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Signed Copy of “Echoes of Fear” Available from Dark Delicacies!


Hey there, fellow horror geeks and monsterphiles, Prometheus here! A while back I interviewed the hilarious Hannah Race for a film she was starring in, “ECHOES OF FEAR.” (You remember, she can lick her elbow…) The film received numerous rave reviews and praises at the time, from myself included, and now it’s available on Blu-ray!

Now, I could give you a few solid reasons to buy the film. I could talk about how it’s a quality horror movie that’s not quite what you’re expecting going in. I could tell you about how the house it’s filmed in is actually the real home of writer/director couple Brian and Laurence "Lo" Avenet-Bradley, and that it’s super creepy, and that I’m totally jealous of it. 

For added measure, I could even throw in a spiel about how the bonus features on the Blu-ray are awesome, with the highlight being a 55 minute behind the scenes feature that gives a sweet look at said creepy house! It would all be true!

Instead, let me tell me you a story…

A small, horror-loving/supporting company by the name of Dark Delicacies purchased a good amount of “ECHOES OF FEAR on Blu-ray for a special, in-store signing by star Trista Robinson, as well as Brian and Lo Avenet-Bradley. Then the ‘Rona (the asshole, villain of this story) came to town and had other plans, causing the signing to be canceled. 

Why am I telling you this? Because now Dark Delicacies has a bunch of signed Blu-rays of the film for the discounted price of $20.00… and I have a link! Dark Delicacies has these signed copies despite our current (and very shitty) situation because Trista, Brian, and Lo went there to personally sign them, pandemic gear and all! Safety precautions were taken, I have photographic proof! 

Trista at Dark Delicacies 

Brian at Dark Delicacies

Lo at Dark Delicacies 

If you’re looking for a good horror film, pick up a signed copy of “Echoes of Fear” here! Be sure to check out those bonus features and when you do, come back and comment on that crazy-ass house! “Echoes of Fear” stars Trista Robinson and Hannah Race. See the full cast and crew here!

Until next time, keep on geekin’ on, my friends!

Joshua “Prometheus” Scafidi

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