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Check out the final poster for VENOM!


So... Venom comes out in just a few weeks. We know now that the film won't be rated R. Instead it will be rated a “hard edged” (per the filmmakers) PG-13. we also know that the symbiote suit won't contain the classic white spider chest emblem and it’s looking less and less likely that they'll be any substantial connections to the MCU version of Spiderman. We do know however that Tom Hardy (MAD MAX: FURY ROAD) will have a funny accent in the film. That by itself is enough to at least get me to give this film a chance. Hardy's strange accent choices never fail to fascinate me.

Anyway... and now we know what the theatrical poster will look like. Personally, it's giving me a strong "Marvel Studios" vibe. You can tell SONY took a cue from the Mouse House on this one. Check it out:



Not bad, right? I really don't know if the film will be any good but that's a perfectly fine poster for a studio trying to market a potential franchise starter.


Speaking of marketing, here is the final trailer for the film in case you missed it.



The footage here gives us our best look at the Venom effects yet and truthfully, I think they look solid. The film may or may not be any good but you can tell they tried hard to bring everyone's favorite symbiote to life and that's cool all by itself.


What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments…  or you can you just curse the name of Topher Grace. I don't know. You do you.


VENOM releases into theaters nationwide October 5th.




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