Nations right now holding up signs that say "Get ready for the new Holocaust, Jews!" and "The Ovens Have Been Turned On Again! ALLAH AKBAR!" Those are both real signs I've seen held up at the United Nations building in the UNITED STATES. And. Nobody. Cares. A few people do care - like me, I care very much and can't bear to see such horrible hatred rebuilt by religious zealots - but we've learned nothing, and we've in fact UNLEARNED.

  • September 19, 2009 4:41 PM CST

    Don't forget, Glenn Beck thinks Obama hates white people

    by D.Vader

    How can you honestly trust anything from that loon? Or how can you think he's fair and balanced when he is constantly demonizing the President? He admitted that he thinks Obama hates white people. Lunatic.

  • September 19, 2009 4:42 PM CST

    Happy Boy to AICN "you're worthless"

    by happyboy

    LMAO @ self righteous noobs who single out Fox news as if uncovering some conspiracy. ALL of the new networks are bought and paid for and will NEVER run programming counter to Big Interests. NBC has been caught mislabeling footage from Myanmar and Tibet and all major US networks suppress news stories critical of Israel that other countries' networks like the BBC, NHK and even CCTV have the integrity to run. Fox is messed up but it's funny as hell that brainwashed morons think they stand on some moral ground if they watch CNBC. ALL the networks dropped the ball on WMD, ALL fed the hysteria of Katrina, ALL heavily backed the bailouts for AIG. grow a pair and take your head out of your ass. None of the networks have the country's best interests at heart and none of them have any journalistic integrity.

  • September 19, 2009 4:43 PM CST

    Shhhhh, Mattman

    by D.Vader

    You're still in, right?

  • September 19, 2009 4:46 PM CST

    lol, once again, attacks on Glenn Beck but not on his arguments

    by Ash0k

    LOL at libtards who think they are cool because they flame Glenn Beck. Beck is right on the money, I have yet to see anyone prove his arguments wrong. ACORN employees are getting fired left and right as we speak. LOL.

  • September 19, 2009 4:47 PM CST

    As0k, can you prove Glenn Beck's arguments?

    by D.Vader

    That Obama hates white people?

    Or can you refute the accusation that Glenn Beck once raped and murdered a girl in 1990?

  • September 19, 2009 4:48 PM CST


    by lockesbrokenleg

  • September 19, 2009 4:48 PM CST

    Soup74 - Why?

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Because fanboys are the most racsit, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic fucks on the planet. They really, really are. Just walk up to one and mention you enjoy TWILIGHT. Regardless of what you think of TWILIGHT, you won't get attacked on the basis of it being a bad movie or book. You'll get attacked as a namby girl, a homosexual, etc.

  • September 19, 2009 4:50 PM CST

    D. Vader

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Thing is, we don't need to look to far. He married Michelle Obama, who stated outright in public that she wasn't proud of the United States before her husband's campaign. Rock on, Michelle! You're a real patriot.

  • September 19, 2009 4:50 PM CST


    by D.Vader

    Its hard to refute craziness sometimes.

  • September 19, 2009 4:51 PM CST

    This Talkback

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Proof of why there can never be compromise, never reconciliation between the two parties. There just can't. One side wants to destroy anything it doesn't agree with, and the other side wants the same thing. I am content to let Republicans exist, but they won't let me exist - or they will, as long as I only read what they want, say what they want, do what they want, let them burn my books, etc. "THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE WORLD IS 'HEATHER HAS TWO MOMMIES'!"

  • September 19, 2009 4:51 PM CST

    There are many pple who aren't proud of what the US has done

    by D.Vader

    Isn't that called being a patriot now by Fox News? If you don't like what the government does? How is this different? I'm not proud of the things America did under George Bush. Certainly doesn't mean I hate white people.

  • September 19, 2009 4:53 PM CST

    Dude, I'm just tryin' to Scare you

    by My_IQ_is_135

    I haven't been around on this website that long. In case you're wonderin', NO I'm not looking for attention. Sure I make some funny cheap shots, but before I realize what's happenin, I'm gettin my ass whooped by people that I don't even know. I bet that's happened to you before. OK, fine. This is America. Everyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want. But when Herc posted this article on the Internet, I was like "HOLY SHIT, UR DOING THIS NOW." Oh, and that comment Mattman made was very funny.

  • September 19, 2009 4:55 PM CST


    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Fact is, you could go into most businesses and find people who are dumb enough to give bad advice about bad things. It's not limited to ACORN. I honestly would like to see the liberals do some hidden-cam stuff to nail some of the outright racist shit I hear on a daily basis from public employees on the bus lines. I've heard police, bus drivers, etc. use the 'n' word, for instance, or use phrases like 'Towelhead.' It's repugnant. I'm hoping that the "other side" IE the Democrats fight(s) fire with fire on this matter by doing hidden camera stuff on Republican lobbyists in public bathrooms. I was in a bathroom stall recently and a guy tapped my foot from the other stall, and I said back "Sorry, I'm not a Republican." This is how the Democrats need to fight back. When they say liberal, you say GAY!

  • September 19, 2009 4:55 PM CST

    Herc, for bringing up this stupid topic...

    by ComputerGuy68

    I hope Fox cancels "Dollhouse" after the first episode this season. Just to spoil your love for all things Whedon. Douche!

  • September 19, 2009 4:56 PM CST

    IQ you are starting to scare me

    by D.Vader

    I'm starting to think you fall into the same Talkback camp as Lockesbrokenleg and Media Messiah.

  • September 19, 2009 4:58 PM CST

    Aww why you gotta bring Dollhouse into this?

    by MattmanBegins

    Just cuz Herc likes it doesn't mean it's all bad! ;)

  • September 19, 2009 4:59 PM CST

    D. Vader, IQ said I was funny, so he's cool

    by MattmanBegins

    I'm fickle that way.

  • September 19, 2009 5:02 PM CST

    Compliments go a long way Mattman

    by D.Vader

    Maybe he's not so bad. Just a hint of crazy to him, that's all.

  • September 19, 2009 5:05 PM CST

    Dunno about Locke, but who's the Media Messiah?

    by My_IQ_is_135

  • September 19, 2009 5:05 PM CST

    Plus Locke's kinda hard to top

    by MattmanBegins

    I like how he claims he has no interest in but can't stop talking about it.

  • September 19, 2009 5:06 PM CST


    by MattmanBegins

    Let's try that again: I like how he claims he has no interest in -insert anything other than Avatar here- but can't stop talking about it.

  • September 19, 2009 5:07 PM CST

    Media Messiah is an insane conspiracy theorist

    by D.Vader

    Funny, though, at times. But insane nonetheless.

  • September 19, 2009 5:07 PM CST

    Lockes is also interested in Transformers 2

    by D.Vader

    But I give him a pass on that bc I enjoyed it too.

  • September 19, 2009 5:08 PM CST

    And now Im off

    by D.Vader

    Gotta mail this Macbook off to get fixed. Adios you crazy kids!

  • September 19, 2009 5:08 PM CST

    McG likes McMuffins.

    by Frankenharry

    America. Yes.

  • September 19, 2009 5:11 PM CST

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, OK!

    by My_IQ_is_135

    In that case, No. I'm so far from them, I'd need a telescope just to see where they are.

  • Keep whining guys, you're only emboldening the Beckleheads. Prepare for GOP landslide victory in 2010.

  • September 19, 2009 5:15 PM CST

    Not cool, not news

    by Chief Joseph

    Seriously. How did you guys manage to kill the Script Girl videos? Maybe you can use the same techniques to stop these crybaby political threads.

  • September 19, 2009 5:15 PM CST

    Well, this was an interesting day.....

    by My_IQ_is_135

    I had my fair share, so now I'm hitting the road. L8R

  • September 19, 2009 5:15 PM CST

    Transformers 2, the only movie besides Trek I liked

    by lockesbrokenleg

    this year. ZZZZ

  • September 19, 2009 5:16 PM CST

    Palin\Bachmann '12

    by Ash0k

    My dream ticket. :D

  • September 19, 2009 5:18 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...will they sweep all three chambers of congress or all four branches of the federal government? By the way, you can look on Media Matters of for encyclopedic lists of Beck's "factual errors" and lies, but my personal favorite is when he lied on his own show about a meeting with Barbara Walters, later appeared as a guest on the View and admitted a number of the things he said were untrue, then went on his radio show the next day and claimed he hadn't admitted those things on The View. There used to be a number of great mashup videos circulating on that little episode. So yeah, hard to catch Beck in a lie. He even lies about admitting he lied, when his admission is on tape.

  • September 19, 2009 5:23 PM CST

    Red Ned Lynch

    by Ash0k

    They will sweep all four branches of the federal government in all 57 states.

    And if you do some fact checking, Whoopi Goldberg actually LIED about Beck's "lying". And Babwa didn't bother to check her own facts before attempting a piss poor character assassination on Beck. Once again, epic fail on behalf of the kook fringe left-wing media.

  • September 19, 2009 5:24 PM CST

    Since when do we follow Whoopi Goldberg for news

    by lockesbrokenleg

    The shit was on Hollywood Squares.

  • September 19, 2009 5:28 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...we're not debating Whoopie. We're not debating Walters. Did Beck admit to lying and did he then claim he did not lie? Is there videotape evidence of the first from The View and is there audio tape evidence from his own show? If you can't answer no to those questions then Beck lied. And you can't, because there is. The rest is just you trying to squirm out from under the facts. You know, the Conservative tango.

  • September 19, 2009 5:33 PM CST

    politics on this website make me laugh

    by pogoonmyown

    about as much as when Punk Bands preach political views to stoned teens who wear anti Bush teeshirts as if they have any idea what is going on in the world...they just know they are smarter than thier parents and everyone else in the world who works for a living and would like to be left alone. By the way talking crap about the people with various Obama posters is humorous...I seem to remember bush being burned in effigy and numerous signs of him as hitler, but that I guess it cause he was evil and Presbo walks on water.

  • September 19, 2009 5:34 PM CST

    Red Ned Lynch

    by Ash0k

    Is there videotape evidence of the first from The View and is there audio tape evidence from his own show? For all I know, it's just an imaginary figment if your imagination. Otherwise, if you have a real smoking gun link, feel free to post it.

  • September 19, 2009 5:34 PM CST


    by J-Dizzle

    Struggling to get more hits than the distinguished competition? Not surprised really. ;-)

  • September 19, 2009 5:35 PM CST

    So herc, is AICN taking it's marching orders from Media Matters

    by Gallandro1

    Seriously did you get the memo from Eric Burns? Is AICN now part of their "Fight Fox" campaign??? Jeez.

  • September 19, 2009 5:39 PM CST

    Rick Sanchez is a piece of fucking human SHIT

    by Big Dumb Ape

    The fact that this clueless retard and joke of a reporter got his panties in a bunch, and then felt the need to go on the air to whine like the ball-less little bitch that he is makes me sit back and smile that Fox ran the ad. That ALONE made the ad worth it.

  • September 19, 2009 5:44 PM CST


    by Wrath4771

    Really the only place you can get the news from is the BBC. They may have sold their souls, but at least it hasn't been sold to an American interest group, like say....ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX.

  • September 19, 2009 5:44 PM CST

    Looney Left Strikes Again...

    by blhotz

    Anyone with half-a-brain knows they "missed" the stories. The left (and Obama-lovers-united = CNN/ABC/CBS) can talk and spin all they want but the truth is out there!

  • September 19, 2009 5:46 PM CST

    anyone remember when AICN used to have movie scoops?

    by The Only Woj

    yeah, I miss those days.

  • September 19, 2009 5:47 PM CST

    "Rick Sanchez is a piece of fucking human SHIT"

    by Ash0k

    Well stated, sir. Haha wow I'm watching Sanchez on youtube now, geez this guy is a frelling douche.

  • September 19, 2009 5:49 PM CST

    Well said The Only Woj

    by Gallandro1

    Ahhh the heady days of 1998-2000 when it was all Star Wars and LOTR scoops.

  • September 19, 2009 5:50 PM CST


    by Red Ned Lynch

    Here's the url for his appearance on The View (it includes his original lying). Here's one with the tantrum he later threw about it on his own show. This one's special. Once again, though, thanks for being so predictable. First make it clear you know what I'm talking about by trying to change the subject to what others involved did. Then when that doesn't work claim it might never have happened. Good job.

  • September 19, 2009 5:51 PM CST


    by J-Dizzle

    AICN has officially lost its edge.

  • September 19, 2009 5:52 PM CST

    AICN Carrying the a big blue flag?

    by Tiberious_st

    I get enough political crap every day, I come here for entertainment news. If you are going to be political you'll do it without me. Please stay on topic.

  • September 19, 2009 5:55 PM CST

    Michael Steele is a House N..

    by Stalkeye


  • September 19, 2009 5:57 PM CST


    by Stalkeye

  • September 19, 2009 5:57 PM CST


    by Stalkeye

  • September 19, 2009 5:57 PM CST

    AICN died the day TPM cane out

    by lockesbrokenleg

    It has yet to recover.

  • September 19, 2009 5:57 PM CST


    by Ash0k

    Haha. I see what you did there.

  • September 19, 2009 5:58 PM CST

    And enough...

    by Red Ned Lynch

    ...I come here to get away from this and damn if I didn't get sucked in. But really, when you have people parroting Jonah effing Goldberg...I'm outta this thread.

  • September 19, 2009 6:04 PM CST

    Peter Franks

    by Eddie_Dane

    Isn't Colorado over 90% white? Interesting that someone who hates racists so much and has so many problems with white people chooses to live there.

  • September 19, 2009 6:06 PM CST

    as someone who went to journalism school

    by Magic Rat

    it's my opinion ANY tv news is a joke. You want real news? Read a newspaper, preferably one not owned by Rupert Murdoch.

  • September 19, 2009 6:15 PM CST


    by HulkSmashNow

    And NBC, owned by huge Obama campaign fundraiser GE, is totally unbiased in its reporting? Get off your high horse.

  • September 19, 2009 6:18 PM CST

    Glenn Beck embarasses conservatives

    by drewlicious

    My brothers are very right wing guys and they can't stand him. They tell me he gives conservatives a bad name and he's a fearmonger of the worst kind. I saw one clip where he finds communist and fascist symbols all over Rockefeller Plaza and I made my mind up.....he's either a brilliant satirist or out of his freakin' mind. His ratings are huge but I have yet to meet a fan who can explain to me why they like him. Having said that is there will always be one who is worse.....Michael Savage. A truly hateful piece of garbage that even Rush Limaugh can't tolerate him. That's saying a lot.

  • September 19, 2009 6:24 PM CST

    A few points

    by daggor

    I watch CNN, MSNBC and listed to NPR. I was barely aware this Tea Party thing had happened until the networks dragged the morning/afternoon footage from that Saturday out to prove FOX wrong. So, the problem we see there is that CNN beats Michael Jackson/Ted Kennedy/Chris Brown shit to death while MSNBC smirks smugly and rolls their eyes all evening... when a large portion of viewers are watching. The networks covered it, but didn't make a big deal out of it, until FOX forced them to. The smart thing to do would be to ignore FOX, but they played right into their hands.

  • September 19, 2009 6:25 PM CST

    Harry the Lefty Loon

    by 9000rpm

    I know his parents were hippies and all, but still...grow up. Sure, it's fun to play at being a democrat/lefty socialist/ACORN organizer but c'mon, do a Ron Silver, get a clue. Sorry about the ACORN reference (just another story CNN/CBS/Huff Post/MSNBC dropped the ball on due to bias and corruption). Long live Fox News!!!

  • September 19, 2009 6:27 PM CST

    Even Jon Stewart has said these other stations FAILED of late

    by Big Dumb Ape

    To be fair, they're both right AND both wrong.

    Sanchez is right -- and Fox is wrong -- since technically the other networks DID cover the story at one point or another.

    However, the key word there is "technically." Fox is right -- and Sanchez is wrong -- because the other networks CLEARLY downplayed the story to an absolutely ASTOUNDING degree, much like they utterly failed to cover the ACORN story till it reached the boiling point and Congress voted to completely defund them, at which point it then became a story the news organizations COULDN'T deny or downplay any longer.

    Which frankly DID make many of the news channels look like they were in the pocket of Obama or that their Left-leaning reporters were doing their mighty best to help Obama out by burying a story that could possibly hurt him, especially in the midst of the health care debate. Hell, even the Left's own beloved Jon Stewart praised Fox and took the rest of the media to task...

    Personally, I consider myself a moderate (though I am Right of center) and I try to be fair and somewhat open-minded, but give me a fucking break. On the day of the march I was actually watching TV that day -- sick at home nursing an arm muscle that I had hurt pretty bad. I was laying on the couch flipping around all the cable news stations, being a news junkie, and I would argue that anyone on the staffs of the non-Fox stations would be VERY hard pressed to say they covered that march fairly. I mean, come on, the numbers hover between 75,000 or an exaggerated one million -- so to be somewhat fair let's say the march had 100,000 to pick something that's still on the lower end of the scale. All the same, a march THAT size that filled up the area THAT much should warrant far more air time and coverage than it got on the other networks.

