If you need a new zombie movie to devour, well my friend, we’ve found one for you.
Is it just me or do the French make just about everything a little bit better? While this certainly reminds me of 28 DAYS LATER and I AM LEGEND, it seems to have a fresh punk-rock vibe running through it. Maybe it’s just the aesthetic but I get a hint of TRAINSPOTTING in there, too. Regardless, it looks fun, and with the reviews split almost fifty/fifty I’m actually intrigued. I take umbrage with anything universally adored or reviled.
The synopsis: Sam visits his ex to get his records back as she’s having a party. The guests’ revelry sickens him and he retreats to a quiet room to collect his things and falls into an easy slumber. The next morning he finds the flat streaked with blood and the streets outside overrun with the reanimated dead. Hilarity ensues.
I added that last part, but the trailer does give one the impression that levity can be found in the dire situation. I particularly enjoy the play on the title: The Night Eats the World. As one sleeps to shut out a world of alien emotions only to wake to find it bereft of all humanity. If nothing else, one can at least hope for a fresh take on the genre.
What do you think? Will you check into this maison des morts?
Until next time, see you at the movies!