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I'm Dreaming of a Geek X-mas! New Awesome 2017 X-mas Ornaments!!!!

Hola Dannie here with the 2017 Movie, TV, and Cartoon Holiday Ornaments from Hallmark, and sweet baby Jesus they went cinematically crazy this year! There is literally something for every type of cinemaniac! There is so much incredibly diverse Geeky goodness to celebrate!

So let us just jump in head first like Uncle Scrooge into his beloved money pit! I will be throwing my two cents in below each figure. Enjoy the marathon!

Pretty sure it is going to be a real Feliz Navidad for a ton of geeks! WARNING: Puns will happen...

Here is Belle and the Beast lovingly looking upon the "cursed" rose...

For the Harry Potter fans o' plenty! Oh holy knight!!

The epic battle between Obi Wan and Darth Vader! Like family arguments, an X-mas thing!

The Death Star is shining bright!

Well this is fantastic!

Vader's advanced x1 Starfighter

"Make it so" this holiday!

Adam West, we miss and love YOU!!!

This X-mas an X Wing! HardeeharharHAR! ;)

We are in a "Whole New World." 

Trekkers, Trekkies, and Klingons rejoice!

Time to grab some Pink Floyd and gather around the tree ;).

For the Stormtroopers with hearts of gold!

Have a "Harley" Jolly X-mas!

"As Cuddly as a Cactus," I use that line all the time :).

Sticking with the "Bear Necessities of Life".

Who does not love good old Darth!

What do ya do with a drunken sailor!?! Early Christmas morning- Aye - Aye- Hiccup!

Classically bad ass!

I think this one needs more work....

"You can call me Flower, if ya want to." I am Twitterpattered!

Oh my GOODness!!!! Must have!!!! "Get away from her you BITCH" for my tree!!!!

Muppet Love 4evers!!!

I suspect this will sell like BB guns in the 50s.

NICE!! Stop Motion Memories just swirled about my noggin!

"I am Groot!" Xiola Bleu this one's made for YOU!

A hilarious ELF for your shelf or tree!

We are so blessed to live in a world of pure imagination!

Celebrate our favorite heroine sci-fi princess!

My favorite Lion of all time (been trying for years to convince my man... We shall call him Duncan Idaho:) dress up as this character for Halloween. Fire re-lit)!!!

I have cried so many times during this one. Yeah I am "sensitive."

This holiday will be Grease enLightening!

Michonne will protect your Yule Loot!

Ohhh Awesome!! A mini Beetlejuice like from the movie. Please come alive! Geeking!

Every geek girl wants one.

Cool stormtrooper variant 

Deadpool coming down your chimney this X-mas?!

1980s comedy "Airplane!" even got an ornament! Wow, I did not expect this! Neato-Torpedo!

An X-Files X-Mas

For the Wee Geeks and Gear Heads!

Wicked Awesome! Beautiful figure! Can't wait to see more of these Praetorian Guards.


Luke with robotic hand showing. Very very COOL!

This lil' guy will brighten "UP" your tree!

Well, this is just adorable...and classy

HULK out and get your mean Green on this X-mas!

This one ummm....needs some work. It's just um.... not working.

Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web any size.

Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out, here comes the Spiderman.

Is he strong? Listen, Bud. He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread ? Take a look overhead.
Hey, there! There goes the Spiderman.

In the chill of the night

At the scene of a crime
Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time

Spiderman, Spiderman. Friendly neighborhood, Spiderman.
Wealth and fame, he ignores; Action is his reward
Look out, here comes the Spiderman.

Spiderman, Spiderman. Friendly neighborhood, Spiderman.
Wealth and fame, he ignores; Action is his reward
To him, life's a great big bang up, Whenever there's a hang up
You'll find the Spiderman! 

...........yeah, I am a little of a fanatic when it comes to my Spidey!


For geeks of all ages! May the Lego Empire never crumble!


One of my family's absolute favorite Warner Bros. characters. A classic!

Tom and Jerry kickin' it Classic Cowboy Style! Yee Haw!

Nicely sculpted and great paint job, Hallmark!

Only "Poor Unfortunate Souls" won't want this!

Dick Grayson gets a stand alone. Awesome!

The world's most lovable idiot genius!


This is ok. What I really want is a Max Fleischer Superman. Where the hell is that?! I am getting spoiled, Hallmark. Give me Fleischer characters!

Dorothy does not really look like Dorothy. Um, no. This is not a good look :(.

You made it through the 2017 Hallmark Ornament Marathon, CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for joining me. This was definitely a fun lil' doozy for me. Hope you all found something to hang from your tree with care. Let us be honest though... these ornaments are for ALL YEAR, not just X-mas but for the daily celebration of all that is cool to you, me and us fan boys and girls that just plain refuse to "grow up."  We are the eternally young at heart. No matter the weather, political climate, or tragedies that fall upon us, we have our geeky delights to keep Thanks for listening to me rant and rave about shit I think is cool!

Stay Strong, Live Good, LOVE MOVIES!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa


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