    I mean, for fuck's sake, 100,000 people march and it barely gets air time on these stations, yet 10 Code Pink ladies could be standing outside a marine military recruiting center and you can bet that MSNBC or CNN would give it a major segment that prominently recurred on the hour.

    And by the way, Rick Sanchez IS a fucking lame ass reporter who lets his bias continually get in the way of the actual FACTS to a story -- not to mention that as a human being, he's a bitter, angry fuck and a total douche bag, who pleaded NO CONTEST to driving DUI when he struck and killed a man. So he can fucking rot in hell for being the sack of human shit that he is.

  • September 19, 2009 6:27 PM CST

    "Glenn Beck embarasses conservatives"

    by Ash0k

    I've got an even better ones: "Barry Soetoro embarasses libtards". And I love all these posts that start, "I have a very Republican friend who..." --- sure you do. =)

  • September 19, 2009 6:29 PM CST


    by 9000rpm

    Absolutely! There is a cultural tidal shift in progress. The Van Jones and NEA scandals, the Tea party rising, the ACORN slap down and, of course let's not forget, the push back on Obama's doomed pack of lies called Obamacare. It's been a great September so far.

  • September 19, 2009 6:30 PM CST

    Magic Rat: "As someone who went to Journalism school"

    by Big Dumb Ape

    "As someone who went to journalism school, it's my opinion ANY tv news is a joke. You want real news? Read a newspaper, preferably one not owned by Rupert Murdoch."

    Yeah, you're right. I won't find ANY bias in newspapers like the New York Times or Washington Post or LA Times.

    Insert HUGE mocking Rodney Dangerfield eye roll here...

  • September 19, 2009 6:32 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

  • September 19, 2009 6:34 PM CST

    Print media is just as slanted

    by lockesbrokenleg

    And when you get to state and small town it gets weird. Joey the pig gets the front page, and Obama is stuck in the back.

  • September 19, 2009 6:35 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Phillip Garrido is on the short list to play The Penguin in the next Batman. Current events much?

  • September 19, 2009 6:36 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Waaahhh!!! God give your windpipes a rest.

  • September 19, 2009 6:38 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I can't find any wingnuts in these here parts.

  • September 19, 2009 6:38 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    But thanks for that waaaahing essay.

  • September 19, 2009 6:42 PM CST

    Oh, BOO-HOO right back at you, BSB...

    by Big Dumb Ape

    ...Glad to see you're man enough to at least admit it they're biased. Thanks for that.

    And since I'm typing on a computer, I think it's safe to say my windpipes are getting perfect rest. Or do you have another point to make, Captain Obvious?

  • September 19, 2009 6:44 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Let's not cry foul too much on CNN ... they barely covered the anti-war marches, and they were literally millions strong in towns and cities across the country. No coverage on that at all.

  • September 19, 2009 6:46 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Michael Jackson. They ran several specials by Geraldo and Maury that proved his innocence.

    RIP King of Pop!

  • September 19, 2009 6:46 PM CST

    D. Vader

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Never believed or suggested that African-Americans have "sub-par intelligence." Being ignorant or uneducated about something is not being of sub-par intelligence. I know very little about, say, the mating habits of the Bosavi woolly rat or quantum physics, but I'm generally a fairly intelligent guy.

    African-Americans, Italian-Americans, Caucasian-Americans, people who wear funny hats, the Minister of Silly Walks, and pretty much every other human being on the planet ever, no matter what his race, religion or national origin have intelligences that fall within the same range and, I believe, are equally represented throughout that intelligence spectrum.

    A high drop-out rate or voting for the same party in about the same percentages for 60 years in places where that same party has controlled the landscape for an equal amount of time with the belief that it's the OTHER guys who are holding you down simply shows ignorance, a lack of education, or blind effin' faith despite all evidence to the contrary, not "sub-par intelligence." I don't believe that. Therefore, I'd never say it.

    I do firmly believe that if all white people voted for the exact same party at a rate of 90%-95% for 60 straight years that one should question some things there, too.

    Nothing wrong with being white, black, or purple with green diagonal stripes.

    Some day, though, one has to look at a place like Detroit, Chicago, or New Orleans and ask why one party which CLAIMS to want to help African-Americans and which draws their votes in STUNNING numbers year after year after year after year and which has controlled those towns for decade upon decade can't ever seem to make an appreciable difference in that community's quality of life for 60 years.

    White Southern racism causing no progress to occur in Detroit?!?!? Crackers in Alabama holding up all that gains that COULD HAVE been made in Chicago?!?!? Inbred rednecks in Georgia holding up the fantastic life the New Orleans MIGHT have had?!?!? Really? Really?!?!

    Some day one has to look at, for example, a school voucher program in Washington, D.C., which benefits African-American children, which is praised by every single black mother and father who participates in the program, which has achieved OUTSTANDING results for all of the children involved, and which Democrats are going to de-fund as a payback to (WHITE) teachers' unions (which doesn't support the voucher programs) and ask -- is this party REALLY for helping raise the level of the economic ocean for African-Americans? Or is this party simply about playing some sort of blame game while continuing to keep the black man economically disadvantaged and uneducated while blaming the OTHER guys for their lot (despite the fact that the DEMS have been the power brokers in African-American communities for YEARS and have done little to nothing to improve their health, welfare, and lives) in order to have an assured voting bloc every 2 to 4 years with class envy and race baiting?

    That was my only point. Not that African-Americans are inherently of "sub-par intelligence."

    All that having been said, similar arguments could be made for conservatives and Christians/values voters against the Repuke party. They say the same meaningless tripe every 2 to 4 years just to stoke the fires and pretend devotion to your causes then abandon you to do whatever they want AFTER you've voted en masse for them.

  • September 19, 2009 6:47 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I couldn't tell you if they were biased or not.

  • September 19, 2009 6:48 PM CST

    Big Dumb Ape

    by Magic Rat

    you're going to find bias everywhere, but your less likely to find it in a hard news story on the front page of a newspaper. At least, you won't find it that often if its a reputable newspaper (like, yes, the NYT).

    There's not much I can say if you think all newspapers are biased. I've only seen the Murdoch rags show an obvious bias outside of their editorial section. Some people just can't separate that an editorial and a news story are two totally separate things.

  • September 19, 2009 6:51 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    That's all I got to say about that.

  • September 19, 2009 6:52 PM CST

    HELLLOOOO, CZ!! Or, "Look, It's Trying to Think"

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    HELLLOOOO LIBEL SUIT!! by CZ Sep 19th, 2009 03:51:36 PM That's a prime case for libel right there. And it's printed, which means big damages. And the malice factor is so damn obvious, it'll probably count toward unfair competition charges too.

  • September 19, 2009 6:55 PM CST

    Obama hates Black People.

    by lockesbrokenleg

  • September 19, 2009 6:56 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I don't envy your underwear.

  • September 19, 2009 6:56 PM CST

    If Obama doesn't hate white people...

    by FeralAngel

    ..then why, for 20 years, did he attend a church that preached that kind of hatred? And took his wife and kids with him? I mean, I'd hate to think that he does hate whites, because, while I disagree with a lot of his ideas and policies, I'd like to think he's a decent guy...but you have to wonder, out of all the churches in Chicago, he chose that one...

  • September 19, 2009 6:57 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I don't blame him.

  • September 19, 2009 6:59 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    That was answered last year.

    Rev. Wright's church was the biggest in Chicago's poor area. It was where Obama could help the most who needed it.

  • September 19, 2009 7:03 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    for that matter.

  • September 19, 2009 7:05 PM CST

    I think Obama's a tool of the left

    by FeralAngel

    Just to clarify. And I think he's too young for the job, frankly. He's been too steeped in ideology and not enough in LIFE. JMHO. Whatever you thought of McCain, that man has lived life and survived things and triumphed over setbacks in ways most of us cannot imagine. Plus he had a rep for honesty and for voting FOR the taxpayer and against earmarks and pork. Not that I agree with everything McCain's in favor of, but still...given what's going on in the world, I'd feel better if a savvy, honorable war veteran were in the White House right now, instead of a veteran community organizer from that corrupt political cesspool known as Chicago...

  • September 19, 2009 7:07 PM CST

    BSB, does that excuse the church's message?

    by FeralAngel

    Did Obama ever speak up in that church and denounce some of the nonsense and hatred that was being spoken in a so-called House of the Lord? Or did he just vote "present" or something?

  • September 19, 2009 7:08 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    But you need to check his background a little more. He's in the pockets of quite a few lobbyists and special interests. Not to mention his judgment is totally whacked out as evidence by Sarah Palin.

  • September 19, 2009 7:09 PM CST

    Dammit! I got sucked in like everybody else!

    by FeralAngel

    Okay, I agree with those here who say that this site OUGHT to be about movies, tv shows, etc. - NOT about politics, unless we're talking about Michael Moore's "documentaries" (hey, Herc, is it okay that I borrowed your quotation marks?). I'm outta this thread. There's better fun to be had elsewhere on this site.

  • September 19, 2009 7:11 PM CST

    Didn't Beck jump on the lunatic "death camps" thing ?

    by G100

    Then do a quick 180 when he realised he'd gone over the edge on his meds again ?

    Keep fucking that chicken!

  • September 19, 2009 7:11 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I wasn't there. But I don't like Rev. Wright and his message. Obama is his own man, though, and he has no prejudices against white people. After all he is half white and was raised by his white grandparents and mother.

  • September 19, 2009 7:14 PM CST

    Bringing Sexy Back:

    by Half-Baked-Goggle-Box-Do-Gooder

    ALWAYS with the great headlines. Go Get 'Em, Motherfucker.

  • September 19, 2009 7:15 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I'm ready for another!!!

  • September 19, 2009 7:19 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    It's all the wrist, bud!

  • September 19, 2009 7:20 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Is Glenn Beck's mouth available?

  • September 19, 2009 7:21 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I can then understand bringing guns to town halls and shit. But you do realize he wants to help ALL Americans, right?

  • September 19, 2009 7:22 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Solid or liquid?

  • September 19, 2009 7:24 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

  • September 19, 2009 7:25 PM CST

    John McCain is a degenerate gambler

    by Magic Rat

    who picked his VP after meeting her once because he went for a hail mary play. What good is experience if you're going to throw it all out the window on a whim?

  • September 19, 2009 7:27 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    than John McCain. And I sure as shit wouldn't let them set foot in Wasilla.

  • September 19, 2009 7:29 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    But you need to follow your heart.

  • September 19, 2009 7:30 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Keep fucking that chicken!

  • September 19, 2009 7:32 PM CST

    BSB the poultry bangers will supply many more examples

    by G100

    And am I missing something or was the Teabagging march promoted shamelessly for weeks by Fox and even sponsored by Repub Dick Armey ? Grassroots my ass. Then they have the balls to ask why didn't the other Networks cover their publicity stunt in the same hypetastic manner Fox did.

    Mission Accomplished! Chicken Fucked!

  • September 19, 2009 7:34 PM CST

    who gives a fuck, liberal dorks

    by Fat and Curious

  • September 19, 2009 7:36 PM CST

    the chickens. Fat and Curious

    by G100

  • September 19, 2009 7:47 PM CST

    So a bunch of hicks walked to the White House?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Big fucking deal.

  • September 19, 2009 7:48 PM CST


    by Maniaq

    now they've been galvanised by Mad Murdoch's fools, they should make a concerted effort to marginalise this "newstainment" experiment that has proved wildly successful and even more dangerous...

  • September 19, 2009 7:51 PM CST

    Glenn Beck's show is awesome...

    by vettebro

    Watch it for a week and then make your judgements. All his show does is ask questions and make you think. I don't think most of his viewers agree with everything he says, ( I know I don't) but he does make you think about things. He does make some intelligent points. See for yourself. Try it for one week. You just might find out things months ahead of the rest of the media. Including Fox itself.

  • September 19, 2009 8:08 PM CST

    More people present than claimed

    by Chameleon88

    I remember Glenn Beck bitching about this earlier, and if I remember correctly, he didn't say the protest wasn't reported by other networks, only that they claimed there were far fewer protesters there than there actually were.

  • September 19, 2009 8:09 PM CST

    Liberals need guns too

    by Hikaru Ichijo

    Even though modern conservatism is dead, it's better to be prepared against the occasional wacko. Exercise your right before it becomes a necessity.

  • September 19, 2009 8:22 PM CST

    This is not a Political News website

    by Markver1

    This is an Entertainment News website. Learn the difference Hercules.

  • September 19, 2009 8:22 PM CST

    Herc! Can you go back to kissing SNL's ass again?

    by lockesbrokenleg

  • September 19, 2009 8:23 PM CST


    by HaterofCrap

    he gets the interesting interviews...other than that cnn, nbc, and abc are all garbage...and the fact that they point out this stupid minutia proves it. also, i hope anderson cooper gets eaten by a crocodile on his next africa trip. and that angry chick on msnbc too.

  • September 19, 2009 8:28 PM CST


    by imagin78

    Fox News is entertainment. It sure as hell isn't news.

  • September 19, 2009 8:31 PM CST

    Whether you like Fox News or hate it or don't care

    by Colin62

    Herc is still a retard. I don't watch Fox News but I consider trying anything he gets on his shortbus soapbox about.

  • September 19, 2009 8:31 PM CST

    Fox News Lies?

    by fiester

    This is new and interesting!

  • September 19, 2009 8:32 PM CST


    by kolchak

    was talking about how the other networks played down the significance and number of people at said rally, which they most certainly did.

    And the other networks are only pissed at fox because they get their asses handed to them every night.

  • September 19, 2009 8:32 PM CST

    Fox News Lies?

    by fiester

    This is new and interesting!

  • September 19, 2009 8:36 PM CST

    Fox News - Distorting not Reporting

    by WIBoomer1

    I just saw that on CNN...

  • September 19, 2009 8:36 PM CST

    I'm on board with Colin62...

    by vettebro

    What happened to "AICN"? Movie and TV scoop? Political and religious talkbacks on this forum are inappropriate. Trust no one. Verify the facts. Don't be a member of the "sheeple". Bottomline.

  • September 19, 2009 8:39 PM CST

    Also, "Outfoxed"

    by kolchak

    is one of the shittiest propaganda pieces I've seen in a long time. Hack editing (much like Michael Moore practices) and very little to validate it.

    If any of you think I couldn't take footage of ANY OTHER news network and make it look slanted to the left, you're morons.

  • September 19, 2009 8:52 PM CST

    For the elephants: Beck makes 20M a year to scare the

    by GQtaste

    shit out of white people. Apparently he's pretty goddamn good at it too. So for all the folks...errrr white skin folk that are making 26k a yr to fight for insurance companies that are making as much profits as the oil companies. Were talking Billions you're doing their dirty work for them. Beck and the tea-party folk have nohting in common. He is peers w/ the insurance executives money wise after all Glen makes 300x's more than white folk who have fallen under his spell. Glen, you deserve a raise my friend. HOw's 30M a yr sound? B/c you've earned every penny.

  • September 19, 2009 8:54 PM CST


    by Mr. Waturi

    There is only one TV news outlet that leans right, FOX, and still liberals complain. Unbelievable.

  • September 19, 2009 8:58 PM CST

    Here's Compassionate Conservative for you:

    by GQtaste

    Why is it that if you are lucky enough to have health insurance and selfish enough to want the rest of us to do with out it, you get to proudly call yourself a Patriot?

  • September 19, 2009 9:00 PM CST

    "Watch (Beck) for a week"

    by BurnHollywood

    Are you fucking kidding? I can't even get through the nonstop parade of embarrassing clips this doughy-faced douchebag generates on a routine basis.

    The only thing he ever makes me "think" about is whether ANY Republicans have gaydar or not...I've never seen such a blatant case of a homosexual closet-dweller acting out in my life.

  • September 19, 2009 9:05 PM CST

    Fox news , resurgence of Christian fundamentalism

    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    Both signs that the human race is still a bunch of scared little kids. Sadly we are far from growing up.

  • September 19, 2009 9:08 PM CST

    I don't care about politics.

    by Deathpool

    Because I have no power to change anything and neither does anyone else, so who gives a shit.

    I doubt things would be any different if McCain got elected or Gore instead of W. Bush. We'd just be arguing about something else and saying the US is screwed because of something other than Health Care or whatever the fuck people are bitching about these days.

  • September 19, 2009 9:09 PM CST

    My parents were right!

    by LastOfTheV8Interceptors

    As a moderate with no party affiliations, this crap gets really old. I don't trust extremists of any kind.. right or left, and this incessant bickering reminds me of 2 spoiled kids fighting over who got the biggest ice cream cone.. forgetting to notice all the while that they both have ice cream. Kind of jaw-dropping actually. Mom and dad always told me never to discuss religion or politics in public or you were just asking for trouble. Man, they sure seem wise right about now.

