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Luke Wilson, Danny McBride, and crew get North American Distribution for "ARIZONA"


 Hola Dannie aqui,

 Today it was announced that RLJ Entertainment, has acquired all North American rights to the film "ARIZONA," which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews.  

 “Arizona was loved by audiences at the Sundance Film Festival for its unique story with a comedic twist,” said Mark Ward, Chief Acquisitions Officer for RLJE Films.  “With the combination of a great cast and a smart screenplay, we’re excited let audiences experience Arizona this summer.”

  This is the directorial debut of Jonathan Watson, however, he has 45 credits as a Second Unit Director/Assistant Director so he is no noob he has worked on HBO’s “Vice Principals,” "Bad Boys," "The Truman Show," "The Green Mile" and "The Amazing Spider-Man" to name a few.  The film was written by the witty Luke Del Tredici who you may recognize from his work on FOX’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” "30 Rock" and "Bored to Death".  "ARIZONA" stars Danny McBride ("Pineapple Express," and "East Bound and Down"), Rosemarie DeWitt (Poltergeist), Luke Wilson ("Idiocracy," and "Bottle Rocket"), Elizabeth Gillies (CW’s “Dynasty”) and Kaitlin Olson aka Sweet Dee from FX’s hit “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.  

RLJ Entertainment describes the film as--

"Set in the midst of the 2009 housing crisis, Arizona is a darkly comedic story that follows Cassie Fowler, a single mom and struggling realtor whose life goes off the rails when she witnesses a murder." 

Here I included a video of Luke Wilson, Danny McBride, and cast talking about the on-set antics of making ARIZONA from the IMDb Studio stage at SUNDANCE 2018. Hope you all enjoy!   


RLJE Films plans to release Arizona in theaters this summer. Arizona was produced by Imperative Entertainment’s Dan Friedkin (All the Money in the World), Ryan Friedkin (Hot Summer Nights), Bradley Thomas (All the Money in the World ) and Rough House Picture’s McBride and Brandon James (HBO’s “Vice Principals”). I will be keeping my eye out for a trailer, and can not wait to check this one out. I love dark comedies and this one has a cast and crew to die for! What do all you out there think, I had to include the interview led by Kevin Smith, hope it sparked some interest for y'all it did for me!

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

Art by Paul Russel

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