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Official Poster For Rob Zombie's 3 FROM HELL!!!

The official poster for Rob Zombie's upcoming film "3 FROM HELL" has arrived! Check it out below!


      I'm digging the old school, "grindhouse" feel of this poster and I love the colors! It highlights three of the main characters: Otis (Bill Mosely), Baby (Sherry Moon-Zombie) and a new face, Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (Richard Brake). 

I do have a question though... WHERE THE FU*k IS CAPTAIN SPAULDING (Sid Haig)?


Are you guys excited for 3 FROM HELL! Stay tuned for more news and upcoming interviews with the cast! As always comment below! Until next time, keep on geekin' on my friends!


Joshua "Prometheus" Scafidi

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