Roni Rampant here,
Every once in a while, something happens that makes it worth being up late on Twitter: for instance, Brie Larson dropping an exclusive clip in the wee hours of the morning, featuring a new action sequence from the upcoming CAPTAIN MARVEL movie:
There's nothing I love more than a good, crunchtastic 80's action sequence so let's break it down, shall we?
Here we have: 1) Captain Marvel battling somebody in a Cosby sweater, 2) getting knocked down, but hanging on by her fingertips on the side of a speeding Amtrak train, 3) flying chunks of metal hitting late-model period-correct cars, 4) yay! Agent Coulson!! 5) Yay again! Nick Fury! 6) Fire effects that don't suck, and 7) making an exit through the roof as the train hurtles into a tunnel.
Yeah I think this is shaping up to be one hell of a ride. What do you guys think?
- Roni