Hey Everyone, Freddy Beans here,
Watch this trailer!
“Like Me” is directed by Robert Mockler in what appears to be his freshman writing and directing effort. From the preview alone you can tell this guy knows atmosphere, tone, lighting, and messed up imaginations.

It stars Addison Timlin (from “Odd Thomas”) as Kiya, a woman who lives her life to be seen online, as many millennials tend to. She takes it a step further and starts filming her burgeoning criminal activities, starting with a robbery at a convenience store. It’s clear this is just the tip of the iceberg, we see, she delves into much darker worlds through the snippets we’re shown here. This one comes across as more than a simple horror film, or dark psychological drama. Or maybe that’s me projecting my hopes on Roberts’ film. I sure hope this is an examination of living our lives through social media and the disconnect from actual contact in favor of likes or comments.

“Like Me” also stars Ian Nelson, the Jennifer Lopez side piece in “The Boy Next Door” but I won’t hold that against him. He’s also in that new movie “Freak Show” which looks pretty damn fun. For horror fans, there’s also Larry Fessenden in one of his typical oddball roles. You can find him in “Session 9,” “Last Winter,” and “Stakeland” all movies I’d recommend checking out for horror buffs.

“Like Me” looks like a lot of fun in that deep dark and gritty way. I’m also a big fan of the women empowerment films we’ve seen coming out in recent years “Teeth” and “Hard Candy” to name some old favorites. It’s almost like an entire world of horror that’s been hidden from us as we tend to see men as the animals that lash out. I’m glad that there’s a large enough audience for films like these, as I can’t wait to bite my teeth into this one.
Til next time Kids,
Freddy Beans
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