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Jack Johnson, The Galveston Giant, to get the movie treatment in THE BIG BLOW!!!


Freddy Beans here;

With information from DEADLINE that there’s now a second biopic on Jack Johnson headed our way in the form of THE BIG BLOW.

Reinaldo Marcus Green (writer/director of MONSTERS AND MEN) will helm this one off of a script by Oren Moverman adapted from Joe Landsdale novel “The Big Blow.”

Giannina and Ridley Scott are producing at SCOTT FREE.

Sylverster Stallone came out of the gate first on a Jack Johnson film of course.  Whoever finishes first I just want it to showcase what a uniquely amazing man Jack was.

The “Galveston Giant” was an African American boxer who found success in the Jim Crow era.  He became the first African American heavyweight champ and held the belt for a dominant 7 years.  He’s got so many iconic moments, from parading his white girlfriends out in the open despite death threats, to hitting an opponent so hard he had to swipe the man’s teeth embedded in his glove to throw another punch, to simply refusing to stand at the “back of the bus” if you will.  He is the Jackie Robinson of boxing.

Donald Trump also just pardoned Jack for his violation of the Mann act in 1910. (an unjust charge to be sure, and about damn time)

If you watch this fight with him vs Stanley Ketchel in 1909, you can see he had a clearly defensive style.  He’s waiting to be attacked to throw that right hand.  Jack makes his opponent lunge forward, therefore leaving him wide open for the counter.  There are many that hated Jack during his heyday, for enjoying punishing his opponents.  He had a penchant for beating an opponent up without necessarily knocking them out, though clearly he possessed the power.  Who knows, but he was a master of his craft and we’re better for him having walked this planet.

Anyone else want to see films on Jack?  Not like you have much choice, sounds like we’ll have two completed before 2020 ends.

Til next time Kids

Freddy Beans

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