Hola Dannie aqui,
Today some rumored news flew across the great pond from a mysterious UK spy I shall refer to as Super Grip! The report is so cool I just had to share it, whether real or not it is a fun thought to bounce around one's noggin. Here is what Super Grip had to say...
"Hey there."
"I work at various movie studios in the UK and have been situated at Pinewood for a few weeks, and I'm moving to Cardiff on a project soon. I haven't seen anything about this online anywhere, so I thought id send the info on to you: Space at Pinewood has been booked for November & December 2018 to hold auditions for a Marvel project called CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND THE BLACK KNIGHT. The name of the director booked in for all these dates is GUY RITCHIE. Marvel seems to be moving fast with it to fill in the space left behind by Danny Boyle's aborted Bond 25. Everyone is excited because it looks like another few months of solid work when we thought we would have to wait a while."
"Hope this is of interest like I said I haven't heard anything about it online, but Marvel is getting in there fast."

Captain Britain aka Brian Braddock is a British hero who was gifted with various superpowers via the mighty Merlyn the magician and his daughter Roma who is an Omniversal Guardian. Braddock then vows to protect and uphold the laws and ideals of Britain. Captain Britain first appeared in Marvel UK's universe back in 1976. Many remember the artist Alan Davis' work on the character and the infamous writers Chris Claremont and Alan Moores literary contributions to the character. I would kill to read a script penned by Moore and Claremont, but I am sure that's just me having fangirl daydreams.

The Black Knight aka Dane Whitman is the carrier of a cursed magical sword that has been passed down since the days of King Arthur, Whitman's Uncle passed the sword onto him in hopes he could regain the families honor after his Uncle had used the powers of the Black Knight for evil.
Both Captain Britain and the Black Knight have appeared in Avenger comics as well as some other supergroups. I am hoping for the entire MI6 team. If Guy Ritchie is indeed taking the helm as the director I hope he has learned from his mistakes on the film "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" a film I felt was sub-par in comparison to his earlier work such as "Snatch" and "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels." I am hoping he learned, and this film will make amends for his King Arthur flick. That is of course if this news is true if so looks like we broke it! If not, oh well it was fun to toss around the ole noggin. How many of you out there in Geeklandia would like to see this made reality? How do you all feel about Guy Ritchie directing? Who would you all like to see in the leading roles? I want to send a special thanks out to Super Grip for sharing the coolness with AICN and all our beloved geeks and geekettes!
Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!
Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa