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The Many Faces Of Leatherface Are On Display In The TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D Teaser Poster!!

The Kidd here...

Is it so much to ask for another good Leatherface flick? While I'd hardly consider Marcus Nispel's remake a success, we did get Jessica Biel in a tight white tanktop, so that's at least something. But there's something about this new sequel - TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D - that just feels all wrong. Maybe it's the early January release date, which just reeks of studio dump to me... maybe it's the fact that we haven't seen anything to this point to get us energized about another Leatherface return... maybe it's that title that can't even go full TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE.

Even the new teaser poster doesn't really do a lot to establish a few elements that could have fans of the original giving this follow-up a fair chance - namely a clear image of Leatherface and a chainsaw. I mean, what else is there? From what I'm hearing of the new script, this poster is much more veiled at what lies in store for the future of the series, if it stretches beyond one film... but I don't know that mysterious is what's needed here.

Fangoria premiered the new teaser one sheet for TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D, so have a look...


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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