  • September 19, 2009 9:13 PM CST

    When we meet our Space Brothers and Sisters

    by Hikaru Ichijo

    we will finally understand each other and put our differences aside.

  • September 19, 2009 9:15 PM CST

    Rick Sanchez raped my childhood

    by beane2099

    I grew up watching Rick Sanchez in South Florida. He was a pretentious ass then and he's a pretentious ass now. I don't really care about the Fox vs everyone bit, I just hate Rick Sanchez. I still remember his daily "Eye on Cuba" expose where he'd be squatting over a map of Cuba telling us the riveting tale of a woman doing laundry in communist Cuba (which wasn't too different from Democratic America). And then when he started crying as he walked the streets after Hurricane Andrew. What a perfromance! Why my parents watched him is beyond me. Damn you Rick Sanchez.

  • September 19, 2009 9:16 PM CST

    What the inside of Glenn Beck's head looks like:

    by BurnHollywood

  • September 19, 2009 9:20 PM CST


    by vettebro

    You do have some power to change it. Vote. Everyone should vote all incumbents (Republican or Democrat) out of office in these next two election cycles. The main problem are the "career" politicians. Vote them ALL out!

  • September 19, 2009 9:23 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Friggin awesome! LOL!

  • September 19, 2009 9:23 PM CST

    Glenn Beck is just Rush's fat lazy doucebag cousin

    by lockesbrokenleg

  • September 19, 2009 9:29 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Waaaaaahhhh! Glenn Beck makes 20 million a year. Where's mine? Where's my healthcare. Go out and fucking earn it yourself you fucking lazy mooch. Get a decent job and you will have health care. Go earn something. No one is stopping you from making your own million in this country. Stop mooching or crying about other people's success you lazy fuck.

  • September 19, 2009 9:31 PM CST

    McDonald's has great health care coverage

    by lockesbrokenleg

    They suck it out of your 2 dollar paycheck every week.

  • September 19, 2009 9:35 PM CST

    Bringing Sexy Back

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Your rhetorical questions are about as fucking retarded as you are, but thanks for the WAAAAAY obvious display of rank stupidity; you got schooled 'cause your young, dumb, and full of shit.

  • September 19, 2009 9:38 PM CST


    by jae683

    I agree 100%. Unfortunately, the country is suffering for it now.

  • September 19, 2009 9:40 PM CST

    I got a rhetorical question

    by The Bicycle Sharer

    Why does BSB love drinking horse jizz SOOOOO much? Is it because daddy trained him so well when he'd have the boys over to take turns shooting loads into BSB's mouth? Is it because of the time he first crawled from back stage and found his mom in the donkey show in Tijuana (enjoying it!!!)?

  • September 19, 2009 9:41 PM CST

    Earn it?

    by imagin78

    We live in an economy where market forces have decided which vocations deserve to make more money than others.

    Are you going to tell me that somehow Beck has earned his money more than the average teacher, coal miner, policeman etc.?

    The economy of the US has dramatically shifted from manufacturing to retail. The old jobs had good benefits and the new ones do not. Is the fault of all the people staffing the countless Walmarts and McDonald's that they don't have health care? Those jobs are needed for our economy to function.

    Not everyone can be a millionaire. Someone has to fill all these lesser jobs. They shouldn't have to be punished for it with no health care.

  • September 19, 2009 9:41 PM CST


    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    I told you all. You're never going to get right-wingers to believe in actual facts. They don't have the capacity. They're too busy being scared, angry, racist and gayphobic to deal with reality. They'll even tell you that you don't really have Repub. friends. They're that hostile. They're gamers. What do you expect?

  • September 19, 2009 9:42 PM CST

    Anti-Health-Care Republicans

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    I proposed on Joe Wilson's website that he give back all the money he's ever gotten from tax money to pay for his health care. I think the same should be done by all the Republicans. That way, when they oppose "big government,' they can't be called to task for taking advantage of the very rules President Obama want to give everyone else besides them. But, then again, Republicans love to take benefits and then call people whiners when they ask for the same courtesy to be given to them. "MINE! MINE MINE MINE! I WAS HERE FIRST! I WAS HERE FIRST! LADIES FIRST LADIES FIRST LADIES FIRST!" And they did.

  • September 19, 2009 9:48 PM CST

    vettebro, I have insurance, but what about the other people?

    by GQtaste

    What about not just the young ladies who are being dropped from their parents insurance, but the males also because once you reach 23 and not in college but still unemployed? How do people who work in fast foods, housekeeping and many other jobs where they are only part time and in many of those jobs they just barely make minimum wage? What type of healthcare can they purchase? The other thing, what about those who makes less than 50,000.00 a year and they are a family of 4 or 5, what kind of insurance can they afford?

  • September 19, 2009 9:49 PM CST

    I also remember Rick Sanchez when he was in Miami...

    by Mr. Waturi

    He was an absolute joke then, as he is now. Dumb as hellHe worked for channel 7, one of the first TV news stations to take the "if it bleeds, it leads" approach to reporting. I remember when Versace was shot and Sanchez was on the streets trying to scare everybody by telling them Andrew Cunanan could be disguised as anybody and could show up at your door at any moment. Still can't believe CNN hired that jackass.

  • September 19, 2009 9:50 PM CST


    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    Its clear these people are self obsessed and couldn't care about others, so morale arguments don't and won't work.

  • September 19, 2009 9:51 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Typical bleeding heart bullshit. FYI...McDonalds was my first job. However, I didn't want to work there forever. So, I went to school and learned a trade. In other words, I better'd myself. One can do that by getting an education. Save the "some people can't afford that" shit too. My Mommy and Daddy didn't pay for my schoolin' either. There are ways to help with that. Grants, student loans, scholarships and more. My point is this. The USA is the best country to succeed in. That's why we have legal and illegal immigrants coming here everyday. Capitalism and free enterprise have made alot of people millions. Check your numbers too. The majority of American's that want heath care have it. The rest either don't want it, are illegal, have jobs that don't offer it, or can't afford it. I assure you that is a small percentage. Do I think there needs to be some kind of reform? Sure. Do I think we need to go to a socialized program? In the words of Will Smith..Haaaail Nawwwwww!!!!

  • September 19, 2009 9:56 PM CST

    When you're #1, you make alot of enemies...

    by nyj_et

    NOBODY was talking about Fox News in 1996...they haven't changed, but they did gain an audience. The ad is, at worst, an exaggeration to demonstrate how little the other networks have covered this. They cover alot of other stuff like The amateur video expose of ACORN. The New York Times didn't cover it, and I would've figured that would've gotten some mention here, given what cool news (not so much the ACORN stuff, but the fact that they were exposed by two twenty-year-old kids)it was. O'Reilly out-performs all his competition combined. I doubt it's by selling a bunch of lies and half-truths. If you believe that, you're a pinhead.

  • September 19, 2009 10:00 PM CST

    Why my party won't get this deal done sadly:

    by GQtaste

    because our private insurance industry is extensive and their lobbyists have too much influence. Even our Dems can't reach over the isle since trial lawyers lobbyists influence them to not touch malpractice. The biggest problem is a fervent nationalist, religious fundamentalism among our poor that lack any degree of class consciousness therefore making them gullible to a few rich elites who are no doubt in bed with the private insurance industry.

  • September 19, 2009 10:04 PM CST


    by uberman

    In it, everyone who had a relative that was a tea-bagger or FOX! NEWS viewer is deeply ashamed and embarassed. FOX news is no longer a propoganda machine for large corporations and has changed it's name to distance itself from it's shameful past. Glenn Beck made world-wide headlines when he took his life on live TV. RUSH died in a small Asian country where he was in prison awaiting trial for soliciting sex with a 10 year old boy (heart attack). Texas succeded from the USA, went bankrupt, had a civil war, and was eventually taken over by Mexico. The Governer and his crew were hanged for treason. Michele Bachman is in hiding with a group of militant fundamentalists waiting for the end of the world. Ann Coulter has passed of throat cancer. Oh, and everybody got HEALTHCARE and the country is stronger than ever.

  • September 19, 2009 10:05 PM CST

    Rick "Dirty" Sanchez

    by nyj_et

    I liked the whining. "'We cover all the news'-What? Like we don't?" Interesting how he couldn't name one big story where CNN scooped Fox News.

  • September 19, 2009 10:08 PM CST


    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    As an outsider looking on, you are spot on.

    Additionally, sadly its much easier for negative propoganda, than positive. Its easier to say "socialism", then it is to explain universal heathcare on its morale or financial benefits.

    People listen to soundbytes, not arguments.

    The socialism comments sound comical on reflection, "how can you trust the govt", when you do for military, police etc. And instead you should trust insurance companies, whose intention is to make profit .

  • September 19, 2009 10:09 PM CST


    by vettebro

    "Your" party is corrupt too. They all are. Everyone is in bed with special interests and lobbyist groups. Both parties. No one is clean. No one. Acorn, SEIU, Goldman-Sachs, GE, NBC, Halliburton, the list goes on and on and on.

  • September 19, 2009 10:10 PM CST

    Medicare. Veterans HealthCare

    by G100

    Why aren't you calling them socialist or communist or fascist or whatever the hell it is this week ?

    They are staffed by bureaucrats and run by the government. Unless the Repubs, Fox and Teabaggers are now demanding that they must be banned they are clearly hypocrites.

    Now fuck off and paint a Hitler moustache on an Obama poster since that is the intellectual level of the Teabaggers and Fox.

  • September 19, 2009 10:15 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Your comment..."how can you trust the govt"...Yeah, they have done such a great job with the TARP funds, the post office, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, our GDP, the trade deficit. You make me laugh. Get real. Check this out, here is what the Goverment has done for

  • September 19, 2009 10:17 PM CST


    by anonymoose

  • September 19, 2009 10:17 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    Your party won't get it done because the plan is simply too ambitious and wrong-minded. The original plan aimed to cover 46 million non-insured americans. This number was taken from the 2000 census and included (and I apologize for not knowing the exact figure to which this breaks down) illegal immigrants, working americans between-jobs, or not yet elligible for benefits (usually takes 90 days) and those who have it available, make over $50K annually and choose not to buy it. The final number comes out to about 12 million that should be covered by a public healthcare option. IF this was proposed outside of such a time of economic upheaval, IF it wasn't huge deficit spending, and IF it covered those who should be covered (12 million) and somehow reject fraud and waste, it would probably have a chance.

  • September 19, 2009 10:17 PM CST


    by vettebro

    Thank you for making my point. These Government run programs are socialist programs, and they ARE failing. There isn't anymore money to fund these programs. It's basically a Ponzi scheme. See the URL on the last post.

  • September 19, 2009 10:18 PM CST

    I don't even understand this tea party shit

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Just like I don't give a shit about Birthers.

  • September 19, 2009 10:21 PM CST


    by vettebro

    You forgot the huge cost of this program too. : )

  • September 19, 2009 10:27 PM CST

    Ha ha ha!

    by Charlie_Allnut

    Sour grapes from the ratings losers! Thanks for the "damning evidence" of a useless rumor printed by a tabloid rag owned by the same corporation, and a left wing "documentary" that probably holds the same credibility as Michael Moore. This is all great for a good laugh though! Stick with something we can all agree on - movies! This is the site that people both left and right go to to get away from all the news of how fucked up our country is right now...why stir up the pot with your personal political opinions? I really could care less what you guys think about politics, just as I am sure you could care less about what I think. We are never going to agree so I really don't understand this asinine "story." Irregardless, much love to you Hercules, I still love the column.

  • September 19, 2009 10:27 PM CST

    Two reasons that you know the majority of individuals against th

    by GQtaste

    Two of the lunatics biggest arguments make no sense: 1. Obama is an Nazi and is like Hitler Really: I didn't know Obama is preaching white power and to kill everyone that doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes. 2. Obama hates white people: I didn't know he hates his own mother and grand parents How can he be a Nazi that promotes only whites then he hates whites. Will the conservatives make up their mind.

  • September 19, 2009 10:28 PM CST

    Yo, FOX NEWS, I'm really happy for you, I'mma lechoo finish...

    by anonymoose

    ...but THE DAILY SHOW and THE COLBERT REPORT have the greatest journalistic integrity of all time! OF ALL TIME!!

  • September 19, 2009 10:28 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    I understand the tea party shit. As a conservative, I wish the birthers would stop making asses of themselves. It makes the left point at us and laugh. Yet, they don't laugh at 9/11 "truthers". Weird, huh?

  • September 19, 2009 10:29 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    I agree. I come here to read about movies, too.

  • September 19, 2009 10:31 PM CST


    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    so you prefer the staus quo, where the US pays more for healthcare, much more than any other "rich" nation, where a significant amount of people are not covered and subsequently use far more expensive ER services, where the outcomes are incredibly poor again compared to other nations.

    Where the health insurance companies unlike other insurance industry i.e. motor vehicles, don't take on high risk candidates and spread risk.

    Can only think that you work in the health insurance industry.

    Should the govt be doing a better job, than it currently is, agree completely. But you are living in a bubble if you think the status quo is the right way, or to rely on health insurance companies.

  • September 19, 2009 10:32 PM CST

    Liberals don't laugh at truthers? Since when?

    by anonymoose

    Conspiracy theorists are fun to laugh at, whether it's ACORN or 9/11.

  • September 19, 2009 10:32 PM CST

    Fuck You, BringingSexyBack

    by My_IQ_is_135

    That's all I gotta say.

  • September 19, 2009 10:32 PM CST

    verbetto wants to ban Medicare and Veterans Healthcare

    by G100

    And presumably the police and the military. He wants no Government at all. Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.

    Fringe nutbags can find their own fantasy island to set up their Corporate overlord paradise without a Government. Because it sure as hell ain't gonna happen anywhere else.

    Even Fox and the Repubs aren't dumb enough to say they would ban Medicare or Veterans Healthcare. The RNC recently launched a new campaign,"The Seniors' Bill of Rights," that pledged to prevent cuts to Medicare and protect the elderly from health care rationing based on age.

    You also might want to look at the role of the Banks and Wall Street in the economic clusterfuck since you appear to have been hiding under a rock for a couple of years thinking this is all the Governments fault.

  • September 19, 2009 10:34 PM CST

    I've got the ticket....

    by The Dum Guy

    Each state should absolve themselves as being part of the United States, then form loose binding agreements with the other states to form a union amongst themselves ala the EU.

    Having thus done that, each state could enact their own laws without having an governing body to overpower each "states" rights, i.e. Fed. over State Govt.

    Having thus obsolved a central body of government at a federal level, each state could thus have treaties with other states.

    Given enough years and trials of this union, eventually one politician could unite all the large autonomus collectives and then take over Mexico and Canada.

  • September 19, 2009 10:35 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    The Hitler stuff is valid when trying to get the point across that the policies of The Obama Administration have fascist leanings. If you say the word "fascist" to most americans, they'll answer, "Hitler". This is by no means to say that Obama is attempting to wipe an entire race of people off the planet. Even those who carry the signs with The President's face with a little Hitler 'stache on them believe that.

  • September 19, 2009 10:35 PM CST


    by vettebro

    You just jumped the shark. It's funny how you select the extreme right wacko group to represent the rest of us Americans who dislike ALL the current Government policies, both Congress and Obama. Both Republican and Democrat. All conservative don't believe Obama is Hiltler. LOL!

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 PM CST


    by vettebro

    You didn't read my posts completely. I clearly state that some sort of reform is needed. I agree with you on that aspect.

  • September 19, 2009 10:39 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    Whoever did automatically fails by default.

  • September 19, 2009 10:42 PM CST


    by vettebro

    I love your extreme interpretation of my views. It makes me laugh.

  • September 19, 2009 10:42 PM CST

    So, what about that Avatar movie?

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Will it fuck my eyeballs?

  • September 19, 2009 10:44 PM CST


    by G100

    Allegedly. Prove it ain't so ? And we are talking about News not Dancing with the fucking Stars. Ratings are hardly the same as truth and circus freakshows always pull in the crowds.

  • September 19, 2009 10:45 PM CST

    Will Jar Jar Binks slap his junk across your face?

    by anonymoose


  • September 19, 2009 10:46 PM CST


    by Miyamoto_Musashi

    ideas please, what would you do if you were Obama, if you were President?

    Clearly their has to be litigation reform, we (society) need to get that doctors will make mistakes, we need to determine what mistakes are reasonable, what aren't and how much compensation is enough. Then we need to accept that

  • September 19, 2009 10:48 PM CST

    One more point then I"m done w/ this nonsense:

    by GQtaste

    Please, republicans, if you “believe” so much in small government, and the government should not interfere w/ health care. Then a) why did they interfere w/ Shrivo (the Shrivo bill about end of life decisions). b) Why do they want the government to tell women what we can/can not do w/ our bodies (abortion). and c) Why not come out to abolish social security, Medicare, and the VA??? PS: The father of universal health care in Canada, Tommy Douglas was voted the greatest Canadian EVER!! By the citizens. Doesn't sound like their system is toooo damn bad!!! Life/Health is NOT a commodity!!!!!!!!!

