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Movie News

First Look at CAPTAIN MARVEL Has Us Seeing GREEN!


How exciting, you guys! We already have some pics of Captain Marvel’s costume, and it isn’t what I expected at all! The design looks like what we have seen in the comics with a lady Captain Marvel, but the color is different! A hardcore geek pointed out to me that this could be a tribute to original color scheme of Captain Marvel had in the 60s! Check out Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel!



I appreciate the tribute, if that’s what it is, but I think the coloring makes her look like The Green Lantern, or like she’s wearing a Green Lantern themed motorcycle outfit! I understand that it’s the colors of the Kree! These pictures are from Captain Marvel’s Avengers 4, but with her origins set in the past (apparently the 90s), how will that fit into the present? Odds are, these pictures are from a flashback scene. We’ve seen in production art for the stand alone Captain Marvel film that she is clearly wearing her red, blue and gold outfit.

Back in November, Jude Law was announced cast as Mar-Vell. I never thought I’d see Law in any superhero movie, I haven’t thought about him much since “A.I.” Ben Mendelsohn’s part is STILL a mystery. Rumor is that Mendelsohn is cast as the villain Super Skrull!

Looking forward to updating you guys on the new details as we get them!

~Big Eyes

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