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"THE FIRST PURGE" Poster thumbs its Nose at Mr. TRUMP's "UNIOM!"

Hola Dannie aqui,

Today the folks making "THE FIRST PURGE" released a ballsy and hilarious poster poking fun at our current administration, I can totally understand why considering the state of our "UNIOM" :) For those of you screaming about my misspelling, take a look at the tickets for the State of the Uniom I posted below the poster! It is just ridiculously hilarious and embarrassing, and great fodder for politically and socially violent satires.


"The First Purge" is a prequel to the past films and is looking to illuminate us as to what kind of social/political clusterfuck would produce such a savage event. The film is being directed by Gerard McMurray ("Burning Sands") and is being penned by James DeMonaco ("The Purge: Anarchy," "The Purge: Election Year," "The Purge," "The Negotiator," and 2005's "Assault on Precinct 13."

"The First Purge" ironically comes out on our Independence Day July 4th, I am hoping the best for this film even though, to be honest, I haven't been impressed at all by the prior films, but their marketing has always been entertainingly spot on. So, here's hoping the film is as good if not better than the advertising campaign. I really want this film to have substance we shall see, the premise is fruitful as all hell and if handled with care could be terrifyingly awesome...could be. 

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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