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“GODZILLA: MONSTER PLANET” Released World Wide! Check It Out!


Heya geeks, Big Eyes here with the latest update and trailers for the newest “GODZILLA” animated movie!!



We finally get a look at the face of Godzilla in this new flick… it seems kind of weird. I guess they finally decided to move away from the cat-like face of the older films. He’s also supposed to be the “largest Godzilla” ever in this new movie. Godzilla was already pretty big, so why not make him bigger and scarier? Honestly, the action looks pretty darn epic and will surely be a feast for the eyes.

The premise of “MONSTER PLANET” is pretty interesting:

“Years into the future and the human race has been defeated several times by the new ruling force of the planet: "kaijus". And the ruler of that force is Godzilla, The King of the Monsters. Humanity is in such defeat, plans to leave the planet have been made, and several people have been chosen to look at a new planet to see if it is inhabitable. Realizing it's not, though, the human race resorts to plan B: to defeat Godzilla and take back their planet.”

It has been a while since we have seen Godzilla in animation. There was a short lived animated series in the 70s, and then a more recent Fox Kids version during the 90s. This new movie is a newer style of anime that is done with 3D cel-shading. The same animators, Polygon Pictures, also produced the anime series “Knights of Sidonia” in 2014, an intriguing anime centered around people who live on Mars

The worldwide release happens on January 17th on Netflix!

~Big Eyes

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