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Precious Roy reviews THOR: RAGNAROK with minor spoilers

Hola Dannie aqui!

Precious Roy crossed the mighty pond and saw "Thor: Ragnarok" here is his googley eyed take on it! I can not wait to see it myself!

Precious Roy returning with my review of THOR: RAGNAROK with minor spoilers!

I managed to see "Thor: Ragnarok" today, and no surprise here, it’s another example of Marvel getting a superhero film right, both in terms of a story on its own merits, and in terms of a much larger Avengers story. More than that, while it isn’t perfect, it might just be a great representation of what a comic book film can and should be.


This is a revved-up supercar of a Marvel film. I reckon it’s a cross between the past two Thor films, minus all the worst parts of the Jane Foster element, after throwing in a ton of “Flash Gordon”—the one with Sam Jones, I mean. It's a very specific feeling of goofy fun and adventure. This is truly a comic book film, if ever there was one. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s rollercoaster you should get on.


Now, there are things to criticize, but please don’t get the wrong impression—it’s still a great movie. Some of the jokes fell flat, which is not a big deal. When the jokes do land right, they are gut-punch funny. Some of the humor seems to ape the "Guardians of the Galaxy" films in a just-slightly off-balance way (I felt the same thing watching “Doctor Strange”)... those jokes tended to miss the audience I was in. But there are some really funny moments, and dialing up the humor was a very smart call.


"Thor: Ragnarok" is chock full of action. The beginning feels like a really good Thor comic and starts the plot rolling with a mix of humor and the Thor we’ve come to know over four films. The pace is good, constantly pushing Thor to fights. The battles are a high-energy riot, scored twice with "Immigrant Song". The final time we hear Zeppelin is about as epic as you'd expect it to be.


Without blowing the plot too much, the story is about Thor figuring out what Loki did with Odin near the end of “Thor: The Dark World”, and the brothers finding Odin in exile. His time is passing, and that means that it’s the Big Bad, Hela’s time (played with Cate Blanchett’s usual mastery) to rise. With her comes Ragnarok, and the destruction of the Asgardian plane. She comes looking for Thor, and Mjolnir is destroyed; Loki and Thor get lost from each other in the cosmos.


There are loads of Easter eggs and cameos along the way. Matt Damon, Sam Neill, and Luke Hemsworth all have cameos that are not central to the plot. (I convinced myself Neill was playing the villain Mephisto; feel free to laugh at me when you see how disappointed I was by who he plays.) There are other cameos, but I really don't want to spoil them in any way. There is no Sif or Enchantress, but the Warriors Three make an appearance, as does Karl Urban as Skurge, who manages some badassery and some humor.


In terms of the movie’s place in the MCU, this movie sets up "Avengers: Infinity War" perfectly. And the credits scene from Doctor Strange is used seamlessly. I like this Doctor Strange more than the one in his own film... Strange is the full hero here, and I'm only sorry he isn't in it more.


The Hulk/Thor bromance works better than even the trailer suggests. As does the Loki bits. The whole film is about Thor accepting that he must change, and he sorta drags Loki along with him. (Sorta.)


The Valkyrie is worthy of the name. Tessa Thompson is an absolute badass, playing a fighter who can stand toe-to-toe with Thor and has a tomboy rough-and-tumble friendship with the Hulk. I hope to see Halloween costumes dedicated to her this year, as she’s so cool. And, oh yeah—her non-romance with Thor is more convincing than two films of Jane Foster in a single line of dialogue.


As for the Grandmaster... he had some of the funniest bits. Contest of Champions is referenced, but there was no mention of The Collector. Planet Hulk is kinda/sorta here, in micro. Also, if you've got eyes for it, you may spot a certain horse-faced hero…


That’s about it. A strong recommendation for this film. I hope this begins years of work for Taika Waititi on the MCU.

Precious Roy signing out!


Thanks for the review Precious Roy! Glad to hear you liked it!

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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