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See Keanu Reeves is the Canuck with all the Luck in Toy Story 4


 Hola Dannie aqui,

 First off I would like to apologize for my recent absence from the site. My husband injured himself badly, and my Dads roof caved in, so I had to jump on fixing both of those calamities. I would also like to thank all the writers and publishers that have had my back during this time. I am blessed to have such a badass crew.


Now to business-

The good folks at Disney and Pixar have recently unveiled a look at an amusing character voiced by none other than Keanu Reeves. I am going to leave my take on Duke Caboom (Keanu Reeves) until below the TV spot. 

Enjoy "TOY STORY 4's" TV spot "Keanu Reeves as Duke Caboom."


I love what I have seen so far of Duke Caboom who appears to be a Canadian version of America's beloved stunt man extraordinaire Evel Knievel (Robert Craig Knievel). The Duke Caboom theme song is friggin' hilariously catchy and fitting. I am interested to see where TOY STORY 4 takes us this time, how large a part will Caboom play? It is delightful to see they decided on an action figure with a playset also incredibly reminiscent of a set of toys I habitually stole from my brother during my elementary school era in the '80s. His toys from the '70s were always so cool. Eventually, my family caught on and stopped buying me stupid girly toys. I loathed Barbie and hated baby dolls (honestly I found them creepy for years). I guess you can say I was a tomboy. So I pilfered my brothers and fathers toy collections. Destroying, unfortunately, some gems the Evel Knievel playset... one of my many victims that resided in pieces in my sandbox. 

TOY STORY 4 is set to hit theaters on June 21st. How many of you out there in cyberspace will be going to infinity and beyond yet again with TOY STORY 4 this summer? I am a duck in a barrel for Pixar, and they already shoot straight. Seriously I love this series and can not wait to meet new characters and see where our old friends go! What do all of you think of Duke Caboom the luckiest Canuck? Did any of you out there have some of the Evel Knievel toys? Do you lament looking back on losing or breaking a toy? I sure do my biggest regret, was taking 3 Shogun Warriors giant figures and the Shogun Godzilla figures out into a plum orchard and leaving them there, they were then trampled by cattle. Stupid 7-year-old Dannie! 


Until next time-

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie H.L. Knowles aka Pekosa Peligrosa






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