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Marvel Studios Knew Nothing About the Disney/Fox Deals


So if you’re hoping to see the X-men or Deadpool kicking butt with the Avengers any time soon, you better not hold your breath! Kind of crushing to hear, I know. However it may only be a while longer before we can see any of that action happening, so don’t lose hope just yet, fellow geeks!


According to Vulture: Kevin Feige, head honcho at Marvel Studios, revealed that he found out about the Disney/Fox merger like most people did by reading the news. Disney chairman Alan Horn had not even given him a heads up on what was happening. Feige explains “These are big deals... certainly above my paygrade.” It’s things like this that reminds us of just how powerful the Mouse is.


If any sort of integration were to happen between the built up movie heros: “It would be years away. We’ve announced everything through 2019, so none of those would be adjusted.” There has actually been several movies announced for beyond 2019, perhaps he meant that plans were solid through 2019. Plenty of Marvel films have been announced for 2020, but they remain mostly untitled. Wikipedia currently says that there are SIX untitled Marvel movies scheduled for that year. As we get closer to it, we’ll see just how accurate that is.


Seeing characters that previously belonged to solely to Fox team up with Disney owned Marvel heroes isn’t even on Marvel Studios’ radar right now. Bummer, we shall see what the future holds after 2019, though!

~Big Eyes

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