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VHYes trailer unspools an unforgettable 80's homage into your brain

Ken, with a trailer from Oscilloscope Laboratories, for what has to be, one of the coolest/weirdest movies I watched in 2019.

VHYes is a love letter to the era I grew up in.  Set largely in 1987 (I was 12), it’s a splicing of three main themes:  A wedding tape.  Two kids Ralph (Mason McNulty) and Josh (Rahm Braslaw) recording over Ralph’s aforementioned parent’s wedding tape.  And a brilliant menagerie of 80’s themed television.

After that trailer, you’re probably wondering if VHYes is a comedy?

Or maybe a horror?

Is this some kind of weird love story?

Is it the most nostalgic flick you’ll see this year?
Yes is the definitive answer to all of those!

I can’t say more until Jan 12th, when I will post my review.  But I can tell you that this thing touched all my pleasure centers in ways I found incredible by films end.

Til next time Kids

Ken Lewis (AKA: Freddy Beans)

Read my thoughts about the video rental store experience here.

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