Hey folks, Harry here... SO - the good news is... Fox is basing the reboot of DAREDEVIL upon Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's BORN AGAIN comic arc - in which THE KINGPIN discovers the truth about Matt Murdoch & DAREDEVIL and completely fucks Matt's life up - and... well if you've read it, you know the rest. If you haven't?
If you're at Comic Con and you go by IDW's booth, they have a stunning ARTIST'S EDITION of BORN AGAIN - with Mazzucchelli's wonderful pen and ink's perfectly and stunningly reproduced. I have all of these ARTIST'S EDITIONS - I love this story, but for my Nephew's 12th birthday, I gave him my copy - because DAREDEVIL is his favorite Superhero. Watching Ben Affleck's original film was the first time he considered that his Dad could die. Afterwards, he just wanted to go home to be with his Dad. And I think if a little boy could come away from DAREDEVIL with that thought, that his parents were more precious - and that the time we have with them is a gift, then perhaps the boy saw something in the film that hit him, that far more cynical eyes did not take away from that film. That said - DAREDEVIL can be done infinitely superior to what that film became.
NOW - who would you have Direct?
Ya know, this might be absolutely bugnuts insane of me to say... but after THE TOWN... and after the word I've heard on Affleck's ARGO... It'd kind of be cool if Affleck completely kicked the ass out of a DAREDEVIL film.
But if I could pick ANYBODY to direct DAREDEVIL... right now? I vote for GARETH EVANS... and I'd have him polish the script too. I mean, right? Don't you think he could deliver something just fucking jaw-dropping?
Who do you folks think should give it a shot?
BTW - Fleming says that Slade dropped out because his directing duties on the HANNIBAL TV series made his work on this impossible. So there ya have it...