Ken with the trailer and an exclusive clip for the horror movie THE ODDS.
Looks like a cat and mouse, trapped in a room of your own volition, SAW styled horror flick.
The synopsis has a young woman (Abbi Butler) enlisting in an underground game of pain endurance in the hopes of winning a cool million cash. The trailer makes it seem like a large network of players are playing against one another for that prize. There’s clearly a tie to Abbi’s past with the quick snippets of flashback too.
It all reminds me of a documentary on extreme games titled TICKLED. If you like the set-up to THE ODDS at all, you definitely need to check that one out. It’s a demented good time.
The exclusive clip:
Game Master (James J. Fuertes) has the player (Abbi Butler) test her epidermis’ stamina over a lit candle. Eventually player 3 bitches out and she’s relieved of the test.
Bob Giordano directed THE ODDS for his first feature film.
I’m looking forward to locking myself in my house and watching this player, locked in a game of endurance and wits with her Game Master.
THE ODDS comes to VOD, Digital HD, and DVD on June 4.
Til next time Kids
Ken Lewis (AKA: Freddy Beans)
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