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‘The Little Mushroom People Of Calgary Screaming In Horror!!’ Wednesday's SOUTH PARK 15.3!!

I am – Hercules!!

Previously, on “South Park”:
15.1 Digested cuttlefish vexed Kyle.
 15.2 A Nomad-Dalek watched as Tyler Perry was entombed..

Comedy Central says of “South Park” 15.3, titled “Royal Pudding”:

It is a joyous time for all Canadians as the royal wedding commences. But just as the prince and princess are about to be joined for all eternity, the princess is abducted! All Canadians are called upon to help save the princess. Ike answers the call to arms.

From Wikipedia:

In the show's fourth season, Ike was established as a child genius. At only three years old, he can read entire John Steinbeck novels, he regularly watches The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, can participate in elaborate heist plans and attends kindergarten … Ike has been in a fully sexual relationship with his deceased kindergarten teacher …

10 p.m. Wednesday. Comedy Central.


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