  • September 19, 2009 10:50 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    I can't speak for vettebro, but I'll say while the status quo is far from ideal, it is better than the proposal that is on the table in every way. I'll agree with you that health insurance companies should have to take on high-risk subscribers, like auto insurance companies do. However, auto insurance companies also charge outrageous premiums for those services, driving high-risk motorists to drive uninsured, or commit fraud, but obtaining and paying the first installment of the policy, obtaining proof-of-insurance to stay legal with the local municipalities (renew their tags, keep from getting their car impounded and ticketed, should they be pulled-over). Proportionately speaking, these high-risk patients would be unable to afford this high-risk coverage anyway, but I say put it out there, I could be wrong. Also, name one other "rich nation" that has the prosperity or potential prosperity of the United States. I'm not saying it's great to be poor, but I'd rather be flat-on-my-ass broke here than middle-class in any of these other "rich nations". At least here, I have the opportunity to go from being broke to being rich. I'll take that astronomically-slim chance to a certainty of life-long mediocrity any day, my friend. Want to fix healthcare? Tort reform would be a good place to start. The left will hear none of it, because trial lawyers are their "special interests".

  • September 19, 2009 10:50 PM CST


    by vettebro

    is a flaming gay retarded dipshit. Prove it aint so...LOL!

  • September 19, 2009 10:53 PM CST

    Worst thing posted on the internet, ever:

    by anonymoose

    "Praise God, help me Lord be a voice of righteous and have your wisdom. Yes, Jesus paid taxes but we are not Rome by God's design. God raised up America for such a time as this. America's form of Government is like no other nation. We are the closest thing to the perfect rule of man that God has laid out in His Word in the new Testament. We as Christians are to rule ourselves by our own free will through God within and His Holy Word. This nation was raised up by God to prove that man could rule himself under the power and authority of Christ. When man does he prospers as a nation or as an individual. The ruin of America will be because we America are no longer one nation under God. We are going our own way not seeking God or His Wisdom. We now have laws protecting animals such as the bald eagle where we are fined thousands for the destroying it's eggs or it's young. Yet we protect not our own from abortion. A fetus is a baby Jeremiah says God knew you in your mother's womb. John the Baptist knew Jesus in his mother's womb leaped for joy at Jesus in Mary' womb. The tax system of the Roman Empire some historian say was it's down fall. When they started to tax it's own people more than 50% of their income it started to crumble from within. So is America in danger. We the people of the USA have a voice and a choice unlike Rome. In America God gave us a Government to be a servant of the people not the other way around. We have freedom of speech and we better use it. Thank you Tim for the Video sing on. Watch Glenn Beck he is a Christian and he is one of the few in the media speaking the truth. But don't take his word for it. Question everything do your home work check things out and above all pray."

    -Janice Cook

  • September 19, 2009 10:55 PM CST


    by vettebro

    while I consider myself a conservative I am not affiliated with any party. I'm not republican. That is one of the problems in this country too. Dividing people with political party lines.

  • September 19, 2009 10:56 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    The Republican Party is a pretty big tent. They'll accept you even if you think end of life decisions should be made by family, think a woman should be able to get an abortion (don't ask me to pay for one, though) and finally, I have no problem with the abolition of social security, a fund that will be depleted by the time I will be able to withdraw that which I spent my entire working life paying into. As for Medicare and the VA, what do you think we are? Monsters? By the way, a gay couple wants to get married? Don't care. Just don't allow the ACLU to sue on behalf of polygamy and beastiality (both ridiculous, but wait and see if it dosen't happen). I would've voted Wayne Gretzky the Greatest Canadian Ever. Or maybe William Shatner.

  • September 19, 2009 10:57 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    I used to think like that, too. I found I had to pick a side, even if I don't agree with all of it's popular philosophies. Like I say, it's a big tent.

  • September 19, 2009 10:58 PM CST


    by G100

    I love how you didn't deny any of it. That makes me laugh too.

    And for those who think all is well in the Fox empire, bad news I'm afraid. Murdoch's News Corporation had to restructure $8 billion of debt after the company revealed in Government filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission that it did not have the funds to meet its debts without massive refinancing. As reported in the New York Times in January.

    Seems like it's not just the Government who is a giant debt junkie but the owner of Fox News too.

  • September 19, 2009 10:59 PM CST


    by vettebro

    I agree with you and nyj_et. Tort reform is the best place to start. Frivolous litigation on all fronts cost all of society dearly. The lawyers are the ones who need regulation. Unfortunately, the lawyers are the ones running the country.

  • September 19, 2009 11:02 PM CST


    by nyj_et

    Yeah, I saw that story too. On Fox Business Channel

  • September 19, 2009 11:03 PM CST

    Awww.. vettebro wuvs Glenn Beck and is offended

    by G100

    Too fucking bad. Becks a joke. A big fat crybaby who makes most sane people laugh very hard indeed.

    So go fuck yourself you far-right douchebag. Or better still, Keep fucking that chicken vettebro! LMFAO! ZOMG!!

  • September 19, 2009 11:05 PM CST


    by vettebro

    I was making a point apparently you didn't get. Now that is funny.

  • September 19, 2009 11:09 PM CST

    I'm leaving to go read about movies

    by nyj_et

    or Batman or Spider-Man or Star Wars or the NFL, or something else, anything else other than politics. Fuck you, Hercules, for bringing this up. NY Jets face the NE Patriots tomorrow at 1! If the Pats play like they did Monday night, and the Jets play like they did last week, I predict a 24-17 Jets victory.

  • September 19, 2009 11:12 PM CST


    by G100

    if you followed any of the links or understood the "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990" and all the variants you might have noticed that the "point" you wrongly thought you were making was made long, long ago by me in the Beck chicken fucking post and by everyone else using it.

    Way to miss the obvious and provide us with yet more hilarity.

  • September 19, 2009 11:13 PM CST

    Murdoch, Hannity, O'Reilly, Ailes, and Hume

    by Cobbio

    are all queenly self-hating pathological liars. They're so revolted by their own reflections in the mirror they've come to believe the lies they've told about themselves and the world to justify their jobs and two-faced lives. It's hard to imagine the goo-piles of self-hatred they spew at themselves in private. Behind closed doors. When no one's looking.

    Almost like Lewis Prothero, the thunderous political spokesman in "V for Vendetta."


    You think [God's] not watching over this country? How else can you explain it? He tested us, but we came through. We did what we had to do. Islington. Enfield. I was there, I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go. Strength through unity. Unity through faith. I'm a God-fearing Englishman and I'm goddamn proud of it!

    Insert "American" for "Englishman" here, and you understand what Fox's emperor-with-no-clothes propagandists are up to. They're scared. More than anything else, they're utterly, screamingly terrified of being discovered for the boring little fakes they absolutely are.

    Stifle discussion. Lie. Talk before your respondents can answer. Lie. Talk louder than everyone around you. Lie. Dress cleaner and more provocatively than a Hollywood queen. Lie. Develop an intense hatred of yourself. Lie. Develop a bottomless, all-encompassing hatred of yourself. Lie. Make it seem like you're perfectly happy. Lie. Sit up straight in your glossy chair and tell it like it is. Lie.

    Become a grotesque billionaire's nattering pawn.

    Allow your booming lies to burn away the last vestiges of your dignity and sense of reality until there's nothing left of you but stinking, self-hating grave dust.

    It's a good thing Fox's ratings are taking huge hits these days. The lie they pictured in the Washington Post will only accelerate this.

    A hundred years from now, Fox and Rupert Murdoch will go down in history as sick, cult of personality deformities of humanity. Murdoch and his assembly line of talking heads will be hated and feared as much as Stalin's cold-war propagandists ever were. Likely more so.

    Fuck you, Rupert. You don't fool me.

  • September 19, 2009 11:17 PM CST


    by vettebro

    While this is fun, I too am leaving this conversation to grab some dinner. Peace. Love. Dope. I second nyj_et yet again. Fuck you Herc for bringing this shit up on this sites forum. We can all agree to disagree. See you all in the 2nd revolution, what ever that might be. ; )

  • September 19, 2009 11:22 PM CST

    vettebro, I din't jump the shark. I wasn't one of the

    by GQtaste

    people at tht so-called ralley. Unfortunately, the people that are getting the most attention are the batshit ones. I’m not claming that all republicans are nuts. I think it’s a relatively small percentage but, they’re the ones, by the help of Beck, O’Reilly, Limbugh, Hanity, Savage Coulter, Ingram, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, who isn’t even American bytheway who has more power than just about any figure in this Country that isn’t a member of the government. Geraldo Rivera, Chris Wallace, Greta Van Susteren, Shepard Smith, Fred Barnes, Steve Doocy, Neil Cavuto, Megyn Kelly, Bill Kristol, Karl Rove, Brit Hume, Dick Morris, Matt Drudge, Rick Leventhal, Steve Doocy, Jim Angle, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Miller, Juan Williams, JC Watts, Gretchen Carlson, Huckabee, Bernard Goldberg, Monica Crowley and Amanda Carpenter have worked diligently to make the poor fight for the country club set! It’s amazing the tasks they’ve completed. It always blew me away when I’d see a 3k dollar car w/ a “W” sticker on the back of it. How they’ve tricked this poor sob into thinking that the elephants have his/her best interests at hand. I’m from the heart of bible country, Oklahoma, or what I refer to as "the bible belt buckle" and if you are someone who doesn’t believe that this hatred for Obama is racially fueled then you need to come spend a week in the bible belt talking to the irrational jesus freaks who are scared to death that the anti christ has come and the end days are here.......This is the crazy shit I have to live around day to day. Funny thing is they sure love their black athletes @ the school I attended, University of Oklahoma. They never seemed to be mad at the money Bush and co. were dueling out. Whether it be for endless war, two of them simultaneously. Or the constant help outs to the big boys, aka, Big Corps.

  • September 19, 2009 11:22 PM CST


    by G100

    While I've had my laughs, I too have other things to do so keep smiling and remember, Keep fucking that chicken!

    Fuck you indeed Herc for posting this and making me post so many times on it because I am powerless to avoid clicking on the link to it and had to join in. ; )

  • September 19, 2009 11:29 PM CST

    Nailed it solvseus

    by Skyway Moaters

  • September 19, 2009 11:29 PM CST

    Liberal Liars

    by soccer1969

    The stupid Left wing assholes at CNN and NBC should burn in hell for all the bullshit and lies they tell. James Carville is a dickhead.

  • September 19, 2009 11:35 PM CST

    From the Time magazine cover story. He made 23M last yr.

    by GQtaste

    There are bigger one-voice enterprises in the world: Oprah, Rush, Dr. Phil. But few are more widely diversified. In June, estimators at Forbes magazine pegged Beck's earnings over the previous 12 months at $23 million, a ballpark figure confirmed by knowledgeable sources, and this year's revenues are on track to be higher. The largest share comes from his radio show, which is heard by more than 8 million listeners on nearly 400 stations — one of the five biggest radio audiences in the country. Beck is one of only a handful of blockbuster authors who have reached No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller lists with both nonfiction and fiction. (Among the others: John Grisham, Patricia Cornwell and William Styron. Unlike them, however, Beck gets a lot of help from his staff.) His latest book, Arguing with Idiots, will be published this month, and if things go as expected, it will be the third No. 1 with his name on the front published in the past 12 months. Taking a page from Stephen King — who once called Beck "Satan's mentally challenged younger brother" — Beck recently entered into a partnership with Simon & Schuster that pays him a share of profits rather than a traditional author's royalty, and he plans to create a range of books for every audience, from children to teens to adults.

  • September 19, 2009 11:37 PM CST

    Beck is just an entertainer masking as a talking head.

    by GQtaste

    Beck describes his performances as "the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment" — and the entertainment comes first. "Like Limbaugh, Glenn Beck is a former Top 40 DJ," radio historian Marc Fisher explains, "first and foremost an entertainer, who happens to have stumbled into a position of political prominence." Unlike Limbaugh, however, Beck is a "radio nostalgic," in love with the storytelling power of a man with a microphone. He started in radio at age 13, inspired by a recording of golden-age broadcasts given to him by his mother — who later committed suicide, leaving the young Beck deeply traumatized. "He loves radio," says his longtime producer and on-air sidekick Stu Burguiere. "The way the mind becomes its own theater and the listener engages in the medium with you, drawing their own pictures in their heads." Beck once lovingly re-created the 1938 Orson Welles classic War of the Worlds for XM Satellite Radio, and he named his production company Mercury Radio Arts in homage to Welles' Mercury Theatre on the Air. (Read "Heeeere's Glenn! When the Lunatic Fringe Tries Comedy.")

  • September 19, 2009 11:39 PM CST


    by Cobbio

    What specific "lies" have the "assholes" at CNN and NBC told, soccer1969? Off the top of your head, name me one. One that, based on evidence, was later proven to be untrue.

    Oop. Time's up. You couldn't name me one, could you?

    Question: what's it like being a dittohead? It is fun? Just wondering.

  • September 19, 2009 11:42 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    Yeah, that. Add to that burn list:

    All the political soccer moms in the world. They need to die in a fire ASAP for being political and, well, for being soccer moms. The stupid, unqualified ones get the acid baths.

  • September 19, 2009 11:48 PM CST


    by Cobbio

    You're a tolerant one, anonymoose. I'm not a fan of soccer moms, generally, but I don't feel they're worthy of mass murder.

    I guess you do, though, huh? For no other reason than that they're soccer moms.

    I guess I see your view of the world.

  • September 19, 2009 11:52 PM CST

    Lol sanzaru...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... Wolf got SLAUGHTERED by Andy freakin' Richter! Blitzer came accross as almost mildy retarded for pity's sake. Reminded me of those SNL sketches where Jeopardy contestants throw out completely non-sequitur bullcrap in reponse to the "answers". That shit had me rolling...

  • September 19, 2009 11:52 PM CST

    Why is this story on AICN?

    by Ricyteach


  • September 19, 2009 11:58 PM CST

    Hide if you want to...fanboys and girls

    by PennyB

    Unless American start THINKING about things, and deciding if this is true or not, we're in big trouble together. Hide in our worlds of fantasy...but the nutsos of the world will take over. "If they take us, they will burn us"

  • September 20, 2009 12:01 AM CST

    Glenn Beck's amazing biography.

    by anonymoose

    Douchebag. The end.

  • September 20, 2009 12:05 AM CST

    "Why is this story on AICN?"

    by anonymoose

    Because Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.

  • September 20, 2009 12:16 AM CST

    That's right Jpryce, they held a GUN to your head...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... and told you to come here and read this post, or else they'd blow your fucking BRAINS out...

  • September 20, 2009 12:18 AM CST


    by uberman

    Guys a little brownshirt Nazi, so killing a kid is by no means a stretch. Happened in 1990? I can't wait till this gets on 'Forensic Files.'

  • September 20, 2009 12:24 AM CST

    Hockey moms are the worst.

    by anonymoose

    You let them run free and they start to reproduce, giving birth to retarded babies with retarded names, and later holding them up to the cameras like political trophies.

    The hockey moms get to be locked into an arena with hungry wolves, the kind that sometimes gets shot from helicopters.

  • September 20, 2009 12:28 AM CST

    Cobbio: "Fox's ratings taking huge hits these days"

    by Big Dumb Ape

    Cobbio, you said "It's a good thing Fox's ratings are taking huge hits these days. The lie they pictured in the Washington Post will only accelerate this." Well, when your brain starts to get enough blood and returns to functioning properly, please feel free to join the rest of us in reality. Fox New's ratings are higher than they've ever been. In fact, you have to ADD the other stations TOGETHER to get to their numbers...



    FOX NEWS SOARS IN RATINGS. "The August ratings are out, and once again, the ratings for the Fox News Channel are phenomenal."

    Better luck next time, Cobbio!

  • September 20, 2009 12:32 AM CST

    Geeze you guys...

    by Skyway Moaters your knowledge of the world really that insular? The reason Herc brought up Catwoman and "The Sun" is that Fox "News" and "The Sun" are both owned by Rupert Murdoch. I mean...

  • September 20, 2009 12:35 AM CST


    by PatQuid

    C'mon guys...this is why I stopped coming here for over a year. I come here to see what's new on the movie front. I don't give a flying fuck about your right-wing, left-wing, or buffalo-wing politics. Keep it to yourself and stay on point. Please?

  • September 20, 2009 12:35 AM CST

    "My shitty 24hr news is better than your shitty 24hr news."

    by anonymoose

    Fox News being number one just explains why America is so fucking retarded.

  • September 20, 2009 12:42 AM CST

    Tinfoil hat brigade in da house!

    by Skyway Moaters

    How's it goin' Snake? You racist piece of shit...

