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Movie News

Could you be Nightwing?! Open Casting Call!

Hey geeks, Big Eyes here!

I’m barely shaking off the itis from Thanksgiving, hope you all had a good one! Sharing something different with you all today, director Chris McKay has announced in a tweet that there will be an open casting call for Dick Grayson/Nightwing! How cool is that?! Not only could someone get discovered, but they may not cast “just another Hollywood actor” as the lead role, which is so refreshing!

McKay also gives directions for applying to audition in his tweets: "Have an agent or manager submit your work. To the studio.” “An agent or manager protects you and also is an endorsement of your character. It means you take yourself and your career seriously...and so does someone else."

It will be great to see more of Nightwing on the big screen. Actually, we haven’t even seen a Robin in the most current DC movies, does this mean we will get a Batman movie with a Robin to become Nightwing? Will they include any of the Teen Titans like Starfire? A Cyborg movie has been announced for 2020, so maybe he’ll show up in the “Nightwing” movie later on. There are so many geeky possibilities, folks. Stay tuned for future updates on this!

Signing off,

~Big Eyes


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