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"THE FIRST PURGE" Trailer is as American as Propaganda filled Apple Pie!


 Hola Dannie aqui,

Today brought us the trailer for "The First Purge" and boy oh boy it is hilariously disturbing! Filmed like a political add, with a raspy southern narrator talking about all the things that make America great, this trailer has me smiling with evil delight! Check it out Y'all!


Well, I love this trailer, it is what makes America great, the freedom to create and criticise without censorship. The mocking nature of this is awesome, I wonder when we will get to see another trailer because this one is satirical and does not give us much to chew on story wise it is truly is a big tease! I wonder how political this film is going to be, or is this just marketing madness at its best? Can not wait to see this one on July 4th!

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movie!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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