Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes pic… or pics in this case!
This is the second day in a row the evil movie gods have taken a geek icon from us and the second day in a row I’ve altered the course of the BTS column in order to pay tribute to a lost master.
It saddened me to wake up and find Irvin Kershner had passed. I missed out on seeing him speak at UT a good 6 or 7 years ago and I always hoped I’d get another chance. From all I’ve heard, Kershner was full of good humor and just a sweet-heart of a guy.
So, I’ve pulled together some of my remaining Empire Strikes Back Behind the Scenes pics, featuring Mr. Kershner, as my way of paying tribute to the man.
Hope you guys enjoy the pics!

If you have a pic you think should be included email me. I’m looking for the iconic, the rare or the just plain cool behind the scenes shots to feature here.
Tomorrow I’ll bring up the cult movie pic I promised yesterday, barring another sudden, sad death of a geek icon.
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