Hey, guys. I have an extremely reliable source who says '[Frank] Darabont is out of LAW ABIDING CITIZEN and I mean really out. It apparently ended ugly.' So take that and do what you will.The project is negotiating with Jamie Foxx ("Dreamgirls," "The Kingdom") to play a man who turns vigilante after the killer of his wife and daughter is set free via plea agreement. Gerard Butler (Nim's Island," "RockNRolla") plays one of the vigilante's targets: the assistant district attorney who hatched the plea deal. The script is by Kurt Wimmer ("Sphere," "The Recruit," "Equilibrium," "Ultraviolet"). Former Warner Independent Pictures exec Mark Gill's new Film Department company is producing the thriller. If Darabont ("The Shawshank Redemption," "The Green Mile," "The Mist") or anyone else knows differently, he knows how to get in touch with us … herculesAICN@yahoo.com
He's earned the right. With him off this project, I could care less.
I kick ass and I take blame
Chud has an article talking about Foxx joining it, and noted the discrepancy in plotlines that have issued forth. One of them sounds smart and scary, the other sounds run of the mill Hollywood. My guess is Darabont wanted the smart plotline, and he got re-written out of a good movie that he no longer wishes to be a part of.
Ain't It Cool News or Ain't It Cool Rumour? I'm starting to wonder if this site should be re-named. Thanks again for making me read another completely pointless and worthless article.
i thought he helped write it too...hmm...now i care not
not Ultraviolent? a piss poor movie with a decent concept though. If I were Frank,I'd steer clear of any script by Wimmer! Equilibrium gets more credit than it deserves. It was good,just not the epic masterpiece some make it out to be. Sphere was utter crap! Darabont has a good track record in my book. I think he knows what he's doing
He peaked with Shawshank like a modern Orson Welles. This guy shoulda taken some pointers from Trey Parker in the Imagination Land commentary....you fucked up FRANK! You got too cocky thinking you were hot shit, and now you're sitting in the bottom of a toilet sizzling....like a hot shit...
He'd be nice to you. Unless you were the Blob, then he'd freeze your ass.
Sounds like a completely un-original film. When will we stop getting remakes, and rehashes of overused storylines?
Given the juvenile, empty sort of films Wimmer makes it seems odd that someone of Darabont's skill would be involved. He probably walked away when he was told to put more bullet time gun-kata into the film.
you really think there was a franchise in the mist? even if the original ending was there? you sir are a dumb fuck.
Fucking give me a break.
Was it a TV movie? (Or porn?)
I hope you're trolling, because if you're not, it makes me cry inside.
Which might be for the best if he ends up on FX or AMC (or even Showtime) with something unique and interesting. But I think the guy's film career is all but over. He can't turn out a hit to save his life and if he starts developing a reputation as "difficult" then he's really screwed, what with his b.o. track record.
Fuck franchises. That is all.
Darabont passed on much larger budgets at studios so he could make the film the way he wanted and all studios want is a potential francise. Let him continue making good films his way and leave the fucking franchises to the McG's and Ratners. Over and Out.
But I guess thats because I'm not a sissy faggot like General Crom. He'll be cryin himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillah!
Crom, if you thought that King's story was about battling the mist monsters, then I don't know what to say to you.
You really showed your ignorance with that post.
I thought it was one of the best films of last year. That ending completely destroyed me, I left the theatre in shock. Haven't had a post-movie experience like that in a long, long time. In fact, WITHOUT that ending, the movie wouldn't have been half as powerful. Intelligence: 1 | General Crom: 0.
Which makes the fact that the film worked so well for me even more impressive. By the way, has anyone watched the film in black and white on the DVD? Does it do anything for the film? Better? Worse? Hasn't been released in South Africa yet (comes out in like three weeks) and I'm really curious.
The special effects look much better in b&w. Especially the scene with the spiders. Some of the close-ups still look pretty bad though.
It was a stupid idea anyway.
Awesome, I was hoping as much.
I just watched Feast II, and yeah, it wasn't as good as the first one but the guy can direct the shit out of ANYTHING. He needs to be given an actual studio picture. He would knock it out of the park. This sounds like something he could put his usual stamp on. Give the man some work!!!
was like a 90 minute handjob from a hot chick, but instead of finishing you off, she jumps up and shits in your mouth. Which is cool if you're into that. I'm not.
I loved the movie, but the ending was NOT intelligent. Why? Because the army arrives IMMEDIATELY after the important thing just happened and the fog dissipates IMMEDIATELY after this crucial point. Sorry but an otherwise intelligent script was ruined by a cut rate Twilight Zone gotcha. And they did it with one of the oldest cliches in the book. Be honest, how many times in movies do you hear sirens JUST AFTER the good guy saves the day? Just because it was used for impact doesn't make it any less cliche.
I agree with your logic, but as you said - it was used for impact. If they had "THREE WEEKS LATER" come up, it wouldn't have been half as gut-wrenching. You aren't wrong though.
Wonder how it stacks up to [rec]...
Seriously, some of you talkbackers are some of the saddest and most clueless fucks ever to have an opinion. I love watching you morons act like you understand the film industry.
