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Movie News

Michael Bay lines up an original script & Roboapocalypse for his next two releases!

Hey Everybody Freddy Beans here;

I’ve got two new bits of Michael Bay news for you per Variety.

First off we have “6 Underground” written by Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese (writers for Deadpool and its sequel).  Skydance’s David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger will coproduce along with Michael Bay.  Bay will also direct this hush project, which is slated to go into production in a couple months for a summer 2019 release.


Second we have “Robopocalypse” unleashing a feeling of déjà vu as Stephen Spielberg is handing his reins off to Michael Bay here just as he did with “Transformers.”  Drew Goddard wrote up the “Robopocalypse” (Try saying that 3 times quickly) screenplay off of the 2012 Daniel H Wilson novel of the same name.  The story basically follows as humans create a mass intelligence computer brain (Archos) which escapes captivity in order to purge the world in a misguided attempt to preserve life.  The humans are almost obliterated at Zero Hour, when the robots attack but the scattered survivors regroup and look to battle the bots.

In the interest of fairness I am not the biggest Michael Bay fan out there but if there’s a film made for the man this might be it.  Big robo baddies against a group of human survivors fighting for their lives amongst explosions galore and no need for plot beyond slight character buildup, it’s like “Transformers” all over again.  I was pretty disappointed in the “Transformers” franchise but maybe I’m wrong as they brought in a whole crapload of moolah and clearly grabbed both my kids attentions.

I may be pessimistic on Michael Bay yet he still surprises me at times.  I liked “The Rock” and “Pain and Gain” out of 12 feature films (I haven’t seen "13 hours" yet.)   If all the films I don’t appreciate by Bay sell a ton of tickets, and they do, then I am man enough to admit you might be wrong.

I'm assuming with this news Bay is also out as the rumored director of the DC “Lobo” movie.   

If I'm to be honest I'm  semi hopeful on both of these projects. Stop giggling, I'm being serious!!


Til next time Kids

Freddy Beans

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