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The Web-Head Spinoff For Morbius: The Living Vampire Has It's Sights On Jared Leto

Hello all, Mad Dashiell here and thank you for joining me. 

Daniel Espinosa has been tapped to direct the new film with Morbius the Living Vampire. Espinosa helmed Sony’s sci-fi thriller, LIFE (arguably Venom's backstory). The script has been penned by Netflix's minds behind the LOST IN SPACE reboot, Matt Sazama, and Burk Sharpless. 

It looks as though Morbius will be cast as an antihero much like the theme in the new VENOM flick on the way. The synopsis was teased by our friends at That Hashtag Show recently. It sounds good enough to have been taken from the Marvel comics following the character the past 47 years, It certainly sounds interesting at least. The site hyped that the “horror action story of a scientist who, in trying to find a cure for a rare blood disease, accidentally transformed himself into a living vampire who, though disgusted by his own bloodlust, chooses to prey upon criminals he deems unworthy of life.”That said, I am glad to hear it's looking like Spidey will be making an appearance in the film.
-So far It is only rumored that Leto will be joining the Spider-Man film universe. It is unknown at this time if this will have any affect on Leto's role in the DCEU, In wake of the recent circulating news of Leto receiving his own Joker feature spinoff. 
-Nobody is saying whether or not Leto will be teaming-up with Hardy’s Venom further down the road either. Stay tuned as more of the story develops. Tom Hardy’s VENOM is set for release this October 4.
-Worthy Note: Morbius, the Living Vampire gained some fan traction after appearing in Spider-Man: The Animated Series mid 90's, with voice-work by Nick Jameson.
-This is Mad Dashiell signing off.
 Art Credit: Dulce Brassea
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