  • September 20, 2009 12:42 AM CST

    Soccer1969, Dennis Miller described James Carville best

    by Big Dumb Ape

    Dennis Miller described James Carville the best while appearing on THE FACTOR one night...

    O'REILLY: I was shocked when James Carville called Governor Richardson "Judas." Were you as appalled as I was?

    MILLER: I look at Carville's picture there. I'm just shocked when you squint that much you still need glasses. Listen, the Clintons run with rough guys. But, gala, that is the most hateful smile I've ever seen. A big toothy cleaver. When you're talking about Skeletor here, he plays rough. You better wear a cup.

    O'REILLY: Skeletor?

    MILLER: Yes. I always look at Carville, and he's like a Muppet that was accidentally washed on hot or something. There's never any rational discourse with Carville. You just ask him a question and you might as well yank the pull starter on that ugly garlic knot of a head of his. He starts yipping away like some satanic Chihuahua under a strobe light. And he's PO'd here. He's more unhinged than a tater cellar door in a Cat 5 hurricane. Richardson got under his skin. And by the way, I want to compliment Bill Richardson for showing up to get the Mexican vote in the El Diablo goatee. I mean, for God's sakes, why didn't he just show up in a Mexican wrestling mask?

  • September 20, 2009 12:42 AM CST

    Sorry, PatQuid.

    by anonymoose

    It's all on point, because it lies beneath a politically charged article. Blame Herc.


    We could start talking about random shit, like burritos, and derail this sonuvabitch until its political childhood is forgotten.

  • September 20, 2009 1:05 AM CST


    by lockesbrokenleg

  • September 20, 2009 1:53 AM CST

    Yeah ok Ash0ck...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... fuck civilzation, who needs it? Let's just bring back the 'wild wild west'. Every man for himself! Only the strong [deserve to] survive! Yeah, that'll work. I hope you're good at ducking and hiding behind shit, and are at least a reasonably good shot. Handy skills to have in a world such as you're advocating.

  • September 20, 2009 2:04 AM CST

    Pedant alert!

    by Skyway Moaters

    Welcome Bicycle Sharer. You'll fit right in...

  • September 20, 2009 2:06 AM CST

    Repungnats. Repubes.

    by Vicconius

    Those are funny and sound like fun to make. Let me try. DEMOFARTS! lol How about VOMITCRATS! lololol So much fun. DEMOCRAPS!!!

  • September 20, 2009 2:15 AM CST

    Bicycle Sharer: Did you know...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... it's actually cheaper to keep someone incarcerated for life than it is to execute them? Don't believe me? Look it up. Plus it makes our for profit prison industry happy because they get the profits instead of the appeals attorneys and the courts.

    P.S. Are you Sean Hannity? You sound just like him.

  • September 20, 2009 2:29 AM CST

    Bicycle Sharer: You use the term "SOCIALIST"...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... like it's a dirty word! So shocking, *socialism*, brrr. Help! The sky is falling!

    You know, as unbelievable as it sounds, many folks aren't nearly as terrified by this WORD, as you appear to be. Ayn Rand? That explains a lot...

  • September 20, 2009 2:30 AM CST

    Ever read Voltaire?

    by Skyway Moaters

  • September 20, 2009 2:37 AM CST

    Rand Is Right

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    When it comes to socialism, it has never helped and always hurt. I loved hearing Michelle Obama talk about certain people needing special help to get to be the equals of others - who did she mean, I wonder. Further, Rich Sanchez is a joke. I love when he gets someone who's conservative, and when he asks a question and the guy/gal answers it honestly, he jumps in and asks it again, usually like this "But aren't you calling this man a socialist as if it were evil?" "No, absolutely not - I'm saying soclaism is evil" "But aren't you - etc/"

  • September 20, 2009 2:38 AM CST

    Have to say Bicycle Sharer...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... I am impressed with your repetoire. You've got the old logical-fallacy-word- substitution-schtick down pat...

  • September 20, 2009 2:40 AM CST

    FOX NEWS is the ONLY channel to cover ACORN's mess...

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    And you morons have the NERVE to whine over a one-page ad??? You people are truly a JOKE! >:D

    Where were CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and MSNBC for a whole WEEK, while videos of ACORN employees across the COUNTRY telling people how to set up child prostitution brothels filled with 13-15 years old illegal immigrants from El Salvador were being broadcast ONLY ON FOX NEWS???

    Where was the "mainstream media" when Obama's Green Czar Van Jones was revealed to be a self-proclaimed Communist, racist and 9/11 Truther handpicked to be an advisor to the President???

    There's a good reason why FOX NEWS' ratings are THREE TIMES those of its competitors, and its LOWEST rated evening shows have more viewers than CNN or MSNBC's highest rated programming. It's the same reason why Obama is deathly scared to go on it and would rather talk to Univision than risk appearing on FOX NEWS SUNDAY. FOX NEWS is the ONLY news station that has the balls to DARE question the Obama administration, isn't actively sucking up or COVERING UP for Obama and his scumbag friends — like ACORN — and holds a skeptical view towards his policies and the impact they may have on the country and world at large.

    Seriously, you idiots trying to demean their work simply sound childish and petty — and look incredibly foolish — when you consider that Obama was elected with a clear majority, yet despite that, FOX NEWS gets viewership numbers it could NEVER accomplish from conservatives alone. 3-4 million for O'Reilly or Beck, compared to only 1.5 for Olbermann and Maddow??? The ONLY way FOX NEWS can achieve those numbers is if Republicans, Independents AND Democrats (like myself) are watching faithfully on a daily basis! And the ONLY reason people would be such dedicated viewers is if they found the OTHER news stations to be SEVERELY lacking in both content AND reliability! Which 24-hr. news channel was it that panicked and claimed that the Coast Guard was opening fire on a craft in Washington DC this past 9/11??? It sure wasn't FOX! :D

    One last little tidbit to keep in mind: Glenn Beck gets between 2.5-3.5 million viewers a day at 5:00 EST. At that time, 3/4 of the country are STILL AT WORK!!! Keith Olbermann, on the other hand, only gets 1.5 million (on a GOOD day) at 8 PM primetime when EVERYONE'S home!

    Clearly, you guys — and those like you who've staked your whole self-esteem and self-worth in Obama's "success" and take any BAD news about him as a personal affront — are in the small MINORITY when it comes to whether or not FOX NEWS is a trustworthy and reliable source for news and information.

    I'd tell you to stop being so childish and grow up, but unfortunately, you're simply following to "lead" of Obama himself. Pathetic... :(

  • September 20, 2009 2:43 AM CST

    They're fun to tease ebonic...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... it just cracks me up when their little pointed beanie propellors spin around and smoke comes out of their ears...

  • September 20, 2009 2:51 AM CST

    Um, Raskolnikov_was_framed...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... "flying spagetti monster" was originated by Richard Dawkins, (the atheist physicist who wrote "The God Delusion, not the Family Fued host), not Matt and Trey. You sure about your sources man?

  • September 20, 2009 2:58 AM CST


    by Skyway Moaters

    The Bycycle Sharer shows his true colors and plays the "blacks are inferior" card! Well done sir. You have indeed won the day. Enjoy your banning.

  • September 20, 2009 3:16 AM CST

    GQtaste: RE Beck book sales...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... One must never underestimate the stupidity of the christian right and their brainwashed progeny...

  • September 20, 2009 3:19 AM CST

    Wow...that documentary is both frightening

    by southafricanguy

    and hilarious at the same time. You just cant make shit like this up. Are there really people that watch that cartoon version of news and actually think its real news. The only thing far funnier is that they really think they are balanced and fair? cant make this shit up....

  • September 20, 2009 3:26 AM CST

    In the words of Alabama

    by Powerring

    Song, song of the south. Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth.

    Gone, gone with the wind. There aint nobody looking back again.

    Cotton on the roadside, cotton in the ditch.We all picked the cotton but we never got rich.

    Daddy was a veteran, a southern democrat. They oughta get a rich man to vote like that.

    Sing it... Chorus

    Well somebody told us wall street fell But we were so poor that we couldn't tell. Cotton was short and the weeds were tall But Mr. Roosevelt's a gonna save us all.

  • September 20, 2009 3:30 AM CST

    Guys the point of the "Beck murdered/raped" meme is...

    by Darth_Inedible

    ...It's a parody of the media's treatment of Sarah Palin, where they through endless false accusations at her like "why did she cut special needs funding" "why did she ban books" "why did she push for teaching creationism" and "why hasn't she commented on Trig's real mother" etc.

  • September 20, 2009 3:41 AM CST

    Interesting post Bicycle

    by Stalkeye

    I'm more than aware that the Democrats have often have taken the Black Vote for granted, but that does not absolve the Right Wing Republican party that have fucked more Black Men than the Kardasians.(Lincoln may have freed the slaves, but Nixon ,Reagan and Bush have still cracked the whips.)That lil' Pee Party in DC, further demonstrates that Neo Cons are very ignorant, ill informed and ..yes RACIST.WTF is that picket sign in which Obama is made to look like some witch doctor?!?

    Dems are far from perfect, but I'll support the lesser of the two evils, anyday.Pragmatism? uh, maybe.

  • September 20, 2009 3:52 AM CST

    Pointing out ONE sign out of 100,000+ people????

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    Stalkeye, if you need to do that to prove opponents to Obama are RACIST, then you're pretty desperate. I supposed the cartoons showing Condi Rice as a Mammy or Clarance Thomas as a lawn jockey or Uncle Tom prove all of Bush's critics were racists, too, huh?


  • September 20, 2009 3:57 AM CST

    Which party was it that created the Ku Klux Klan???

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    Oh, yeah... the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. And they've been using race to try to divide, demonize and silence people ever since. One of the many reasons I've become ashamed of my party. >:(

  • September 20, 2009 3:58 AM CST


    by Colin62

    All of of you idiots go watch that monologue at the end of Team America; learn to accept that there are different points of view and the world needs reckless arrogant dicks as much as it needs whining bleeding pussies; so shut up. Especially spymunk. And Herc, Fuck you.

  • September 20, 2009 4:08 AM CST

    the ghost who lurks, there was more than one sign.

    by mynamesdan

    why don't you count them in this video? v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

  • September 20, 2009 4:15 AM CST


    by Stalkeye

    RE:"LOCKES - AFTER KANYE AND SERENA by BringingSexyBack Sep 19th, 2009 06:57:43 PM I don't blame him."

    Say what you want about Serena, but John Mackenroe has been practically pulling the same shit almost throughout his career and had it been him that made those idle threats, it would have been seen as just another outburst.Despite William's charitable efforts, primarly for Breast Cancer all of the sudden she's demonized as some fucking Anit-Christ. Yes, it was inappropiate.Yes, She lacked class but there are far worse celebs or atheletes I would disregard/shun:Michael Vick,OJ and Jason Williams for example but i'll give Serena a pass anyday.If anything, that "singer" Lloyd Marcus is another discrase to Black people..well next to the other Uncle Tom M.Steele.What Black person in their right mind whould show up at that Klan Rally that was the Tea party ?!?

  • September 20, 2009 4:16 AM CST


    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Just so you know, the mob rule of Reublicanism doesn't work with people who have a brain. "Well, what do you matter? I've got a lot more people who like what I like!" Fortunately, issues of civil rights for black people weren't left up to the majority who wanted to keep them in chains. Your kind - yeah, your KIND, and by that I mean your philosophy and viewpoint - make me sick.

  • September 20, 2009 4:19 AM CST

    Civility is Dead

    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Ther's no arguing with people like DipshitWhoLurks. All we can do is try to rally, to fight for human decency while people like Dipshitwholurks circle their wagons against imaginary enemies and scream about how someone somewhere is getting a fair shake at their personal expense.

  • September 20, 2009 4:22 AM CST


    by Colin62

    Rally somewhere else. I come here to read about movies.

  • September 20, 2009 4:31 AM CST

    I come here to read about media

    by mynamesdan

    movies are the biggest part of that, but TV, comics, video games, radio, websites, blogs and podcasts NOT TO MENTION advertising and marketing are all smaller but equally significant parts.

    this thread is highly relevant to my interests. people who object to it being on this website don't really understand what happens here.

    it's a pretty bizarre point of view, actually. "I only like movies, not discussion of news media, so I don't want to be given the opportunity to read about it, in fact if you give me the chance to discuss it all i will say is that I would like the conversation to finish"

    there are lots of nodes about movies on the site. read them, but don't deny others the opportunity to follow other media news.

  • September 20, 2009 4:34 AM CST

    Wow, Stalkeye... you REALLY ARE a racist! >:(

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    "If anything, that "singer" Lloyd Marcus is another discrase to Black people..well next to the other Uncle Tom M.Steele"

    Not only can't you spell "disgrace," but any Black person who doesn't toe the liberal, Democratic line is an "Uncle Tom"??? What a complete, racist ass you are... and a perfect liberal. Many thanks for proving my point for all to see. >:(

  • September 20, 2009 4:36 AM CST


    by Colin62

    I'm not denying anyone anything. I simply made a statement and offered sound advice.

  • September 20, 2009 4:40 AM CST

    Great job at getting everyone pissed off, Herc!

    by FlandersBum

    You truly are do a great job at getting people riled up! And keeping us informed on the latest happenings on MTV! I'm glad you shine a light that pierces the darkness of the uninformed! What we do without you!

  • September 20, 2009 4:42 AM CST

    ThusSpakeSpymunk, as usual for those with small minds...

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    You completely miss my point. The country voted for Obama by a clear majority, so in order for FOX NEWS to CONSISTENTLY, 24/7, get the stellar ratings it does (and leave CNN and MSNBC crawling in its dust cloud), a large percentage of OBAMA VOTERS have to be watching FOX NEWS over the other cable news stations for their news information!

    In other words, even voters FOR Obama TRUST FOX NEWS more than the stations that fawn over Obama's every word and sniff his butt. I know that hurts, but the truth often does.

  • September 20, 2009 4:44 AM CST

    I thought this was a movie site?

    by medazz

    I've been visiting this site for 7 years now and noticed the liberal slant, but put up with it figuring you are reporting on hollywood and probably cant help it. This particular story is stupid scary. Fox runs a poster and all the libs wet their panties. Its kind of funny. The poster should say that all the other news outlets under-reported the rally and tried to put it in a bad light. That would be the truth. Honestly, who gives a rats ass unless you have some sort of agenda? Sadly I guess i'll be going to moviehole to get my movie news now. It's pathetic that a couple of liberal moonbats are making me go to an Australian web site for american movie news. Keep out of politics and stay on the movies.

  • September 20, 2009 4:51 AM CST


    by mynamesdan

    You knew this thread wasn't goijng to be about movies when you clicked on it- you knew it wasn't when you'd finished reading it. Your statement implies that this thread is inappropriate on an entertainment site. When news is entertainment it is most certainly relevant.

    If you don't want to read about media news, then why did you participate in this thread?

  • September 20, 2009 4:56 AM CST

    medazz it is

    by Talkbacker with no name

    but you are in the coaxial section, dumbass

  • September 20, 2009 5:06 AM CST

    Someone has to be the voice of reason

    by Colin62

    But seriously, the headline made me curious. Then I watched Outfoxed. Then I was pissed at Herc so I thought I'd tell him so. Then I responded to some of the talkbacks. No mystery. And it is pretty stupid to try and make a "movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news" website a political debate forum. So I said so. Next question.

  • September 20, 2009 5:10 AM CST


    by Talkbacker with no name

    no more stupid then than you entering ito a debate on one eh?

  • September 20, 2009 5:10 AM CST

    Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I've jus

    by EvilDoeR

    There was a time, a time before cable. When the local anchorman reigned supreme. When people believed everything they heard on TV. This was an age when only men were allowed to read the news. And in CNN, one anchorman was more man then the rest. His name was Rick Sanchez. He was like a god walking amongst mere mortals. He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo. In other words, Rick Sanchez was the balls...

  • September 20, 2009 5:14 AM CST


    by Stalkeye

    Racist?!? Moui? Lookie here "Binky",the word "Uncle Tom" is not a derogatory/racist slur FYI.Apparantly you have not put much thought into that cheesehad of yours while responding to my above post(s).

    It is more than evident that the Republican Wing nuts are Racists if not race baiters and to have Michael Steele represent their party is is almost akin to Woody Allen endorising the Palastines.Let's face it, most Blacks are not welcomed in the Party unless it serves their purpose (i.E.Token Black Michael)and as far as I know, I have not seen any Democratic Black or Hispanic Bush protester holding pickit signs like "Bush is a Cracker" or something of that ilk.

    The democratic party is united as it consists of Blacks,Whites,Hispanics and Asians.

    And not for nothing, I somewhat agreed with Bicycle's previous post, so fucktard how does that make me a Liberal and a Racist? I'm for Freedom and equality for all regardless of race and not to mention a strong supporter of the Working Class and not the well to do uppercrust elitists douchebags..such as you.

