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COBRA KAI Renewed for season 3!!!

COBRA KAI has been renewed for a third season!

The YouTube Premium series will return for a third season next year! The announcement was made by COBRA KAI co-creator John Hurwitz on Twitter! You can check out the announcement video below!

COBRA KAI is a blast. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This show has absolutely no business being this good. But it is! If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet I recommend that you do! Just don’t take it too seriously because it’s a show that doesn’t take it self too seriously. It can be over the top and even a little ridiculous at times but that’s half the fun, right?


There’s plenty of lighthearted humor with a splash of drama and just the right amount of fan service to compliment it. I’ve watched both seasons eagerly and I’m excited for season 3! With the way season 2 ended it can’t come quick enough!


What do you guys think? Will you be watching the third season when it comes out? What do you think is going to happen next? You know the deal! Comment below and until next time, keep on geekin’ on my friends!


Joshua "Prometheus" Scafidi                                                                                                     

Follow me: @JoshuaScafidi     


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