Ahoy, squirts! Quint here in lonely old Austin while our own Jeremy Smith alias Mr. Beaks alias Sexy Manstudd III gets to hang out in the El Capitan theater in Hollywood, CA with a ton of movie bloggers and Marvel Studios big wigs.
He'll be tweeting throughout the presentation and I'll do my part by updating this here article with any revelations or fun tidbits. Jeremy promises to run home right after and write up something more detailed.
Things start big with Marvel revealing pieces of Phase 3 including...
Revealing Phase 3. CAPTAIN AMERICA: SERPENT SOCIETY. pic.twitter.com/NgHiLnXyyW
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
DOCTOR STRANGE bringing Marvel into Supernatural realm. Parallel dimensions. Feige talking big game w/ visual f/x. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
May 5th, 2017: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
July 28, 2017: THOR RAGNAROK. Hemsworth an Hiddleston returning. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
BLACK PANTHER coming Nov 3, 2013.
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
July 6, 2013: CAPTAIN MARVEL.
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
CAPTAIN MARVEL will be first Marvel standalone w/ female lead. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
11/2/18: INHUMANS. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
5/4/18 is AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. PART ONE. PART 2 is 5/3/19. #MarvelEvent
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
#MarvelEvent Phase 3. pic.twitter.com/1ck2n2KTvq
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
CAPTAIN AMERICA 3 is *not* SERPENT SOCIETY. It’s CIVIL WAR. #MarvelEvent pic.twitter.com/b0RzOPKaqf
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
Chadwick Boseman is Black Panther. #MarvelEvent pic.twitter.com/tGFeaaw0Xs
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
#MarvelEvent is over. Apologies for autocorrect insisting on 2013. That was weird.
— Jeremy Smith (@mrbeaks) October 28, 2014
And that's the live-tweeting portion. I'll leave you with a little Black Panther art tweeted out by Marvel's own Agent M:
Here's AMAZING concept art for #BlackPanther! #MarvelEvent pic.twitter.com/xUC8hLmrSn
— Ryan Penagos (@AgentM) October 28, 2014
-Eric Vespe
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