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Movie News

You have GOT to see The Unseen!



How do you find your next favorite movie? When I was younger I would stalk the aisles of the video store, and then when I started working at one it became much easier. That’s how I found gems like THE BOONDOCK SAINTS and CEMETERY MAN. But now the Internet has made our search much, much easier. And it has delivered this:



I can only speak for myself when I see this looks cool as hell! The effects are top notch, and why wouldn’t they be? Filmmaker Geoff Redknap has been working in special effects as a makeup artist for over twenty years, and he’s worked on everything. Seriously, everything; Google him!


Obvious comparisons to HOLLOW MAN aside, the trailer seems to point to some deeper character development attempted for this iteration of the Incredible Disappearing Man, and the overall tone seems darker and more desolate. Julia Sarah Stone stars as the waylaid daughter in the first role I’ve seen her in since her very brief appearance on TNT’s FALLING SKIES. Yes, I was one of the three people who watched and enjoyed that show.


Further research reveals this film was actually made in 2016 and released in Canada, so I can only hope that the information attached to this trailer means that it may get some distribution support behind it. Then again, looking at the tags thrown on the information tab, it’s clear that this movie remains a mystery to practically everyone who’s seen it.


And that’s why I want to see it! Who doesn’t love a good mind fuck? And with what appears to be claustrophobia, horror, generational dysfunction, a shady subplot, and a haunted asylum, this film just might deliver. Oh, and did I mention the effects look great? Because the effects look great.


I can’t promise anything, except to hold true to the nature of this site: Ain’t It Cool? News.


And damnit, I think this is pretty cool! What do you all think?


Here’s to hoping you find your next favorite movie soon…




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