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Amazon possible $1 Billion investment in China's beloved science fiction author, Liu Cixin's "The Three Body Problem" series

Hola Dannie aqui,

This bit of news broke by ( two days ago and is pretty darn exciting. Amazon is rumored to be putting a bid in for China's most beloved and best-selling Science-Fiction series of books by the masterful author Liu Cixin. The offer is said to be $1 billion buckaroo's I mean dollars. That is quite a budget, this combined with their massive investment in their upcoming "Lord of the Rings" series, blatantly screams "AMAZON WANTS TO DOMINATE" the digital film and television market, and they are putting their money where their mouth is. Amazon has big balls and a brain to boot!


Found the above Obama quote from the (New York Times), and thought hey, why not include it and a link to their entire interview with Obama talking about "The Three Body Problem" as well as "The Dark Forest" and "Deaths End"! 

 We live in good times, masterpieces are being given the time, money and hopefully talent and respect they deserve. We will be keeping an eye on this project. How do you all feel about it? How many of you have read the series? 

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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