Hola Dannie aqui,
The new "A WRINKLE IN TIME" released some groovy motion posters and a new TV Spot on the first of January, I am and have been fighting a massive cold/flu since the first so, forgive my poor mortal coil! The motion posters are pretty darn trippy, with Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, and Rees Witherspoon all playfully making ripples in time! Hope you guys enjoy them.
Here is the new darker TV Spot let us know what you all think-
Well, I can not wait to see this on March 9th, the new TV Spot takes a much scarier angle than the previous trailers and spots, this has sparked my interest even more! I really hope this one is good, they never have nailed this story down in TV or cinema so here's hoping the powerhouse cast and the Studios have got this one right finally. There is no excuse affects wise! Well, time for more Theraflu!
Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!
Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa