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40 minutes eXtended! Chris Claremont's X-Men Trailer!!!


 Hola Dannie aqui,

Today brought us the trailer for the newly edited and longer documentary "Comics in Focus: Chris Claremont's X-Men." Chris Claremont is the creative genius that in 1975 took over the writing of the (at the time) fledgling Uncanny X-Men, pulling it out of near failure Claremont propelled the series into popularity, molding it permanently into our modern mythos.   



Claremont focused on believable character building, giving his heroes flaw's, feud's, ego's and big time issues! Bringing humanity to the table, and writing for a more adult audience Claremont single-handedly saved the series and changed the world of comics in general. He toyed with current social issues masking them in mutant meta-metaphors and pushing the artists he worked with to creative X-tremes! What Claremont did with his female characters, not only empowered them more in the comics but also spoke to male and female readers empowering a climatic change and a widening in the readership. His use of complex literary themes in "Days of Future Past" and "The Phoenix Saga" both stories of which he worked with John Byrne on will immortally be captivating and unforgettable.

Here is the trailer for the documentary "Chris Claremont's X-Men", I am currently geeking out over it pretty hard as The Phoenix Saga holds a very special place in my heart. Hope you all enjoy!


Claremont is credited as co-creator of many characters here is a list-

Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Forge, Shadowcat, Sunspot, Phoenix, Captain Britain, The Brood, Mister Sinister, Lockheed, Proteus, Mystique, Strong Guy, Destiny, Gateway, Selene, Legion, Lady Mastermind, Pyro, Emma Frost, Avalanche, Tessa, Donald Pierce, Siryn, Sebastian Shaw, Jubilee, Empath, Rachel Summers, Sabretooth, Madelyne Pryor, Cypher, Moira MacTaggert, Karma, Shadow King, Wolfsbane, Cannonball, Warpath and Mirage!

Did Claremont create one of your favorite characters? If so let us know in Talk Backs!


Also, Claremont is to thank for bringing a multinational diversified X-Men, I have often thought that Star Trek may have had a part in inspiring Claremont to be a more inclusive creator. Undoubtedly the civil rights movements of the 60's and 70's which in all honesty were dwindling in the late 70's spurred him to keep the good fight going through his pivotal work with Marvel. I remember when my Asian American friend in middle school lamenting how there were no superheroes that looked like her when I introduced her to Jubilee her face lit up like a firecracker, she now cosplays at conventions and is an avid comic collector. She is a perfect example of how beautifully genius Chris Claremont is, he gave everyone a hero worth loving and believing in, the man is a master dream weaver and catcher!

Overall I am frothing at the mouth in anticipation of this documentary, which has added over forty minutes of footage and never before seen interviews with Deadpool's Pappy Rob Liefled, artist Marc Silvestri as well as some groovy fanboys and girls. Taking the reigns as director, producer, and editor of this project is Patrick Meaney and he is no newb to filming documentaries about comic creators as he directed "Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously," "The Image Revolution," "Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts," and "Grant Morrison: Talking to Gods." The new improved documentary will be available on VOD February 6th and is distributed by XLrator Media.

So expect a review promptly on the 6th!


Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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