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Movie News


Freddy Beans here with a trailer for a zombie movie titled PATIENTS OF A SAINT.

Eleven sure grew up fast didn’t she?

I know there’s a lot of people that feel zombie movies have run their course.  I’m not one of them.  I love zombie films and this one looks pretty great.  A little bit 28 DAY LATER, with a dash of RE-ANIMATOR and a sprinkle of THE DEAD PIT. 

Count me in!

I’m also a sucker for prison movies so I had no chance.

The synopsis is simple enough.  Medical experiments go haywire on St. Leonards Island near Australia.  And the already violent criminals become something a bit, more.  The survivors must escape a maze of disease and death to reach the conclusion of the movie.

PATIENTS OF A SAINT was written by Matthew J. Gunn and Russell Owen with Russell also taking the director’s reins.  Jesse Williams takes a lead role for this one due in the UK October 14, 2019. 

Is anyone else still bit by the zombie bug?
Are you ready to chomp into this morsel?

Til next time Kids

Ken Lewis (AKA: Freddy Beans)


Instagram: freddybeans13

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