Since I saw it coming. I was surprised when he shot everyone, but right afterwards, the first thing that popped into my mind was "wouldn't it be really great if...", and then the army trucks came in. Talk about pouring salt on a wound.
but I after I saw the movie I could'nt shake the idea that the army showing up at the end meant that Thomas jane was dead and was now in Hell. It's the only way I could explain why the lady who walked out of the store by herself in the beginning was still alive. Remember right when the army shows up he sees a truck full of survivors and she is there with her children that she left to rescue. There was no way she could have made it all the way home in the mist. Or maybe I just see it like that because I thought it was stupid if it was meant to be taken literally and I loved the movie so much before that.
good...now he can start on the long walk
good...now he can start on the long walk
An awful sounding generic revenge thriller, scripted by non other than Kurt Wimmer, the crap Paul W.S. Anderson (think about how fucking bad you have to be to be a bad imitation of Paul W.S. Anderson). I couldn't believe Darabont was attatched. Good thing he walked on this crap. Maybe he can go make a good film.
made me scream the longest "Fuuuuuuck!!!" i'd ever did in my life
Do not compromise your vision or values, Frank!
October 11, 2008 8:48 PM CST
by TallBoy66
I kind of dig his work, but he keeps getting bounced from projects after development time (I think he was in an adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 and he pluged away at Indy 4 for a good while and it ended with him doing some sass talk). When he seems to be able to get something done, it turns out okay.
Does it involve an atom bomb and a refrigerator? If so, I'm OUT.
both the book and movie. I thought the Mist book was really good, I even had the book on tape with the special sounds effects or whatever. Is the Mist worth watching or not, I need reliable input please.
In short yes. Watch it in black&white though.
Really? B&W huh?
Have you ever seen an interview with this guy? He wears pretension like a men's fragrance. The only way to watch that pile of dogshit "The Mist" is with his commentary turned on (which I did halfway through so to hear his explanation for what I was seeing). He talks like he's directing a piece of cinematic Oscar caliber art. Hilarious.
You post a comment saying you hate talckbackers Is that not a little ironic ? And what is your all important opinion , i dont believe i caught that . You my friend are an A grade gold plated knob.
Kurt Wimmer wrote the movie, there's your proof on how terrible it would be. Also it's no different from your Death Sentence, Death Wish, Max Payne etc. Same bullshit story.
What's to understand? It's an industry like every other: creative type has idea and dream, money-grubbing bean counter has financing,needlessly obtrusive producer acts as go-between, pathetically self-involved/important and overpaid actor plies their craft, entire project is re-arranged and shit upon beyond recognition, test audience renders pedestrian opinion, last minute soul-crushing changes made, everyone dresses up and pretends to care at premiere, sheep buy overpriced popcorn and graze their way through movie, buy used DVD at local grocery store. Did I forget anything?
The best Tom Thumb adapation has been the Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb. Talk about some amazing film work. I love that movie so much. It's a pseudo-stop-motion film with claymation and humans, little to no dialogue and an awesomely weird pseudo-post-apocalyptic universe. Rad movie.
I don't know, man. I listened to that commentary and Darabont didn't sound at all pretentious.
The interview with him and Stephen King is hard to watch though. It's basically Darabont sucking King off for ten minutes and comparing him to Dickens, which seemed to make King pretty uncomfortable.
Someone should have locked Lucas and Speilberg in a closet and let frank do his thing on indiana jones
Fuck Jamie Foxx. Overrated asshole.
Word has it that Frank Darabont is a real prick to work with, at least when he's the man in charge and in the directors chair anyhow. I've even heard that same thing personally from two different crew members that have worked on different gigs with him (one was on The Majestic, the other who worked on his Shield episode). It's also been pointed out that, in recent years at least, very few people seem to have chosen to work with Darabont more than once. In fact everything I've heard would lead one to believe its another typical case of ego out of control-itis, otherwise known as my-way-or-the-highway disease. The really odd thing though is that in every interview I've ever seen with Darabont he seems like a good guy, and comes across as very down to earth, and doesn't at seem like the kind of rampaging ego that you'd have to be if the above was indeed true. I honestly don't know, maybe he's a bit of a jekyl and hyde personality, completely normal and a good guy most of the time, but under the stress of movie making sometimes just does not deal well, and can be a right arse to be around and work for. He usually makes good movies anyway, so the pain is likely worth it long term regardless, though many who work with him might not feel the same way apparently.
Oops. Anyway, do you really have to put "shawshank" in front of his name? We are all fairly knowledgeable.
If Frank's helming the flick it's bound to be good, and Foxx is a fine actor. It's gotta be better than Foster and Bacon's recent efforts.
I've only seen the film in black and white - missed theatrical, picked up the DVD and watched the B&W first - IT LOOKS FUCKING PHENOMENAL. It's just cool, adds a ton to the atmosphere - is FUN to watch, feels like a real FILM. Also helps the FX slightly. There are scenes from the color version cut into the DVD extras, and IMO it all looks silly in comparison.
October 12, 2008 8:59 PM CST
by RenoNevada2000
The army arriving just a minute too late is the whole point of the ending. After all that he had been through, the true horror awaiting Thomas Jayne's character is having to survive and live with the knowledge of what he had done. Emotionally devestating ending.
And I really do mean vastly. Also the chick who left the store at the beginning of the movie apparently had a gun in her car compartiment and a can of mace and spent three days protecting her children by fighting those spider monsters. I read that in an interview somewhere. Oh and Darabount > Lucas