The latest installment of the Legendary Pictures MONSTERVERSE franchise, GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS, is set to be released on May 31st, and this morning, Warner Brothers/Legendary surprised us with a new teaser! It gives us a great look at all of the monsters, as well as providing context for some shots from previous trailers that were the source of a good bit of speculation.
Watch the new trailer here:
"This is Godzilla's world. We just live in it."
"Damn right."
In previous trailers, there were some brief shots of fighter jets seemingly flying WITH Godzilla, rather than AT him. This has now been confirmed. He's been held captive by who we can presume to be Monarch, and is released to combat the threat of the other Kaiju (Titans, in the Legendary Monsterverse), with the humans fighting alongside him!
Here are ALL of the trailers we've seen so far:
All of the monsters look absolutely amazing in this film. They're simultaneously faithful to the look of the original Japanese releases and updated for a more realistic appearance, and Legendary has NAILED that balance. Mothra, in particular, is breathtakingly beautiful.
I am BEYOND excited for this movie!! I can't wait to see these Titans battle it out for the future of the planet on the big screen!
Until next time, keep it geek!
Benny No-Good