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Jon Favreau to bring The Lion King out of cel animation for Disney!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Early this morning Disney announced that Jon Favreau will be helming a new Lion King adaptation a la his Jungle Book, although now with one less human to ground the whole thing.

No date is set yet, but the Mouse House did confirm that Favreau is hard at work on Lion King as well as the Jungle Book sequel.

It was only a matter of time before they got to this one since Beauty and the Beast is imminent and they're talking about The Little Mermaid getting the live-action treatment. I guess live-action isn't going to describe The Lion King, but if Favreau's approach to photo-real CGI in Jungle Book is any indication you'll be getting a hell of a realistic version of Disney's famous animated musical.

I know Favreau was fascinated by the technology involved with Jungle Book and wanted to play around with that, so I assume there's something here that's really grabbing him creatively as well. He's a good fit, that's for sure. I just hope he can squeeze out another little flick like Made or Chef (anything with a short four letter title, really) between these big Disney movies!

-Eric Vespe
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