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Fanhome Launches The Legends of Batman Collection

Hello all!


So, if you're like me, you love Batman. Who doesn't? However, when it comes down to reading his myriad adventures, where should one start? 

A few of the intsallments in this collection

Batman has been a hero in pages and on screens for over 85 years, so it's hard to jump into his exploits without a guiding hand to navigate the most important formative stories. To this end Fanhome, a subscription-based model and collectible service, has launched a new collection called The Legends of Batman Graphic Novel Collection. From Year Zero to Year 100, this collection promises to tell the most definitive stories of the Caped Crusader in beautifully reproduced glossy hardcovers, each with bonus content such as variant covers, concept art, and creator notes.


"From the moment Bruce Wayne becomes The Caped Crusader to his final days in the future, this collection brings together essential Batman tales in a book series that belongs on every bookshelf."


New volumes arrive monthly, and the series is MASSIVE. From the collected spines one can see that we'll witness the Joker's origin, the Death in the Family, the Breaking of the Bat, and the formation and expansion of the Bat Family. This looks to be an amazing collection for fans of the Bat new and established, young and old. 


To find out how to order, check out

Year Zero


Check it out and stay tuned for more info!

-McEric, aka Eric McClanahan-me

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