Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. So, Gangster Squad looks right up my alley. What can I say? I'm a sucker for gangster pictures AND Old Hollywood.
The trailer for Ruben Fleischer's crime flick hit today... not sure exactly where, but the embed I got was from the folks at Badass Digest.
Emma Stone as a femme fatale? Inspired. Sean Penn really looks like he's having fun here and Josh Brolin was born about 50 years too late... although I must admit that there's a couple shots in this trailer where I thought he was Michael Shannon's Agent Van Alden from Boardwalk Empire.
Brace yourselves for a slew of gangster entertainment. Between this and Frank Darabont's upcoming show LA Noir we're in for it. We can always use more tommy guns, so this is a happy trend for me. What about you?
-Eric Vespe
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