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Hot new HELLBOY 2019 Redband Trailer and Posters!

A new trailer has dropped for HELLBOY 2019, let’s take a look! Scroll down to the bottom for some sweet new posters!

Did you guys catch those Nazi 3D glasses at 0:25? Haha.


I really want to be excited for this movie because I love Hellboy. Everything looks fantastic in it, and they even emulated GDT’s style of monster very well. Everything seems good, except for well, Hellboy.


I know that David Harbor is a big fan and is putting a lot into the role, but it just sounds like he’s trying to be Ron Perlman in his voice, and it comes off as a drunk Ron Perlman. Perhaps that is the fault of the costume, which brings me to the next thing I find most bothersome. Someone pointed out that the costume and makeup on Harbour looks like Perlman’s Hellboy that is dealing with a drug addiction and I can’t unsee it.


Hopefully the movie will be entertaining enough that we can look past the main character??? I don’t know, I want to like this movie. But hey, Milla Jovovich is an amazing actress and is in this movie too, let’s not forget her!


What do you guys think of Harbour's Hellboy vs. Perlman's?


We also have a sweet poster drop to share! Check them out!




~Big Eyes


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