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Van Damme & Lundgren, Together Again, In This Trailer For UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: REGENERATION!!

Merrick here...
ABKing pointed us to a trailer that was posted over at StalloneZone (HERE). It's for UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: REGENERATION, returning Jean -Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren in a project directed by John Hyams (son of Peter Hyams - who was DP on this film). Other sites are reporting the trailer via different embeds, so I'm not sure where this comes from exactly. it is!
The film will be rentable through Netflix (HERE), or is up for preorder on standard DVD & Blu-Ray (under the title UNIVERSAL SOLDIER 3) HERE. This evidently played Fantastic Fest, where I'm told the reaction was mixed. know...the Geek in me can't be beat down so I won't be able to help watching it.
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