    You're just mad that I called your Tea bagging party (and of course Radio Hosts) out for the ignorant hatemongers they truly are.

    thanks for correcting my spelling or lackthereof, next time I'll be mindful to know how to pronounce "Disgrace" in it's more appropiate manner;"I.E. TheGhostwholurks is another "disgrace" to the Wingnut jerks.

    How's that, Cocksnot?

  • September 20, 2009 5:15 AM CST

    No name

    by Colin62

    You have me there. I am an imperfect being.

  • September 20, 2009 5:24 AM CST

    medazz I would also like to add one more thing

    by Talkbacker with no name

    The site has always had a liberal slant. It's Harry's site and he is guess what? got it! Bringin it up now in this forum is completely redundant. Whatever your 'slant' Fox is lying. No surprise there. But that's like pointing out aicn is liberal. Both still facts it's hard to against so what's your point? That you are going to fuck off to moviehole? go on then. Do us all a favour.

  • September 20, 2009 5:26 AM CST

    Colin62, you don't need to be a perfect being.

    by mynamesdan

    No aggro from me

    If you want to be the voice of reason then please explain to me what's reasonable about trying to close a discussion you aren't interested in.

    Outfoxed is an interesting documentary, but like the subject it discusses it doesn't represent journalism, it's an opinion piece, it's commentary as opposed to reportage and it uses the same emotional manipulation as a movie.

    If you do not wish to see other media than movies discussed on this forum does that include movies like outfoxed, or the Michael Moore films? How about other, more factual documentaries- aren't they films?

  • September 20, 2009 5:26 AM CST


    by Talkbacker with no name

    well try harder!

  • September 20, 2009 5:40 AM CST

    If being a Racist consists of..

    by Stalkeye

    ..hating People who dictate a Woman's right to choose,Individuals who are against Same Sex Marriages but yet indulge in Homosexual practices,politicians who were against Unemployment extentions whereas there are no Jobs available and those who would use God as an excuse to utilize their own selfish agendas..then yeah, call me a "Racist".

    hmmm..If I'm Black and my Wife is a Sexy Italian Brunette, that qualifies me as an Uncle Tom.Or, if I happen to be White and I call a Black Man a disgrace because he pals around a certain political group who would often have Racist sentiments towards that Man's Race, I guess that makes me a Liberal Racist?

    How about if I was a mullato like Obama who would chastise individuals for their actions regardless of Race, (From Officer Crowley to Kanye "Jackass" West.)would I then be Schizophernic or just another equal opportunity offender?*BZZZZT*

    Thanks for playing.

  • September 20, 2009 5:41 AM CST


    by Colin62

    I wasn't being reasonable so much as ironic. And if the node was a review of Outfoxed or Sicko that would be one thing. But this was mostly a reaction to an ad campaign. All cable news outlets are sleezy operators who pass off opinion as fact. Its not news to single one out. In fact news organizations being a part of the news is starting to get ridiculous. That and the fact that I'm on my 7th Jameson and can't seem to pass out.

  • September 20, 2009 5:45 AM CST

    No name

    by Colin62

    Will do.

  • September 20, 2009 5:49 AM CST

    Poor Darth_Inedible just doesn't get the Beck gag

    by G100

    He thinks everythings about his sweetheart the Quitter.

    Sorry, but here is the main site for the gag and it even explains the irony at the bottom for the slow witted and terminally humorless. (Teabaggers, Beck, Fox News etc.)

  • September 20, 2009 5:57 AM CST

    Stalkeye, you're clearly a RACIST because...

    by TheGhostWhoLurks

    you think calling people derogatory names BASED ON THEIR RACE (i.e. Uncle Tom) is perfectly acceptable behavior. The fact that you don't even consider calling someone an "Uncle Tom" to be racist makes you an incredibly IGNORANT racist.

    Please do yourself (and Democrats, in general) a favor by shutting up, rather than continuing to prove just how stupid a racist can be.

  • September 20, 2009 6:04 AM CST

    Reacting to ad campaigns

    by mynamesdan

    ADs are such a massive part of the entertainment industry. They're the frontline, along with websites like this one.

    I'm a Britfag and so watching US news reporters freak out like that feels very weird to me. News international have a strong grip on the UK media but it isn't a stranglehold like they have on the US media.

    Murdoch's boy recently delivered a lecture arguing that the BBC ought to be downsized to allow independent news organisations to profit from pay-for-news models on the internet. google it. He stated that the BBC are trying to monopolise news by being too diverse, and that left no room for freedom of opinion.

    BBC are by no means perfect, but their characteristic reserve and rigour when it comes to journalism continues to set the tone for UK news broadcast. It's the reason our reporters don't scream at people. We wouldn't like it.

    Protest is a beautiful right, but the fact that a news channel is writing slogans for protesters removes all possibility of impartiality.

    Opinion always creeps into journalism somewhere but it isn't true that all news outlets are opinion-trumpets.

    Fox, in the meanwhile are entitled to make their money, celebrate their sponsors and advertise their shows, using blatant lies if they dare to.

    AICN are entitled, as the billboard of so much advertising, to discuss the world of advertising and marketing.

    Imagine a world where every billboard had a comment and forum section. Imagine how many people would be buying anti-aging cream in THAT world.

    In your ironic position you stand against the incredible freedom of this website and you agree with those who would compartmentalise and so compromise the new media. we should be muddying lines between different media platforms, not forming them.

    Good luck getting to sleep, if you aren't asleep by now, that is. when i'm overtired and drinking myself sober, it's usually a big meal that puts me to sleep. maybe that would do the trick.

  • September 20, 2009 6:16 AM CST


    by Talkbacker with no name

    smartest and most coherent post here! Being a Britfag myself (hehe) I totaly agree. But what are your views on the other news networks? Take sky news for example. It's no surprise that they are aping networks such as fox news (even down to the titles and format) being as they are owned by News Corporation. It's like McDonalds the news show and it's scary as hell!

  • September 20, 2009 6:38 AM CST


    by Colin62

    I'm not standing in the way of anyone's freedom. However because I am free to do something is not a reason to do that thing. Thats how we get the herp. But as far as the media, the less politics flavor it the more I like it. This may simply be a matter of taste but I prefer news and politics to be impassionate and boring. Because rational discourse is not exciting. Journalism in America used to be a public trust. It is not anymore. When I look to see a review of what's on TV this week, I'd rather not see my TV reviewer starting a pissing contest. And that's a good idea, some waffle house will put things right.

  • September 20, 2009 6:48 AM CST

    Colin62, that's not trying harder!

    by Talkbacker with no name

    that's just digging yourself a big hole. Using the argument of clicking on the link to see what's on tv this week is lame, bud. The title says it all. I suggest you pick up a copy of the TV Guide next time.

  • September 20, 2009 6:58 AM CST

    No name, allow me to bore you for a minute

    by mynamesdan

    nice to be the only one here you aren't flaming.

    In the UK we have three main news providers, BBC, ITV and SKY.

    BBC provide a reasonable television news service which is beholden only to the government in terms of it's impartiality, and if the government tells it what not to report, it reports that it was told not to report something, which is reassuring in a half-hearted kind of way. The BBC insist that their employees do not participate in public displays of party or political preference. BBC employees were not allowed to attend the protest which preceded the invasion of Iraq.

    SKY are the fox network. BskyB are one-hundred percent the same network as FOX news and purveyors of the same sort of nonsense. In my earlier post I mentioned the reserved nature of UK news broadcast- It is SKY who are entirely to blame for every move we make away from the calm, suited model. Having a helicopter-cam makes any news seem relevant.

    ITN, or ITV news as they are more recently known are the most interesting case. Up for contract renewals in 2012 this company (like their parent company, ITV) have survived repeated takeover bids by SKY including one which was quite remarkably illegal. ITV news (on original independent channel 3) has long given up the ghost on significant news reportage and now concentrates its energies on local news programmes, shock-tabloid hour-long shows (presented by Trevor Macdonald) and sport.

    ITV, whilst narrowly avoiding creative control by the SKY network is part owned (20%) by the DAILY MAIL group who are like the FOX news of UK print-media, taking a highly right-wing stance. anti-abortion, pro-monarchy, pro-forces.

    Simultaneously ITN produces CHANNEL FOUR NEWS which is a multi-award winning programme, broadcasting at 7pm in the UK. It is arguably the most balanced and thorough television news programme we have and is as groundbreaking in it's reportage as it is balanced, frequently noted for giving all parties an often accepted right of reply.

    so, yes, we need to be wary of our news broadcasters on TV and particularly of SKY (FOX/MURDOCH)'s repeated attempts to reduce the variety of voices reporting the news.

    IMHO the new battlegrounds for journalism are websites and radio.

    "The BBC website is a thing of beauty and a national treasure" (charlie brooker) and the Guardian's website is also a very fine service (and presently free of charge, god love 'em) and these things give the appearance of security. Radio news is provided free to the world by the BBC and is of a very high standard, sadly the BBC don't broadcast news of anything like this standard on their music and youth orientated stations concentrating instead on scandal and celebrity gossip. This model has been hastily leapt upon by all the commercial music stations in the UK and believe me when i tell you that 90% of the commercial radio stations in the UK recieve their news bulletins from SKY. It's a very worrying situation, but then the commercial radio industry in the UK has been so corrupt for so long it can only eat itself or become redundant thanks to internet broadcasting.

    finally, a word on press journalism.

    All the free papers in the UK are provided due to being full of commercials and the only group able to amass such fantastic sponsorship enough to subsidise the free press model are news international, who are SKY, who are FOX, who are MURDOCH.

    You're right, there is a 'fast-food' ethic to much UK broadcasting but there is also a very high standard to be found by those who care to look, just as NPR provide a remarkable free service to the US and long may they continue to do so. (with jazz!)

    It is incumbent on us all to be aware of who is providing our news content, to consider the motives of their sponsors and in some case their oligarchs. In the UK we really need to keep a sharp eye on SKY. they'll try it again. for the meantime make a point of pointing these things out to your family and friends, and if you see someone reading the Mail, punch them in their stupid heads.

  • September 20, 2009 7:15 AM CST


    by Talkbacker with no name

    those were facts I already know and not really your opinion so much. You must have missed the bit where I said I was a brit too. Consider yourself now flamed :)

    But in all seriousness though I see the point you are making. It's not so much the daily mail these days. They have become and are seen as a joke. Even the right wing readers are embarrassed to admit they read it. The thing that seems to be going hand in hand now is Sun readers and sky news. The most scary thing to me is uneducated, lower class right wing Sun readers/Sky viewers because that's who I live amongst being from that background myself. I think at least the Mail readers really do think like that and that's their opinion. fair enough. Where as my 'community' read the sun, watch sky news and just beileve it. Drink it down and spit it out as gospel.

  • September 20, 2009 7:48 AM CST

    No Ghost, it's your Party that reeks of Racism.

    by Stalkeye

    Talk about the Tea pot calling the Kettle Black.I'm not the voice of Liberals,instead I know a corrupt group of so called patriots that are nothing but ignorant assholes.Now if i'm such a racist for calling someone an Uncle Tom then have the mods ban my ass.FYI stupid,Uncle Tom is not like calling someone the N-word.sure it's politically incorrect,prejorative, but racist?Oh, you are so grasping at straws son.Instead of providing some sort of explanation regarding the disturbing behavior of your felow wingnut jobs, you try to turn the shit around by calling me a racist.It's YOU that is ignorant.

    An educated fool is still a fool nonetheless.

  • September 20, 2009 8:07 AM CST

    I vary my news intake

    by yodaismyhomie

    For several years I have switched networks on a regular basis. Some nights I watch ABC while others I watch CNN. Sometimes I watch FOX. Some days I go to the BBC website for my news. The point is, you will NEVER find a truthful news network. They rush stories to try to beat the "other guy" before having all the facts. They all have political bias (it's true...some are liberal, some are conservative) and they all sell what they want you to believe. Anyone who gets their news from only one source is foolish. Always check other facts. And definitely check out the BBC site and the english version of the Al Jazeera news website. Both of those sites present our news from different political ideologies than what we hold and it can be quite interesting. Sometimes getting away from our political biases and reading from another's political bias is a great thing.

  • September 20, 2009 8:24 AM CST

    Spastic Jedi

    by solvseus

    Did you actually just try to blame the economic crisis on CRA? Proof that Fox News watchers don't have a freakin' clue what they're talking about other than what's parroted to them. Only about 16% of the bad loans were from those low income gov backed ones you're talking about. The rest weren't. Don't want to bother explaining things like predatory lending to you, or how it hurt middle class people more than those lazy, poor people you hate so much. Kinda the same with healthcare, where it's not the poor who are suffering most (a lot of them can already get help, or just don't pay) it's the middle class that's suffering, which is why a vast majority DO want hc reform. As anyone who ACTUALLY understands what happened, we could have paid off every bad loan (something we would have had to do if the bad loans were the gov backed ones) for cheaper than money we spent. The major problems actually came from the unregulated, like credit default swaps. Had we not gotten rid of the protections that were in place prior to the deregulation of the 90's, so the financial markets couldn't get too big to fail (why Bush's people and the fed HAD to bail them out, which Obama is only going with because he has to, wanting to add regulation to prevent it, but letting himself get stopped by the righties and Blue Dogs crying SOCIALISM) this wouldn't have been the problem it was. But it was, so quiet now so the big kids can fix it, which, if anything, according to the ACTUAL economists who've been right about everything so far are saying, we should be doing MORE regulating and more (and faster) stimulus. It gets a lot more complicated, but I wouldn't expect the average Fox viewer to understand because it's not a catchy -ist. And after Bush and Reagan added more to the national debt than everyone else combined, the fact that any of you are bitching about another trillion or so over the next 10 (ten, that's a 1 and a 0) years (that's YEARS) to fix an unsustainable system killing more people per year than 15 9/11's while putting hundreds of THOUSANDS of middle class people (most of whom HAVE insurance) in bankruptcy, like I said earlier especially if it can actually SAVE us money in the long term, a bit hypocritical no?

    As for anyone who thinks Fox sux having to be liberal, again, not all of us are partisan pricks. We can see the positives and negatives of both sides. But unlike you far righties who are pretending to be moderates, no, the rest of the MSM isn't a bunch of far left liberals, and do suck on a regular basis, but Fox does indeed suck far, far worse. Doesn't take being a liberal to see that. Just takes a critical mind who likes living in the reality based community that's neither left, nor right. Something Fox doesn't seem to be part of, no matter which way it leans. Not everyone is on a "side", all things are not equal, and even if it got some things right others don't cover as much (AS MUCH, they still all cover them), just because you perceive bias elsewhere (which again, few defend... still doesn't mean the amount is as equal as you think it is) doesn't defend Fox's GLARING lack of journalistic intergrity, on a REGULAR basis that makes those other douchebags look like Cronkite by comparison. If you think Moyers is too liberal, you must think facts are too liberal. If you like Olbermann, you're a liberal who isn't getting all the facts. If you like CNN, could be either way (liberal my ass). If you like Scarborough, you're a conservative and you're not getting the whole story. If you think Stossel is a moderate who tells the truth, you're right leaning and probably wrong about a lot of things. If you like Beck, you're a moron who needs to have their head examined, and even when you're right once in a while, you are certainly completely and totally wrong most of the time about everything. See above. The rest of us will get our news from various stories on the net, backed up by reliable resources, enjoy Stewart/Colbert, and actually know what they heck we're talking about when debating politics.

  • September 20, 2009 8:34 AM CST


    by solvseus

    For those still wondering, liberals (and moderates) are angry because neocons have been wrecking our country for years while calling US the partisan, unAmerican, unpatriotic ones, all while the Dems roll over and let them. While you lot spread a bunch of factually incorrect bullshit, and like Palin, worse, are arrogant about your ignorance, treating knowledge and those of us who have it as "elitists" for wanting things to get better for the majority of us while you support those same corporations and politicians who are screwing us over and call it freedom. You're angry because you lost, you have nothing, and the rest of the country (and world) are passing you by in ways you don't understand. Keep up with the talking points and -ists right into oblivion, the rest of us will be debating politics with the Dems, who don't even need the wacko far right, because they're their own opposition. And again, if you think they and the media are far left, you are so far to the right, everything is to the left. Keep wondering why the rest of the world (and country) mocks and despises you and playing glass jawed victim as if everyone else is as partisan as you are and they're the only ones using rhetoric and name calling, you stupid freaking hate filled morons.

  • September 20, 2009 8:37 AM CST

    Fox News lies???

    by Yeti

    Mind. Boggled.

  • September 20, 2009 8:41 AM CST

    Crowd size? Use your eyes...

    by Tron_Durden

    Reading the comments I saw people questioning the reported size of the crowd. Some want to say it's as low as 75K, others as high as 2 million. All I have to say is that there are enough pictures of both Obama's Inauguration and the Tea Party crowds from all angles including above to do comparisons. Just look at them side by side. The area that was covered by the crowd at the Tea Party rally was at least the same size as Obama's Inauguration, if not more. Further, the lawn of the Capital during the Inauguration was covered by seats that controlled the crowd size, whereas the Tea Party rally had no control over crowd size. The crowd filled the space wherever they wanted to be. If you say the Tea Party march crowd size was less than 1 million, then you must also say that the reported size of the crowd at Obama's Inauguration -- 1.2 to 1.8 million --- is incorrect. There's no two ways about it.

  • September 20, 2009 8:45 AM CST

    DocP - Well said

    by toadkillerdog

    Regarding those types who 'decry politics on AICN and threaten to leave' Hah! Those types kill me. Yes, AICN will crumble because of the loss of those fellows.

    The cemetery is full of indispensable men.

  • September 20, 2009 9:03 AM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    Has CockStank shat yet? I worried about him all night.

  • September 20, 2009 9:06 AM CST

    Wow.. just wow

    by EML

    I am so bloody happy I don't live in America. Not cos I think america sucks (been there, loved it), but becasue the news is so batshit insane. Not just fox, I think CNN is a fucking JOKE. im from NZ and our media is just as pathetic, but at least its not partisan. Mainly its just crappy local stories mixed in with BBC broadcasts (godbless!)

  • September 20, 2009 9:17 AM CST

    hey harry...

    by reggie_dunlop

    ...push your fat ass back from the breakfast table and get control of your website...herc's political hissy fits are coming more frequently and more irrelevent to why everyone comes here!

  • September 20, 2009 9:56 AM CST

    Big whoop Durden

    by Skyway Moaters

    Whether it's 75k or 1.8mil, idiots are still idiots.

  • September 20, 2009 9:58 AM CST

    MSNBC and CNN barely covered it...

    by nemov

    Sounds like sour grapes to me. There's a huge difference in coverage of the protests on MSNBC and CNN. Fox is exploiting media bias. The problem is Fox has gone overboard and now MSNBC has gone even futher off the deep end.

  • September 20, 2009 9:59 AM CST

    Go back to lurking, ghost! Begone!

    by anonymoose

    You're arguing over goddamn 24 hour news network ratings. Fuck. Not only do you fail, but you create a fail vaccuum that sucks others into your fail space.

    I want you to get better. This conspiracy theory stuff is making you mentally ill. I'm going to shatter a part of your glass world. Glenn Beck is not your patriotic hero. He said he hates 9/11 victim's families and Katrina victims. The Spirit of 9/12 (Project) guy... Look it up. It's true. There's audio.

  • September 20, 2009 10:02 AM CST

    Peter Franks: Party of the Rich

    by nemov

    The Republicans are no longer the party of the rich elite. From the last election: In the last election those worth more than $30 million, two-thirds supported Sen. Obama, while one third supported Sen. McCain. The Democratic Party is now the party for rich elitists.

  • September 20, 2009 10:03 AM CST


    by anonymoose

    I'm jealous.

  • September 20, 2009 10:16 AM CST


    by anonymoose

    They're BOTH the parties of the rich elites. Don't delude yourself just because one has more than the other at the moment.

  • September 20, 2009 10:22 AM CST

    I hate liberal politics.

    by OptimusCrime

    And yet most of my friends are liberals. Maybe I need to find some smarter friends.

  • September 20, 2009 10:29 AM CST

    A game of "Who's More Racist?" was being played?

    by anonymoose

    Not by the official rules, though. Whoever posts the most about race after this post gets to be called out for racism. If someone starts a sentence about race with, "I'm not racist, but...," their post counts as two racist posts.

  • September 20, 2009 10:34 AM CST

    Big whoop indeed Skyway Moaters

    by Tron_Durden

    After all, if you didn't care you wouldn't comment. I was just pointing out reality... that seems to have gotten your back up, now hasn't it? ;-)

  • September 20, 2009 10:39 AM CST


    by anonymoose

    Let me help you. Try this:

    "I hate politics."

    Keep practicing, you'll get it.

  • September 20, 2009 10:48 AM CST


    by OptimusCrime

    Well, fuck you, obviously.

  • September 20, 2009 10:52 AM CST


    by savagedave

    For the 'socialised health care doesn't work' crowd.

    Given that the last W.H.O health ranking put the U.S at 37th, behind rather a lot of other countries with forms of socialised health care, doesn't this argue that Government administered health programs CAN actually work?

  • September 20, 2009 10:53 AM CST

    Liberals suck.

    by anonymoose

    Conservatives deep throat.

  • September 20, 2009 10:53 AM CST

    Hey My_IQ_is_135

    by I Max U Mini

    You forgot to add the decimal point on your IQ. You cannot honestly believe that Fox only makes occasional mistakes. They make DAILY mistakes and/or tell lies. Bill O'LIE-ly, Sean Hannity and Sadsack Beck seem to relish in trying to mislead the public. Any network that buys into or propagates bullshit like "death panels" or Obama wasn't born in this country is obviously out to obfuscate.

    Does anyone out there honestly believe that Obama's US born mother was prescient enough to fake a birth certificate knowing her son would run for president someday? Since she was already a US citizen, her son would be a citizen even if he had been born in Kenya. The only thing being born in Kenya would prevent would be his running for president. That should safely kill that rumor - unless one is an idiot.

    How many people are aware that John McCain was actually born in Panama? Did you know Barry Goldwater wasn't born in the United States. When Goldwater was born in 1909, his parents resided in the Arizona territories. Arizona didn't become a state until 1911.

    By the way, I personally think politics are cool.

  • September 20, 2009 10:54 AM CST

    Don't, savagedave.

    by anonymoose

    You'll break their brains.

  • September 20, 2009 11:01 AM CST

    Ya know Bicycle Sharer, I thought you were all right...

    by D.Vader

    ... based on your last response to me, you seemed to be level-headed and capable of civil debate. But then you went and tossed all those disgusting insults at BringingSexyBack, who is never 100% serious around here, and well, there was just no need for that kind of behavior on your part.

  • September 20, 2009 11:02 AM CST

    How do I rank, Vader?

    by anonymoose

  • September 20, 2009 11:03 AM CST

    Don't give up the day job Tron...

    by Skyway Moaters


  • September 20, 2009 11:04 AM CST

    I don't have health insurance

    by D.Vader

    I'm a struggling filmmaker and I haven't had health insurance ever since I graduated from college. That's why I hope this HealthCare reform gets passed. A public option WILL scare the private insurance companies into opening themselves up a bit more to consumers in an attempt to compete. Someone's going to end up giving me a good deal.

  • September 20, 2009 11:05 AM CST

    "Well, fuck you, obviously."

    by anonymoose

    That still has me laughing. Kudos, sir. The "obviously" is what did it. Fucking A.

  • September 20, 2009 11:10 AM CST

    Vader, who paid for your mobile emergency room suit?

    by anonymoose

    You say you don't have insurance, but, damn, that must have cost a fortune!

  • September 20, 2009 11:12 AM CST

    Seriously, D.

    by anonymoose

    I hope you fare well in these troubling times.

  • September 20, 2009 11:15 AM CST

    I'm trying to find a way to tie this into the Alderaan joke abov

    by D.Vader

    But I can't figure it out, anonymoose!

    Prviate donors is the best I can come up with. My sugar daddy Palpatine paid for it. I have to whore myself out just to live!

  • September 20, 2009 11:21 AM CST

    Be nice to Palpatine. He'll cut you off and you'll die.

    by anonymoose

    He's a bitch like that.

  • September 20, 2009 11:26 AM CST

    Obama tossed Van Jones under the bus

    by Mace Tofu

    Van Jones was so close to getting his hands on those 9/11 papers... Why Obama? Why? The truth is out there... Maybe Van Jones can go in the backdoor.

  • September 20, 2009 11:30 AM CST

    Could Bicycle Sharer....

    by DocPazuzu

    ...possibly be the return of anchorite?

  • September 20, 2009 11:31 AM CST


    by D.Vader

    Instead of screaming back at people who suggest that yes, there ARE MANY Anti-Obama supporters who are racist, I, and many other moderates, would really appreciate it if for once a conservative would genuinely admit that yes, there are many racist wackos who show up to these protests, and would do it without it coming across as lip service. You can't deny this stuff forever.

  • September 20, 2009 11:32 AM CST

    Anonymoose, you're always all right

    by D.Vader

    No need to ask.

  • September 20, 2009 11:38 AM CST

    I said nothing about that, Max

    by My_IQ_is_135

    First off, Yes. I know that John McCain was orn in Panama, but what you didn't know was that his parents worked at an American Embasy in Panama, so even though he wasn't born in America, he was an American citizen. Second, I very rarely watch the news, not because of their agendas, but because they're boring as hell. I just don't like the fact of having one person's opinion, let alone a major news network's opinion of how they're better than the rest, shoved into my face. And Third, you said that you like politcs. Well, la-dee-FUCKING-da. I don't, and I have a very good reason why. Lots of people get killed over politics. Such examples would be the Kent State Shootings, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and I've seen videos on certain shows where they show riots taking place on Senate meetings in tird-world countries. Imagine if Shit like that happens in our country.

  • September 20, 2009 11:53 AM CST


    by nyj_et

    Not Fox, nor O'Reilly, Hannity or any of their pundits, anchors or entertainers have been driving the "Obama was not born in the U.S. story". It has been driven by CNN's Lou Dobbs. And yes, we're all aware of the place ob birth of both John McCain and Barry Goldwater. And yes, we all believe Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born U.S. citizen. Mace Tofu, Van Jones is a communist and has no business in our government. I hope he takes it up the backdoor.

  • September 20, 2009 12:03 PM CST

    Fill a gigantic hole: A NO-FRILLS NEWS CHANNEL...

    by SK229

    You could argue the BBC does this already, but there needs to be something new and... yes, for lack of a better word, 'branded' as being stripped of all the current bullshit that infects the news, INCLUDING local news, who seem to be trying ever harder to have as many graphics, as many laughs, as many knowing glances from their anchors, as the big boys. Let's strip it down to JUST REPORTING THE NEWS. Leave commentary to the commentators and let's not have shit all over the screen, lest I miss the bit about that cat caught in a tree in Iowa while I'm watching some actual news about the shelling of a major city. How can anyone even stomach the news and its purely reactionary stance to everything these days? Just looking at the screen and hearing their shrill voices gives me a fucking headache. What I don't like is that even when its purely news and no commentary, commentary is slyly slipped in wherever they can, say, in a toss to a reporter in the field or having an 'expert opinion'. That's probably the biggest part of the problem, that there's TONS of shit between the lines on the news now, and it's sickening. Fox news, of course, is the ABSOLUTE WORST at this and I'd argue they've pulled the other networks into doing the same one way or another. If not taking sides, definitely in the, as I said earlier, shrill way that the news is presented, i.e. - a consistently panicked, "but we've GOT to keep their attention!" manner.

  • September 20, 2009 12:41 PM CST

    I'd rather be sodomized by Republicans

    by cripeman

    than hear the lies of a Democrat!!!

  • September 20, 2009 12:46 PM CST

    What a laugh

    by 900LBGorilla

    I hate Fox Waaaaahhhh Waaaaahhhhh.

    It's so funny to see leftists constantly throwing temper tantrums about the one channel that doesn't toe thier line

    I bet the vast majority of you twits have never even watched Fox.

    I watched CNN for years, MSNBC for a year or so all before watching Fox....and there's a reason more people - including independents watch it than any other cable channel... you think Van Jones would have been uncovered without them? The lefties wanted to talk about that? Really?

    I could get into a detailed debate, but why bother - with very few exceptions you geeks don't even have first hand knowlege of what you are talking about.

  • September 20, 2009 12:53 PM CST

    Ain't it BIAS?

    by shagdrum

    So, let me get this straight, to counter a legitimate point made by Fox here that clearly demonstrates mainstream media bias, you cite Outfoxed?! So we have a fallacious red herring in the point out of Outfoxed as well as a fallacious tu quoque argument in the pointing out of the fact that fox news is bias by citing outfoxed. In addition to that we have an ad hominem attack as the bias of fox news has no relevance on the validity of their claim concerning the other media outlets in the coverage of this story. Nice way to alienate any non-liberal readers here, Herc. You stay classy.

  • September 20, 2009 1:01 PM CST

    Blatant bias in reporting this story, Aint it Cool...

    by shagdrum

    Fox News makes a very legitimate point in the ad. Weather or not they personally have a bias has no logical relevance to weather or not that point is valid. To report this in the manner it was reported was just as biased as you are accusing Fox News of being; sloppy reporting at best. It is clear Fox News catering to the non-liberal viewer unlike most of the MSM, who cater to mostly liberal (or liberal leaning) viewers. That is probably a big part of Fox News' success over the rest of the MSM. The MSM has long ago alienated people like me who don't wake up in the morning and pray to FDR and/or Obama.

  • September 20, 2009 1:03 PM CST


    by ThusSpakeSpymunk

    Or it could be like what I did on election night, man. I didn't watch CNN to see President Obama confirmed as the next president. I watched Fox. Why? Because I knew that Fox would do everything it could to hold back, fight the truth, look for other options, deny the inevitable, etc. I knew that when Fox called that Obama was president, it meant that it had to be true because Fox would do everything they could to avoid the truth. They're so deeply dishonest that they would probably report that Republicans had won and the entire reality we now lived in was a MATRIX-style illusion before they'd confirm Obama won.

    The sorter answer is that people are vicious fucks who love the human suffering, hate, racism, homophobia and violence that Fox enjoys portraying as the real world, and so it's more popular because it fulfills the vicious Anti-Life Equation that Republicans call "The Truth," which consists of living in absolute fear and hatred of everything - most of all, themselves.

  • September 20, 2009 1:23 PM CST

    The right = Evil... and Fox News is their messenger...

    by HB_Dad

  • September 20, 2009 1:31 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    You can jerk off to O'Reilly or Olbermann. I don't care. You fail either way.

  • September 20, 2009 1:33 PM CST

    "Fill a gigantic hole: A NO-FRILLS NEWS CHANNEL..."

    by anonymoose


  • September 20, 2009 1:46 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    You'd rather be sodomized by a Republican? If only you had been there for Larry Craig instead of the undercover cop, he would still have a job and he would have a new fuck buddy.

  • September 20, 2009 1:52 PM CST

    Fox news... what shit they are

    by turketron_2

    Just absolute shit, with shit-for-brains viewers.

  • September 20, 2009 2:31 PM CST

    Oh those hicks are always on the TV

    by lockesbrokenleg

    On COPS.

  • September 20, 2009 2:38 PM CST

    If Herc is done trolling for posts now

    by Tiberious_st

    and trying to be relevant, maybe we can get back to why we're all here and knock off the political b.s. There areother sites for this crap.

  • September 20, 2009 2:42 PM CST

    yeah, its obvious that aicn posts these stories

    by Nerd_Rage_Retard_Strength

    simple to get hits. they know that these stories will bring out all the trolls who lurk at this site

  • September 20, 2009 2:43 PM CST

    FOX NEWS is biased. MSNBC is biased. CNN is incompetent

    by YackBacker

    TV news is shit, people. And most web reporting is put out by hacks, operatives and party operatives. Never before has so much information been spread about and so little of it is about what's actually going on. There's an entire system of interests that are controlling what you consume as "news." If elected officials were even half-competent, you would never even see the occasional scandal come out. Guys like Mark Sanford and John Edwards are criminally careless people. But what about the real stuff going on? Why aren't the real issues being addressed? Seriously, ask yourself that question. You can cast blame on one party or both for that matter, but there's something deeper than that at work. This back and forth between "news" networks is a distraction tool. Enjoy the show, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

  • September 20, 2009 2:45 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    I couldn't have said it better.

  • September 20, 2009 3:01 PM CST

    anonymoose, thanks!

    by YackBacker

    Always the professional. Loved that Glen Beck site too.

  • September 20, 2009 3:30 PM CST

    Bloggers and Twitter ruined the web

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Who gives a fuck if Obama hates Kayne?

  • September 20, 2009 4:01 PM CST

    Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-T

    by GQtaste

    Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-The-Scenes Video, Paid and bought by Fox News Corp. Should be kicked out of the country for this. Would not be surprised, and if true, I'm gone too. People in Australia and britain said Murdock would destroy our democracy, and looks like he is well on his way to success. How do we wrestle our country away from these cons, monsters and liars? I also like how they blame the young woman for doing it on her own. She was doing what her boss was telling her to do. Somebody call Penn and Teller on that one.

  • September 20, 2009 4:01 PM CST

    Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-T

    by GQtaste

    Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-The-Scenes Video, Paid and bought by Fox News Corp. Should be kicked out of the country for this. Would not be surprised, and if true, I'm gone too. People in Australia and britain said Murdock would destroy our democracy, and looks like he is well on his way to success. How do we wrestle our country away from these cons, monsters and liars? I also like how they blame the young woman for doing it on her own. She was doing what her boss was telling her to do. Somebody call Penn and Teller on that one.

  • September 20, 2009 4:06 PM CST

    9/12 isn't news. It's entertainment.

    by Subtitles_Off

    Our society is opinion-obsessed and entertainment-addicted.

    Quit whining about the media - after all, the media exists to serve the corporate interests of three or four fat, white, old assholes, not to inform or educate you.

    Read a book.

    And, slap a hillbilly.

  • September 20, 2009 4:09 PM CST

    Read a book? Look what's the ny times best seller list

    by GQtaste

    It's all right wing batshit books that are at the top sadly.

  • September 20, 2009 4:14 PM CST

    Hey, Subs....

    by Cheeses_of_Nazareth

    Keep fucking that chicken, I always say...

  • September 20, 2009 4:22 PM CST

    No name

    by Colin62

    What can I say? Once a pissing contest has started I feel a need to participate. Probably my scottish roots...

  • September 20, 2009 4:38 PM CST

    Fox News...

    by cheyne_stoking_DMS

  • September 20, 2009 4:49 PM CST

    Just to be clear: Anyone who disagrees with me is a racist.

    by Darth_Inedible

    Why can't everyone just agree to agree with me? FYI being a racist is pretty much the worst thing you can be I think. Anyway kids we're ranked 37th in healthcare by W.H.O. because each year we take in more poor immigrants than any other country in the universe. About half the "47 million uninsured" are recent or illegal immigrants. Sure on top of this let's give free MRI's to anyone who manages to stumble over the border and pop out a kid, I'm sure that's how socialized healthcare works in top W.H.O ranked countries like Sweden and Japan. And I'm sure it won't have ANY affect on the healthcare of those RACISTS who are against Obama's health care plan.

  • September 20, 2009 4:50 PM CST


    by xxonmill


  • September 20, 2009 4:52 PM CST

    If you are surprised to learn all media lies,

    by Subtitles_Off

    here are a few other things, bound to upset you:

    The Oscar never goes to the Best Picture of the Year. Usually, the Best Picture of the Year isn't even nominated.

    Troops don't die for your freedom. They die for politics. Your freedom is completely your own fault.

    The Founding Fathers weren't all Christians.

    Not all Asians excell with mathematics.

    There are some gay NFLers.

    Will Ferrell isn't funny.

    Madonna isn't talented.

    Megan Fox isn't America's Sexiest Bad Girl.

    Rich people aren't better than you. Poor people aren't more honest than rich people.

    Your girlfriend has had better, and right now, she's missing it.

    Sarah Palin is really stupid.

    Republicans aren't born evil. They become evil.

    Columbus didn't discover anything. He just planted flags in odd places.

    Evolution is a fact. The Origin of The Species is a theory. Creationism is a fairy-tale.

    A helmet isn't necessary. Looking both ways is.

    Pepsi tastes better than Coke.

  • September 20, 2009 5:21 PM CST

    The Expendables won't be as good as EXTREME PREJUDICE

    by savagedave

    Hows that for an unpalatable truth?

  • September 20, 2009 5:45 PM CST

    All of those are facts.

    by anonymoose

    Subs, you hit my sweet spot.

  • September 20, 2009 5:46 PM CST

    GQTaste: "Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd"

    by Big Dumb Ape

    GQTaste: "Should be kicked out of the country for this."

    Well, if you want to assess penalties like that, then I have a question for you. Let's compare a background TV worker simply telling people at a rally to wave their signs and whatnot in order to get a better background shot to THIS incident...

    How about the time on MSNBC, back during the election, when Chris Matthews taped an episode of HARDBALL at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was talking to a group of college teens who called themselves "Concerned Youth of America" and who were decidedly pro-Obama. At one point, he then turned the mic over to a young woman who portrayed as a "concerned teen voter" -- yet was later revealed to be a total plant since SHE WAS ACTUALLY MATTHEW'S OWN FUCKING DAUGHTER, WHICH HE CONVENIENTLY FORGOT TO MENTION ON AIR WHILE INTERVIEWING HER.

    GQTaste: "Surprised, and if true, I'm gone too."

    Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

  • September 20, 2009 6:01 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    I guess I shouldn't be asking Bike Sharer to be my token Republican friend anytime soon?

  • September 20, 2009 6:07 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    That's called deportation. I don't like that. It's what happened to Chaplin and almost happened to Lennon. I don't care if Fox pissed you off. Fuck deportation and anyone in government that wants to use it on their enemies.

  • September 20, 2009 6:25 PM CST


    by BringingSexyBack

    That's unacceptable. But still, two wrongs don't make a right. Next thing you know you got 3 wrongs, then 4, then 5, and we find ourselves drowning in wrongs.

  • September 20, 2009 7:31 PM CST


    by Spazatronik2000

    and 9/11 was an inside job. all you people that still believe the media fairy tale are fucking dumb.

  • September 20, 2009 7:35 PM CST

    by Spazatronik2000

    I rest my case. The jury finds Bin Laden not guilty. Anyone that disagrees should seek immediate psychological care for DENIAL.

  • September 20, 2009 7:59 PM CST

    Hercules the Stupid

    by gurugurugaijin

    Me: "Let's go to AICN and see if they have their typical awesome news about my favorite films and TV programs." Hercules: "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW" Instead of posting ignorant drivel, let's look at the facts: ABC: Covered it Saturday and Sunday on 'Good Morning America' and again on Sunday on 'World News'. NBC: Covered it on Saturday on 'Nightly News' and Sunday morning on 'Today'. CBS: Covered it on 'Evening News'. CNN: Covered it during the hours of 10AM, 11AM, 5PM & 7PM. ABC and NBC covered it during the morning AND night on..... a weekend. Wow. They really went all out. I seem to recall protests against many of Bush's follies where they had special coverage leading up to the event, a veritable 'Fuck-Bush-Extravaganza' with follow-up reports in the days after praising the success. Then there's CBS being CBS. The forgotten network. CNN got in there and that was funny as hell because they actually listed the 'hours' during which the event was covered. You can almost see their PR gal or guy announcing that fact proudly and then trailing off the longer she/he speaks as she/he realize the bull they're spewing. Hercules, wake up stupid. The point of the ad is clear. Since you're playing ignorant (unless you really are) the point of the ad was, the networks and other cable news options did a half-assed job of covering the story, not that they 'missed' it. "But the ad said 'missed!'" What are you fucking 5 years-old? That's not the point. You know damn well what it means. If this was a 'Fuck-Bush' rally OR a rally supporting some Leftist or Socialist cause, most news outlets would have been all over it. CNN wouldn't have been able to give you the 'hours' it was covered during because they would have had live updates every half-hour. Fox News is biased as fuck. But so are the other news outlets, yet they choose to deny it AND would even have sheeple like Hercules beliieve they're balanced. So when biased assholes like Fox calls them out on it, Hercules' ego is damaged such that he must carry his BAAAAAAAAAAAW over to readers just so he can sleep at night thinking about how great his farts smell.

  • September 20, 2009 7:59 PM CST

    BlindOgre: try for some real namecalling

    by Flip63Hole

    always a classy crowd over there. the threats to bust out guns are always impressive...

  • September 20, 2009 8:22 PM CST

    this is gayness

    by xxonmill

    gayness at it's best

  • September 20, 2009 8:49 PM CST


    by anonymoose

    Anything you say after that is doubtful at best. Oh... 9/11 truthing. Did I call it or what?

  • September 20, 2009 9:24 PM CST

    I'll keep my day job Skyway Moaters...

    by Tron_Durden

    ...though maybe it's time you get one.

  • September 20, 2009 10:55 PM CST

    so you're saying building 7 collapsed due to fire?

    by Spazatronik2000

    what a moron!

  • September 20, 2009 11:19 PM CST

    Wait. You're serious about this?

    by anonymoose

    Goddamn. Facepalm yourself when you come to. You're living in a dream (nightmare) world.

  • September 20, 2009 11:33 PM CST

    Let me guess.

    by anonymoose

    The Moon landing was fake, the Holocaust is a myth, the Earth is flat, ghosts are real, space aliens are real, and George Lucas has never made a mistake. Am I right?

  • September 21, 2009 12:01 AM CST

    If our govt. could fake 9/11, ceratainly they could have

    by YackBacker

    at least found WMDs in Iraq. Right?

  • September 21, 2009 12:56 AM CST

    Van Jones+Rev. Wright+ACORN+Bill Ayers

    by BLEST

    /Obama = FAIL.

    Huckabee/Norris 2012 biznatches! Conservatives can get people FIRED from the administration through Fox news and talk radio.

    We're bringin sexy back, get ready America!

  • September 21, 2009 1:12 AM CST


    by anonymoose

    Just what we need. Two religious nutjobs in the White House. Also, Norris is Old Meme now.

    Fun fact: ACORN and Bill Ayers are also linked to John McCain. Chew on that.

  • September 21, 2009 1:14 AM CST

    This reminds of of Dennis Potter's last interview..

    by The Dark Shite

    I'm not sure how famous he was worldwide, but he was a well known play/TV writer in the U.K, who got terminal cancer.

    Just before he died, he said Murdoch had polluted the media (& therefore politics) so much that he'd decided to name his cancer "Rupert". He also said that he'd "shoot the bugger" if he could.

    Good words to kick the bucket with.

  • September 21, 2009 1:16 AM CST

    & anyone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job..

    by The Dark Shite

    Is a fucking lunatic. Plain & simple.

    I suppose Elvis & Tupac did it & Princess Diana's chauffuer was the getaway driver?

  • September 21, 2009 2:31 AM CST

    You're absolutely right, Dark Shite

    by mynamesdan

    It was a terrorist attack followed by controlled explosions. It was the only safe thing to do once it had happened.

    If you shoot down a hijacked plane it's called damage control, not an 'inside job'. You can never tell your voters you did it, of course, ethically you're on far too shaky ground, but whoever pressed the button and collapsed those towers should be recognised as a god-damned hero!

  • September 21, 2009 3:02 AM CST

    I like Will Ferrel!

    by MorganLeafy

    and also think Coke tastes better than Pepsi. Am I totally indoctrinated now? Let me also say this: as a European, some of you don’t realize how ludicrous Fox News seems to us.

  • September 21, 2009 6:58 AM CST


    by Dazzler69

    I can't wait for gov to start policing the web. Free speech will be dead and only gov approved material will be allowed.

  • September 21, 2009 8:25 AM CST

    I am truly humbled Tron, you go boy...

    by Skyway Moaters

    ... got to get to my begging gig out by the big intersection on the interstate now. Have a good one...

  • September 21, 2009 8:58 AM CST

    Thanks for the interesting statistics Subs

    by Stalkeye

    However I knew about most of them already. ;) Regardless if Pepsi tastes better than Coke, they both make me sick to my stomach.I'll take a bot of heineken anyday over that Brown posion.Both Pepsi and Coke can clean out your car's engine so I guess they are capable of serving purposes.

  • September 21, 2009 9:20 AM CST

    Keep pissing off your fanbase

    by RosebudsStarfish

    Well at least half of them. A good business model never allows the mixing of politics and religion with business. You alienate one side or the other and its just stupid business. The Sun newspaper lied? A tabloid lied? OMG such breaking news! So I guess every story on this site that never came to fruition is a lie also? Keep your totally biased and misinformed opinions to the political websites and give us some unbiased COOL NEWS about movies and the like. The staff here wading into politics makes about as much sense as Paris Hilton posting her views on quantum physics.....just leave it alone and stick to what you know.

  • September 21, 2009 11:34 AM CST

    Rick is obviously part of the conspiracy

    by LeftFoot

    It's clear that Rick Sanchez is part of the Liberal/commie/ progressive/ nazi/ muslim/ radical/ socialist/ grandma-killing/ left-handed Hawaiian conspiracy-plot to control and kill us all. It must be that right? What else could it be?

  • September 21, 2009 11:49 AM CST


    by gringito

    you ass clown. VIVA LA FOX

  • September 21, 2009 11:50 AM CST

    ABC, CNN, NBC = Pansies

    by PTSDPete

    For giving FOX attention.

  • September 21, 2009 11:53 AM CST

    Good point, Stalkeye.

    by anonymoose

    Beer is much healthier than cola.

  • September 21, 2009 12:36 PM CST

    And besides....

    by Tiberious_st

    Fox news website always has hot chicks on it. Here's to Fox, otherwise you're gay :) (that's a joke people.) Herc, you spend too much time with your Hollywood Socialist group, go back to your day "job" and report on entertainment.

  • September 21, 2009 1:36 PM CST

    anonymoose RE: "Beer is much healthier than cola."

    by Stalkeye

    'cept when your behind the wheel of course.;0)

  • September 21, 2009 2:15 PM CST

    Pussy taste better than Ass.

    by Mace Tofu

    Now that is just my opinion... just like Internet and television News today is more about opinions and feelings than facts. Obama just found out that the Facts about the death of some poor guys Healthcare was cut off was wrong and based on a internet story they didn't fact check but he had been using that story to sell his health plan. Turns out the guy got his health care back in 2 weeks and was given stem cells and lived another 4 years before he died. So while that fact that his health care was cut off ( True for 2-3 weeks) he got it back and lived 4 more years before he died with insurance ( True that he died). So did Obama lie when he bent the 2 truths in that story? That is the cup half empty side of the story. The cup half full part was that without Obamas help the man fixed the problem with his health care and was given cutting edge stem cells that let him live 4 extra years. The teleprompter is a harsh mistress to depend on. Google more than one source when making policy please. And yes I know many here think Ass taste better or have never tasted pussy but I think Harry will back me up on this one I hope. I voted for Clinton & Gore but do watch RED EYE on Fox News as I find it funny and the chicks are hotties. You could rub one out during Fox's weather reports too. My favorite news show is MOSAIC on LINK TV.

  • September 21, 2009 2:37 PM CST

    "'cept when your behind the wheel of course."

    by anonymoose

    ...or when you're facing a liver transplant.

  • September 21, 2009 2:54 PM CST

    LMMFAO True Dat.

    by Stalkeye

  • September 21, 2009 2:56 PM CST

    9/11 Conspiracies ...

    by I Max U Mini

    ... are bullshit. These so-called truthers are the flipside of the same coin the birthers are on. Let's face the facts, there are idiots on both sides of the political spectrum that give a bad name to the rest of them.

    There will always be fringe elements. Unfortunately, the Right Wing seems to have decided to embrace their fringe as of late. People like Chuck Grassley who should know better allows people at his town hall meetings to propagate rumors. I have to give John McCain a big thumbs up for his statesmanship. He called out the woman who called Obama an Arab. He was the first to call on Joe Wilson to apologize. I like McCain. I didn't vote for him and thought his choice of Palin was pandering to the right, but I still respect him.

    I don't believe Jimmy Carter should have brought racism into the equation because I think it's a distraction from the bigger story - greed and profit. That said, we have a congressman from the first state to secede from the union call the president a liar in the halls of Congress. A man who lobbied to keep the confederate flag flying in South Carolina. A man who is a member of the Sons of the Confederacy. So yes, I believe Wilson probably has some racist beliefs. But even discussing that detracts from the big story.

    Insurance companies are using spousal abuse, pregnancy and acne as pre-existing conditions so they don't have to pay out to people who have faithfully paid their premiums. That screams greed and bottom line. How many of you have actually read the reform plan? Try it!

    If you read the plan, you might discover that this is NOT socialized medicine. You'll learn that anyone who likes their current plan can keep it. You'll discover that no one wants to kill off your grandmother. You'll discover that a lot of what the right is disseminating is pure hogwash. And the two biggest liars and bullshitters on the planet right now are Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck.

    I actually wish Harry and Herc would get together and start an offshoot of Ain't It Cool. I think an Ain't It Cool Politics site could actually compete with the Huffington Post.

  • September 21, 2009 3:14 PM CST

    because a black man is president

    by spiceybiscuit

    it's ok to do false news stories and scream "you lie" in an open speech forum...doesn't matter if you are republican or democrat, it's still wrong and ignorant...this is sad and scary people, you think we are "socialist"? This is like news reports out of China, fake and wrong

  • September 21, 2009 3:47 PM CST

    "Ain't It Cool Politics"

    by anonymoose

    Thanks. I have a migraine now.

  • September 21, 2009 3:48 PM CST

    Aint it Herc News

    by lockesbrokenleg

    Will there be an NCIS talkback tomorrow?

  • September 21, 2009 4:46 PM CST

    Wait, a black man is president?

    by mynamesdan

    we've landed on the moon?

  • September 21, 2009 5:00 PM CST

    The Bicycle Sharer

    by NoHubris

    Late getting back to this TB, but anyhow...What's dumb is thinking that any alternative proposal from the Right has anything thing to do with quality healthcare.

  • September 21, 2009 5:24 PM CST

    He's sorta black...

    by Colin62

    I guess...